May 18, 2005

Tekken movie moves forward

tekken.jpgOkay, I almost made it with this story the other day, then got distracted by tea and toast and ended up writing about the Pryor movie. So...

News is out that the much talked about Tekken movie is actually moving ahead. An excerpt from the story on Rope of Silicon:

...Steven Paul's Crystal Sky along with Sony's Screen Gems are taking the idea to the next level with production expected to begin in late fall with a budget of $50 million...

...Screen Gems has set Charles Stone (Mr. 3000) to direct the picture as he is aparrently a longtime player of the vid and he will also be writing the script with Michael Colleary and Mike Werb, the duo behind the John Travolta and Nic Cage thriller Face/Off.

Well then, at least it will be action based. Judging from the comments on the last failed post it sounds like there are a few keen voices for this one. Are you keen? Will this beat even the screen mythos of Mortal Kombat?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 18, 2005 07:44 AM


movies based on video games are *always* great.

Posted by: bigwig at May 19, 2005 02:04 AM

i have been waiting for eleven years for this movie to come out i think that this is awsome who are you casting for paul phenix were is the casting taking place. i hope that the director doesnt turn tekken into a dance sound track like mortal kombat there are a lot of people that would probably rather it not be made than rushed im a movie lover and and i love tekken im sure that they have the movie already going and the they have it under control thats what they do is make movies but i saw mortal kombat a and i got to say it could have been better it didnt catch me is was lacking that kick it was like a blur the movie started and it ended all in all it was a good movie but the actions were week seemed rushed and and the actors looked simmilor but didnt look like fighters a true street fighter is what im hoping you find this time not a k1 fighter not an altimant fighter a guy you find on the street not the badest the you guys need fighters they need to look the part and live the the part. the storie is the hole movie the fight seens will make the movie or break it good fight seans to me are were the punch is exighting enter the draggen for example bruce lee draggen kick for example it was real they caught it on film he didnt hold back he didnt kick the air he drilled that guy in the chest with hundreds of pounds of presure he is law the best real fight seen ever is between lee and chuck noriss real action its timeless its the nineteen seventys type of fill but its real chuck dyes and the other fighter shows him respect for being a true warrior thats what im hopping for in the fight seens with more beautiful backgrounds street fights the majore turniment i dont spell worth nothing but the fight seens are nothing without the stand off all true fighters eather love the eye to eye before the fight or they dreed it some get amped up some try to syck out there aponent with there stair like lidel some are silent comm like me relaxed true fighters need no resone to fight its there nature when to male dogs are in the same area they need not say a word there smell does not mader it is there ora they atract the fight woriors never need to look for a battle its already waiting for them they are destined to be fighters they were born that way a true fighter is not made he is born there is a differense a made fighter is good are born fighter is better he is street fighting is a way of life not a job some fighters use it that way because that is there talent and it pays but the best fighters in k1 in the cage on the street or in the ring were born they were designed at birth god put them in bad inviroments put hard opstickles in there way even privilaged fighters have there own demonds they fight there are different typs of these fighters with different sorces of there power some are good some are bad and some are reborn reincarnated in hopes that someone actually reads this and at least thanks about what it would take to make this movie work i took some time to right what i thank is a fighter i was always the little guy that got beet on cause my dad wouldnt let me fight and like a caged dog that is released i tore in to every big guy i could find born fighters capture a real fighter on camera like bruce lee and your movie will not be forgoten

Posted by: james p at August 10, 2005 10:08 PM

Im really lookinf forward for this one.. i want to see who plays Paul Phoenix.., i can only think of hugh jackman, i mean he has the attitude, and specially the hair... but one thing i really like to see on the movies.. thats STARCRAFT the MOVIE of blizzard entertainment, i hope they make a movie of that one.,

Posted by: Draken at August 29, 2005 01:58 AM

Im really looking forward for this one.. i want to see who plays Paul Phoenix.., i can only think of hugh jackman, i mean he has the attitude, and specially the hair... but one thing i really like to see on the movies.. thats STARCRAFT the MOVIE of blizzard entertainment, i hope they make a movie of that one.,

Posted by: Draken at August 29, 2005 01:59 AM

can sumone tell me approximately wen the tekken movie will be out?? i cant friggin wait...

Posted by: Oikh at August 29, 2005 11:49 AM

Thought id write up on this...

James p's long post made me smile....Excellent..... its good to see people out there who understand the 'feeling' of watching a great fight scene, its about the passion and the emotion too in the fight not just the exchange of fists and kicks there is always a story to every fight a reason in which the fight scene takes place and character developement which is more essential then the fights if all done correctly then the fight scene will have you mesmerized before they even take place...

Every true fighter as his story, Talk to a serious martial artist, full contact MMA fighter or a street fighter about the 'feeling'
you get before during and after a fight....especially with another trained fighter the respect the adrenaline rush your forced to control, both fighters have a passion an are lead almost by fate to a clash where there is no option but to fight. This film HAS TO HAVE THIS!!!! because thats what its about.......

Its hard to explain what fighting is all about if youve never expericenced anything more then a few scraps on the street.

James p does a better job then I do. This post is just to tell you to read it again....

If they get it right itll be INCREDIBLE....[peace]

Posted by: Jun at September 4, 2005 05:42 PM

So who's gonna play who?? is there any news on the casting of the show already?? i hope they get the good ones..

Posted by: Draken at September 8, 2005 07:34 AM