May 14, 2005

The Dark Crystal sequel

DarkCrystal.jpgIf you compare some of the work on Dark Crystal with that of movies of today it's still quite amazing to see what they achieved some twenty three years ago. I'd definitely say it still rivals many movies today, yes I know CGI can be more detailed and accurate, but the puppets had character and depth you can't really attach to. Not only that but the story was superb.

According to Variety through Coming Soon, it looks set to be "sequelised" (I know it's a made up word, but I like it!):

The Jim Henson Company is planning to make a sequel to its 1982 fantasy classic The Dark Crystal, reports Variety.

Titled The Power of the Dark Crystal, the new movie is written by David Odell (The Dark Crystal, The Muppet Show) and Annette Duffy. No director is yet attached to the film which starts shooting this fall for a 2007 release. It will combine live-action animatronic characters with CG animation.

The story is set many years after the original, which was helmed by Frank Oz and Jim Henson. Original heroes Jen and Kira are now king and queen, and must fight to save their kingdom when the crystal is once again split.

Oh this is good news, I hope they can keep the puppet involvement high so we can really believe in those characters again. Does everyone else carry fond memories of this movie?

Posted by at May 14, 2005 01:29 PM


Uh, i just don't know about this one. Labryinth was good, the Muppets, Dark Crystal. Great Puppeteer work and imagination are the "great" things about these movies surrounded by a good story. Jim Henson is the greatest even though he left us all years back. Dark Crystal 2? Hey could be good, but how do you make a sequel from the first? They will find a way i'm sure, it's just a matter of whether or not it's worhty to the past. Mirror Mask looks stupid and cheesified, have'nt seen it but........ya know, like Son of the Mask people know crap when they see or hear it! And I know Son of the Mask has nothing to do Jim Henson or other movies rather more it just sucks eggs through a floopy ripped apart penis straw.

Posted by: mikelizard at May 14, 2005 04:50 PM

Oh and i'll take great puppeteer work over CGI anyday!

Posted by: mikelizard at May 14, 2005 04:52 PM

puppets rock!!
can't wait to see this movie.

Posted by: louis at May 14, 2005 06:20 PM

That movie was awesome.

Even today. My kids love it.

I have that and Labyrinth on DVD. I would sooner see them simply do another movie with muppets in it rather than CG and Muppets. Hopefully the CG will simply be for effects not characters. This just sounds like desperate clinging to an original for popularity.

Im sure they would do just fine with a new storyline not attached to anything they already did.

Posted by: Rodney at May 14, 2005 06:57 PM

I could barely sit through the original Dark Crystal, it just didn't appeal to me I guess, they don't really provide much backstory to the world you were watching and those bird things made me want to shoot myself.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 14, 2005 07:12 PM

the begining of the first Dark Crystal did drag a bit, but then it got exciting and creepy! Gotta love it or hate it, either way its great.

Posted by: mikelizard at May 14, 2005 08:50 PM

Loved the first film, am quite interested if they could pull of a sequel but i doubt it, look at the never ending story from when you was a kid, today it still tells a nice story and was well made, then look at the awful sequels it produced, i only hope they do it correctly otherwise it could lose it's magic-also came across starfleet puppet series continuation completely cgi don't like this idea much, shows and films of when you were young never live up to what you remember them some things should remain in the past, where they belong ie streethawk - terrahawks - spiderman tv series to name a few

Posted by: stu at May 17, 2005 03:01 PM

I am so excited about the sequel, this is my favourite film ever! and ive always wanted a sequel i just dont want them to use CG keep it real!

Posted by: Stupot at June 12, 2005 04:47 PM

One of Jim Henson's biggest fears was that this movie would be spoiled by the future. I fear what CGI has done to the likes of Henson and Oz characters.

Posted by: josh1 at July 20, 2005 03:49 PM

The Dark Crystal as well as Labyrinth were just great movies, in which the puppets cannot be paralleled by anything else.
The puppets made the magic, and Jim Henson created in fact a totally new movie genre by taking puppeteer work to a top level.

I was 11 years old when I saw the Dark Crystal, and no movie has ever impressed me as much as this one.
Just because you know they are puppets, but they look as they are really alive.
Nothing can replace that sensation - the movie Labyrinth had that feature as well.

As far as I am concerned more movies like these should be made - great for kids as well.

Posted by: Merlin at August 22, 2005 12:09 AM

The Dark Crystal was one of the most abslutely best movies ever made. They created and entire world with no CGI or anything like that. I give props to the creators and directors for the time and effort they put into that movie...I still watch that movie to this day. As for a sequel...if they stay true to the story and stick with the same people then i have no doubt that this will be another classic waithing to happen!! Bring it guys...I for one am ready.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 26, 2005 09:03 AM

CGI in a Dark Crystal movie?
Dark Crystal is for me, a work of puppetering art.
To even CONSIDER to add CGI characters or alike to a sequel.. is like cutting up a Rembrand Painting and selling the pieces for a small profit.

The movie, to me, sais "Look at what you can do with animatronics, with puppets, and TRULY creative minds".
Making a sequal with CGI is telling me "Hey, we found this old movie and all these kids seemed to love it, let's slap a sequel to it, but since we're doing it for the money, let's use CGI, that's much faster and cheaper." and THAT is what it is saying to me.

I say, find the people who were involved in the creation of "The Dark Crystal" and have THEM find additional people.

Posted by: Vernes at September 4, 2005 05:27 PM

They wont be using CGI for characters just for scenary and effects.
check this link

Posted by: Nick at November 12, 2005 09:03 PM