May 09, 2005

Star Wars TV series

LucasChin.jpgThere is some interesting news about the new Star Wars TV series that's popped up on Coming Soon:

'Dian' sent in this bit heard on TV in Australia regarding the upcoming live-action "Star Wars" TV series:

I was just watching the news over here in Australia and they said that the TV series will be shot in Australia and a deal will be done this June. The show will be one hundred episodes long and a hour each.

That's a big commitment from the studio, perhaps their eyes have lit up at the merchandising rights. That's not all though, there's also the 3D Cartoon series, they also carry news of that from Static Multimedia. Watch for the amazing insight into what the story is about:

"The TV series, the animated TV series called 'Clone Wars' is about the clone wars. Some of it has been on the Cartoon Network, but we're making it into an actual half hour, 3D animation series, and the other one deals with minor characters. And the time period is between episode 3 and episode 4, that 20-year stretch, but the characters aren't any of the main characters that are in the movies."

Watch that interview though, George Lucas talks about quite a few of his projects and there are some spoilers for Sith. Since I'm attending a press screening this week I'm not even going to look!

Posted by at May 9, 2005 02:06 PM


If this is project is done right it will be so fabulous! I love the Clone Wars cartoon.

It's nice to see the quality of the side projects be so good this time around.

I loved watching the Ewoks and Droids cartoons as a kid. And yes, I sat through the 2 Ewok tv movies with glee....but face it...we can't say they were all that good.

Okay - maybe the Droids cartoon was cool ;)

Posted by: Meli at May 9, 2005 04:35 PM

Ahhh Meli, we're the unashamed Star Wars fan-girls! I loved "The Ewoks Adventure", I can still remember their names, Shodu, Kaink, etc. LOL

I will support anything Star Wars. Heck even these side projects, bring them on! :-)

Posted by: Simone at May 9, 2005 07:09 PM

I can assure you that some of the info in that report is completely false, and some of it true.

Here's the only official true statements so far:

Posted by: Ghent at May 9, 2005 09:03 PM

The new star wars will be a classic film i can't wait who agress

Posted by: Nathan at May 16, 2005 11:30 AM

On the subject of the 100 TV episodes I know Lucas said they are going to be based on spin-off characters in the era between ROTS and ANH but I reckon it would be a great idea to split it so a third of them are based before PM which will show the training of all the Jedi Council, how Sidious came to be a Sith, how the clone army came to be and other important pre E1 questions. A third of them should be based in the 20 year period between ROTS and ANH depicting the rise of the empire, the millennium falcon story, what exactly Obi-Wan and Yoda did on Tatooine and Dagobah, Darth Vader's Sith training blah-di-blah. And then the final third should be based after ROTJ showing the rise of the Jedi and these should be based on Lucas' plot scripts for films 7,8 & 9. That would be just super

Posted by: Chopper at May 25, 2005 07:43 AM