May 24, 2005

Stallone to direct Edgar Allan Poe movie

stallone.jpgSylvester Stallone has always been a hidden talent, films such as Rambo have increased his exposure and popularity, but haven't done that much to showcase his talent shown more behind the scenes in the Rocky series and in front of the camera in the excellent Copland. However it looks like his resurgence has much to do with the TV series The Contender than anything else.

Now his talents are going to be behind the camera again with the announcement through Coming Soon from Variety that he's about to direct a film from a screenplay he's written about none other than Edgar Allan Poe! Now there's a meaty project for him.

Variety says Nu Image/Millennium Films will finance, produce and distribute the film....

...Robert Downey Jr. is Stallone's choice for the leading role...

Considered the granddaddy of the Gothic horror tale, Poe's life is rich with its own eerie details. He suffered from madness, depression and drugs, and was mysteriously found dead in a gutter in 1849.

Stallone previously directed the second, third and fourth "Rocky" films, and Staying Alive. His screenplays include the entire "Rocky" and "Rambo" film franchises.

Excellent news, I do think that it would be great to get Stallone back in charge of his career and get into some interesting projects. This definitely looks like a good one for him, and especially if he can secure Downey for the lead, that would be perfect casting.

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 24, 2005 07:23 AM



I don't believe it. My brother and I were just taking about how we should write a new script using Poe's stories, because he has never really been showcased in cinema.

Posted by: Alex at May 24, 2005 10:41 AM

I am genuinely puzzled as to the appeal of Poe for Stallone. Poe doesn't offer much scope for violent shootouts.
This could be really interesting, but I fear it will just be shite.

Posted by: James Russell at May 26, 2005 04:48 AM

Stallone is an excellent writer & director.His talents have been wasted on violent shallow movies. But that is not so much his fault as it is the vulgar "masses of asses" who demand such trite. Stallone has a genuine interest and appreciation for the works and life of Edgar Allan Poe.This should be no surprise-Poe was athletic(in his youth),he had a theatrical background(his parents were both actors),he lived in Philadelphia for some time,he suffered illness later in life,he was a struggling writer most of his life.Stallone has had all of these experiences as well.I can think of no better actor to play Poe than Robert Downey Jr.He has the same dark hair and sallow complexion as Poe and his struggles with substance abuse are well known.He is very talented with self-destructive tendencies-the very definition of Poe's character.I for one am looking forward to seeing this film.

Posted by: H.J. Horn at October 6, 2005 02:08 PM

This is very interesting to me. The last person I ever figured who would be involved in a project like this is Stallone. I agree highly with his choice for the lead role. Downey suffers himself from his own demona and is perfect to play this role. He did an excelt job in Chaplin, now let's see what he's go for Poe.

Posted by: The MGK2 at October 21, 2005 03:19 PM

Does anyone know if Stallone's project is going forward? How does one find out?

I wrote a screenplay years ago called the Death of Edgar Allan Poe, which I was thinking of reviving from the dustheap--if Stallone's picture isn't actually in progress already.

Please email me at the above address if anyone has any information on this.

Thank you...

Posted by: poe at October 30, 2005 12:59 PM

Sorry.. my address is [email protected]. Thank you.

Posted by: poe at October 30, 2005 01:00 PM