May 20, 2005

The Island trailer

TheIsland1.jpgYou've got to hand it to Michael Bay, for him the word action means a lot more than cameras rolling. He truly is a master of the set action piece and the new trailer for The Island shows that off to perfection.

The story has an interesting premise and could actually turn out quite well, but to hell with all that, check out the action! Through Coming Soon check out the trailer on Yahoo.

Well? What did you think?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 20, 2005 02:01 PM

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I remember the first time i saw this movie, when it was called THX 1138!!!

Posted by: miguel at May 21, 2005 04:16 AM

Yeah, the concept feels very familiar, but there have been a lot of movies about people/robots trying to escape from their sheltered society. Having said that, with Johansen and MacGregor in it, and Bay directing, I'll probably see it.

Posted by: Alter Ego Comics at May 21, 2005 12:30 PM

For the love of god, STOP making Sean Bean a villain, give the man a starring role!!

Posted by: Rufus2k2 at May 21, 2005 01:33 PM

actually, the first time you saw this was Logan's Run.

Posted by: jason at May 21, 2005 11:34 PM

I wasn't terribly impressed when I saw this trailer (it was one of the trailers before ROTS). It's a cross between Logan's Run and THX 1138 with Michael Bay explosions. Eh - I may pass on this one.

Posted by: Meli at May 23, 2005 01:37 PM

not crazy about michael bay films. but with SCARLETT JOHANSSON & EWAN MCGREGOR ----i'm there opening day!!!

Posted by: 718 at May 23, 2005 02:09 PM