May 18, 2005

The Da-Vinci Code teaser Trailer

DaVinci_poster2.jpgFile this under "doesn't work and people are saying it's lame anyway" section. Not that we have one of those, but never mind. The Da Vinci Code is now online with a new website and also a little teaser trailer.

I couldn't get the thing to work as it's Real Player, but go and have a try. The word is it's just a little place holder and the Quicktime format is due out soon. Thanks to the latest heads up from Someone tell me what it's like?

Posted by at May 18, 2005 02:55 AM


That's weird, what you say about Quicktime, since the movie website has quicktime trailers? That's how I just saw it, the Reuters vid didn't work for me even though I'm currently on the PC and so have both Windows and Real Player.

My take on it? The fates are working to protect you from this snore of a trailer. There are absolutely no scenes from the movie in it. It's just some camera guy and his props pal who maybe set up some sort of "canyons" miniature, they scanned it, got it up on their mac, and made what they thought were some "cool" sweeping shots between the crevices. I've seen video games with better SFX.

All through this mr. voice is telling us typical trailer line crap-"a secret so deep people will DIE to keep it"-and the camera pans out to the Mona Lisa painting. (Aha! Is that why it looked so shitty? We were INSIDE a painting? Who knew that the space betwixt the fine cracks in a painting look like 3d clay canyons?)

Then the computer guy decided to give us sub-titles for the most "hard hitting" bits of mr. voice's monologue. Just in case we weren't getting it.

This was all made in Ron Howard's basement. (What was the POINT of releasing this really?)

Posted by: Arethusa at May 18, 2005 06:26 AM

Well I managed to find the quicktime version, but it's not really that interesting to be honest. The film's still a year away so there's no footage shown in the teaser trailer.
What was interesting was the cast:
Tom Hanks
Audrey Tautou
Ian McKellen
Alfred Molina
Jean Reno

Bit of a odd mix isn't it?

Posted by: Paul at May 18, 2005 11:18 AM

Take a look here :

This one was made by an italian fan(Claudio Meli), and it is as good as the original.
P.S. the sound editing is perfect
This teaser was made earlier than the original
have a look

Posted by: Claudio2013 at May 24, 2005 04:45 PM


Take a look here :

This one was made by an italian fan(Claudio Meli), and it is as good as the original.
P.S. the sound editing is perfect
This teaser was made earlier than the original
have a look

Posted by: Claudio2013 at May 24, 2005 04:46 PM