May 10, 2005

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith DVD details

StarWarsIII-Duel.jpgAccording to MTV through IMDB News, it looks like we can look forward to a totally coincidental release of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith in time for Christmas.

That's not really the good news though, there will be scenes added in that are currently sitting on the cutting room floor, and scenes not of more effects or battles, but of plot development.

George Lucas has indicated that he expects the Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith DVD to be released at Christmas time this year. Lucas made the comment in an interview with, which reported that the DVD will offer five or six deleted scenes. Rick McCallum, a producer of the three sequels, told the website: "They were great scenes, but they just had nothing to do with getting straight and cutting to the chase of the story. They were more plot-orientated and more setting up of Coruscant, more setting up of the war and kind of understanding where all the politics were."

Not having seen the movie yet, and having to wait desperately for my far flung corner of the worlds press screening on Friday morning (Yeah! Press screening! Thanks Craig at Vue!) I can't really say if this kind of addition would help the story, but for those of you who have (John, thanks for not rubbing things in too much) is plot and story exposition likely to help raise that mark?

Posted by at May 10, 2005 02:53 AM


Noooooooooooooo!!!! That's what's so good about Revenge of the Sith - they've left most of that bollocks about trade negotiations and Senate politics out, and someone's clearly been very firm with Lucas to keep the "character development" (i.e. what Lucas thinks is character development, which is actually just crap about not liking sand) to a minimum.

Sith doesn't need any extra exposition (like, say, two movies of backstory beforehand). It works just fine on its own.

Posted by: tom at May 10, 2005 07:34 AM

As I havent seen it and us ordinary people will have to wait till midnight screening, (shame on you Richard for seeing it before me!) I really can not say anything about the extra footage.

I will have to come back to this topic after May 19. :-)


Posted by: Simone at May 10, 2005 12:16 PM

Pretty big nooo for putting in extra scenes in a DVD. They're not nessicary for the movie, but Lucas is propboly putting them in so you can know more about what is happeneing.

Posted by: Bob at May 10, 2005 04:18 PM

Hm, well I think we all can agree on one thing here - Lucas just can't leave his movies alone!

Look what he did to the original trilogy? Bah. I may still love them to pieces, but I didn't need the Special Edition or even the tid bits added to the dvd versions.

Posted by: Meli at May 10, 2005 04:26 PM

i think mccallum is saying that the deleted scenes will be included on the dvd and not edited into the film itself. although i'm sure the actual film will probably have a few minor tweaks like the TPM and AOTC dvd's, w/ the deleted scenes on a second disc.

Posted by: jung at May 10, 2005 06:16 PM

I actually liked the whole political intricacies Palpatine uses to gain power and would like to see more of it(in deleted scenes extra, not in actual movie). It always intrigues me how evil guys come to power using the very systems that are there to stop them coming into power.

Hopefully they will release a trilogy of I-III, and not just the single dvd and full 6 movie boxset.

Posted by: Warren at May 11, 2005 02:32 AM

Some of the added scenes in the OT are ok, take for instance all the shots of Mos Eisley and Bespin and the Wampa those are all good.The one that really suck are things like Jabba in ANH and greedo shooting firts way up at the ceiling, no wait... Greedo shooting first a bit lower and Han Solo moving his head to avoid and next thing you know in the ultimate box set he will screw it up even more,Greedo will shoot first and Han will to a cartwheel before punching his lights out.

Posted by: Simon at May 11, 2005 07:47 AM

Amen to that Warren, I want a boxset of the prequels!!!

Posted by: Simone at May 11, 2005 09:09 AM

well, if he (lucas) has learned anything from peter jackson's lotr trilogy he should already know how to properly release a dvd. bare bones theatrical cut for the lame-o's and a really kick ass 3 hour version with a billion supplimentals later.

Posted by: jason at May 11, 2005 10:24 AM

Hi everyone, please to know you all are critising bout lucas final adventure EPISODEIII.

A long time ago, in galaxy far, far away!, around the late 70's, a film called STAR WARS was a box office and all the family went to see another borrring american film. Popcorns and shit were flying around in the cinema and I and everyone that were sitting in the cinema watch this DARK MASKED MAN come in thru the passage door. Just that moment, everyone just paralysed looking at the screener. The biggest mean mother fucker that appeared, breathing noise just shit the hell at me. And that's it. Oh yeah, at the time nobody really knew if lucas was gonna make a called sequel at the time and for me the best is STAR WARS - A new hope.

Posted by: Darth Sidious at May 16, 2005 06:59 PM

seen episode 3 excellent film but lucas needs to add deleated scenes in the dvd only dissapointment for me about the film should have shown yoda going to the dagbah system and obi wan learning immortality from Qui gonn ginn that would have been the icing on the cake for me.i think lucas is right to extend the dvd and was right to alter the orignal 3 has they are so outdated rumours have it he may have more scenes added into the origanal trilogy.which i think would be a good thing still flaws in new film that need sorting lets hope they are ironed out in dvd release.shoul release to versions of film theatrical version and extended version like on the independence day dvd then no one can moan

Posted by: henno at May 21, 2005 01:57 PM

*******Episode III was a Excellent movie**********
I think this one was far far more greater then episode I & II. This one was about how annican betrayed the jedi knights and then join force with the darkside to gain power to save his belove wife (girlfriend?) from childbirth has he fear to loose her, also with the twist and stir which was going on by lord sith which made him think that the jedi was breaking the law and wanting to take over the coucil and rule the republic etc.............. then finally a disater!!!!!!! Annican and padami was so romantic in this movie which was so sweet, plus revenge of the sith had comedy in it which makes it kool .so i give 10/10........

people emotion toward the movie when finish: Annican betrayal lead to alot of cinema viewer upset with tear when he turn into darth vader....and how he treated padami....:(

Posted by: winnie at May 23, 2005 10:12 PM

Twas a corking good watch.

Quite looking forward to Lucas bringing out a boxset in like the year 2015 or something that will have all 6 films, all the clone wars cartoons and all the forthcoming 100 tv episodes on it. That would be, hands down, the greatest thing to ever be put on sale in the whole world ever!!!

Posted by: Chopper at May 24, 2005 05:58 AM

LOL @ Chopper

I have all the Star Wars DVD's but if he does come out with an ultimate collection, I will buy them too! Anything to remind me of my childhood.

Posted by: Simone at May 24, 2005 06:04 AM

About Winnie, all this Star Wars stuff to be released at 2015 will come in only one minidisc or something, plus a billions of extras and documentaries... something like the Matrix's 10-DVDs...

I just wanna know about the 3D editions... editions of what? Of the OC? I didn't understand...

Posted by: Moyzes at May 24, 2005 08:09 AM

Bearing in mind this is a Star Wars post I don't reckon anyone would be chatting about a 3D edition of the OC

Posted by: Chopper at May 24, 2005 11:24 AM

I don't know what these extra scenes will involve, but there are still unanswered questions in Episode III. For example, in Episode II, we find out someone named Master Sifa-Dias (?), who was on the Jedi Council, authorised the creation of the Clone Army. We still don't know who Master Sifa-Dias was, or why he would do this and how he authorised the creation of the Army without the approval of the Council or the Senate.

Of course, Obi-Wan says that the Kaminoans began building their army "almost ten years ago" which is right about when Palpatine became Supreme Chancellor. Was Darth Sidious somehow also Master Sifa-Dias, or just in league with him? Personally, I find it a bit strange that the Republic would just accept and TRUST the perfectly timed appearance of this huge army of clones without questioning where it could suddenly have come from. Surely the Chancellor would have faced some kind of political backlash after the Senate realised that this army had been growing for the past 10 years with no recorded approval? A little backstory there would definately have been interesting and insightful.

Posted by: DarthTurd at May 25, 2005 03:32 AM

Heh - I got banned from for suggesting the Sifo-Dyas connection with Sidious (come on people, the NAMES!) and then proving that in an earlier script, there WAS a connection (either a red herring or his actually being Sidious - it wasn't decided and then abandoned altogether, but too late to change the name so it wasn't glaring to people who look too closely at these things).

Posted by: grendel824 at May 27, 2005 04:30 AM

The untold back-stories(which have been left to the individual to work out or decide for themselves) is what makes a moving interesting.

I can think of nothing worse than getting spoon fed who somebody is, where they came from, why they where brown shoes. Why did he say that? whys his ship that shape? have a sit down and think about it for yourself and try and work out what it means to YOU. Not what the blasted internet tells you. We are all our own individuals and should try and stay that way, not allow the internet to assimilate us

We should be encouraging film makers who DON'T tell us whats going on and allow our imaginations to fill in the blanks.

Posted by: Pablo at May 27, 2005 05:00 AM

Pablo says, "We should be encouraging film makers who DON'T tell us whats going on and allow our imaginations to fill in the blanks".

Spot on Pablo. I definitely agree with you on this. Why do I want to know all the answers to EVERY single question in the movie, (or even any movie) can I not use my imagination for that? This is why Star Wars will still be discussed in any online forum, in any movie website, or even among mates hanging around in any pubs or school cafeteria, it wants you to explore all the possibilities of explaining what it was all about, oh and that is what I love most about it. :-)

Posted by: Simone at May 27, 2005 05:45 AM

i'm happy to hear that Lucas will add some cutted scenes. I think that some more scenes are really necessary. The movie is quite ok, but it is too short. Some events passed too quickly as a result sometimes it was hard to believe in what was going on. Let's see whether the added sceenes fill that gap.

Posted by: Maya at May 30, 2005 06:00 AM

Wow, you lot all need to stop watching SW now, enroll in some evening classes and learn to speak (and type) ENGLISH you illiterate idiots.

As for changes to the movies, why not? They're Lucas' property, not yours. He can do what he likes, and he'd be a fool to listen to any of your worthless moronic opinions.

Posted by: SW Fan at June 3, 2005 07:02 PM

SW Fan - I think you miss the point, these people who are going to see Lucas' movie are the ones giving him the money. Anyone who pays to see the movie has a right to their opinion on it and voice it.

In fact, on this site, you have a right to voice your opinion even if you haven't seen it!

As for moronic or worthless, everyone who pitches in their valuable comments here are far from worthless or moronic, because they have an opinion, not just a tirade of abuse directed at people who have a different opinion to you. Try some intelligent discussion, spelling and grammar not an issue.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at June 3, 2005 07:19 PM


Okay a friend of mine got the DVD piratedand It has those deleted scenes. without saying to much Remember the scene were the kid goes what r we going 2 do? and ankn turns on his lightsaber. Well in the ucut you see them being killed. One actually has a go at ankn but dies almost instantly. His kid got nightmares from it. LOL

Posted by: gus at June 10, 2005 09:44 PM

does anybody know where to get Star wars III Revenge of the Sith (2005)DVD audio files...i need them badly...and if u know where to get or u on [email protected]

Posted by: Alvin at June 14, 2005 11:03 PM

Ive seen this movie twice i thaught it was really good thwe first time but the second time it was just boring. Why dont they put all six videos in a box set and sell it for $16:99

Andrew toes

P.s i love rebecca Bain

Posted by: Andrew toes at June 24, 2005 04:41 PM

There were extremely excellent and the best scenes in the movie "Revenge of the Sith".
Good originality and great imagination, great story in this movie!
Here's Photo gallery for Hayden Christensen(Anakin) of this movie.
I love Star Wars series the most!

Posted by: Creford at July 4, 2005 03:51 AM

The extra scenes should definatly be included in the DVD because they shoul have a scene were you see a force ghost for the first time in the prequals. Remember Qui Gon Jin the jedi with the cool atitude who died by the hands of darth maul well he should apear as a force ghost and for those who dont know he apears in episode II aswell. When Yoda is meditating he heres Qui Gon Jin shout and i quote "Ani, Anakin Nooooooooo" Qui Gon Jin is a force ghost watching over anakin in episode II so in episode III he should apear as a force ghost and have him talking to Obi Wan about becoming one with the force.

Qui-Gon eventually discovers the secret of immortality, and he shares this enigma with Yoda, who entrusts it to Obi-Wan in turn. This is apparently achieved through extreme compassion, a rejection of selfishness and personal attachment to the point that the physical self fades away, but the consciousness remains as one with the Force.

So if to become a force ghost you need to die while in compassion and not hatred then why does anakin apear as a force ghost in episode 6? The answer is because he becomes good and dies telling luke he new he could set him free and become good again

Qui-Gon appears only in The Phantom Menace though his voice is heard in Attack of the Clones. (His voice can be heard while Yoda is meditating). George Lucas planned to have Qui-Gon appear as a Force ghost, similar to how Obi-Wan appeared in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, but the actor broke his leg prior to filming the planned scenes and the idea was shelved.

I sure hope hes apears in the dvd release... Thanx 4 reading

Posted by: Robert Gittings at July 4, 2005 05:11 PM

From reading the screenplay it would appear that the deleted scenes may consist of the following.

1.) Extended elevator scene. In the screenplay there was much more to the elevator sequence on General Greivous's ship than what was in the film, including more R2 antics and more droid fighting. Before hitting the elevator they get trapped temporarily in the generator room with spilling fuel that continues to rise higher and higher. Also thier escape after the elevator was also extended.

2.) Talking Politics - There were several scenes with several senators discussing the Senators forming an alliance in the Senate and stopping the Chancellor with a "Petition Of Two Thousand". Most notable was Senator Mon Mothma who became an instrumental character in ROTJ. It also goes deeper into the character of Bail Organa,PADMÉ, and SENATORS - FANG ZAR, TERR TANEEL, and GIDDEAN DANU.

3.) Obi-Wan And Padme - Obi-Wan goes to talk with Padme and confesses to her that he knows about thier relationship, and that he won't tell the council. This scene is referenced in the final cut of the film. The scene where Aniken talks to Padme and says "Obi-Wan has been here." and she replies "He came to see you this morning. He is worried, you have been under allot of stress lately."

4.) There was a short sequence after Obi-Wan leaves for Utapua that shows Aniken and the Chancellor walking through the Senate office building. They breifly run into Jar Jar Binks.

5.) There is a short scene on Utapau where Obi-Wan finds the dragon/lizards handler and use his Jedi mind trick to convince the handler to loan him a dragon lizard named "Boga".

6.) Obi-Wans Underwater Escape - Obi-Wan happens upon two seeker drones, a flock of Nos Monsters, and a series of tunnels, escaping after being blasted into the grotto by Commander Cody.

7.) Yodas Escape - During Yodas escape on Kashyyyk he tricks the clone troops into thinking Chewbacca and Tarful are dead, and dons a mud disguise. He also rides on a flying insect called a Can-Cell.

8.) Qui-Gon Jinn - On Polis Massa Yoda Meditates and Qui-Gon (through a voice-over) talks to Yoda. He says that the ability to become one with the force is accomplished through compassion and not greed. He goes on to say "You will become more powerful than any Sith."

9.) During the Padme birth scene R2 and C-3P0 are outside the birthing room when artoo beeps. C3P0 says "It's some kind of reproductive process, I guess".

Posted by: s. patrick at September 2, 2005 11:38 AM

They did not show enough of Kashyyk-that was something we all wanted to see a lot of and Star Wars Insider made it out to be something MAJOR.

I aslso need audio files of ROTS if ne1 knows where to get them please email me at [email protected].

Lucas did the right thing with the prequels, after all they are HIS movies.

Posted by: Dano at October 28, 2005 04:01 PM