May 14, 2005

Spiderman 3 and 4 to shoot together?

Spiderman.jpgComic Book Movie are carrying two Spiderman posts. one post suggests that the stage is being set to film both Spiderman 3 and 4 together:

According to him that Stage is finishing up construction on the areas to house Costume & Wardrobe Department... but not just for SPIDER-MAN 3... the current rumor on the lot is Raimi is going to be shooting 3 & 4 together. Now, amongst the tests Spidey crew have been shooting during the last few weeks, well they've used alot of SAND I hear. Sand being blown around.

Combine that with some comments from another post they have taking quotes from a Sam Raimi, it really makes you wonder:

“We have different possibilities of different schedules and they’re being balanced with [each other],” he says.

Is there a real chance do you think, or just hopeful rumour? I think hopeful rumour as although the studio wants more movies, Sam has been quite definite about seeing how the third movie goes.

Posted by at May 14, 2005 01:34 PM


Wow, shooting 3 and 4 together is a great way to pick up the pace of things. We already have to wait until 2007 for Spider-Man 3, which isn't a bad thing really, us fans can wait it out. It will be very intersting to see Sandman if he is the villian. Spider-Man will definetly have to figure out how to use his powers and brains against sand. But if Sandman is the main villian I have a strong feeling Spider-Man 3 will not be as great as the first two. But hey, 3 or more films will be made after this one so no sweat. But ever hear of to much of a good thing: example:my long ass post.

Posted by: mikelizard at May 14, 2005 04:39 PM

Ah` huh... 3 and 4 together, hell lets make 3,4,5,6 together... As long as there the same quality as the first two this doesn't upset me :o

Posted by: Ray` at May 15, 2005 11:30 PM

"Now, amongst the tests Spidey crew have been shooting during the last few weeks, well they've used alot of SAND I hear. Sand being blown around."

Yes, like the sand that was blown around this post.

If they are in fact filming 3 and 4 together, that would make sense as to why the movie wont see the light of day until 2007. But it also would make more sense that Venom would be in the movie, and Sandman simply a side note villain.

I think Sandman is going to look incredible on the big screen, but he definitely does NOT have the storyline to hold him over for two movies. They're probably going to set up Eddie Brock / Venom for this one, and bring him on board full bore for Spiderman 4. Which, well, I guess we'll have to wait until 2009 to see. :(

Posted by: Raimi Fan at May 16, 2005 02:33 PM

thats what i was thinkin too but if they film them together we prolly wont have to wait that long maybe 2008??

Posted by: venommm at May 16, 2005 03:15 PM

Sandman is not the villian, dream on. Sandman would look like crap on the screen. If he is one of the villians then i guess i'm a dumbass and a failure as a movie and Spider-Man fan. Who wants to see a man fall into a pile of sand, they might as well have Electro be the villian. It would make most sense to see the following villians int he next movies, the Lizard, Venom, and Mysterio. And who knows? They could have an X-Men crossover.

Posted by: madfan12 at May 17, 2005 12:08 AM

guys check this out it sounds if im not mistaken alotttttttttt like venom

Thomas Haden Church (Sideways) will play a new as-yet-unidentified villain who is appropriate to that emotional journey, Raimi added. "We had to choose a villain that represented a proper obstacle in the path of that growth," Raimi said. "And so, though I'd rather not say who Thomas Haden Church is playing just yet—because Sony likes to make a proper presentation to the fans along with Avi Arad from Marvel Comic books—he was chosen because he represented that proper obstacle to ... Peter Parker's growth." Spider-Man 3 is in preproduction now.

Posted by: venommm at May 19, 2005 05:40 AM

No, it sounds more like Eddie Brock as Peters rival in the 3rd film. The two villians will be Lizard and Mysterio. At the end of this one The Lizard will befriend Spidey as he contolls his temper. Harry teams up with John Jameson as they PLOT to kill Peter/Spidey. Harry will provide the Green Goblin suit and artillary, and John will act it out, because Harry tells John who Peter really is. I don't know what will happen to Mysterio, he may or may not die. Aunt May will probably die. Black Cat will appear, along with the minor villians like Rhino and Shocker or even the Vulture. If there is something about scientists making a symbiotic life form to heal injuries or save lives or something and Spider-MAn gets infected with it, then we can defintly say Venom will be in the 4th movie along with the Hobgoblin.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 23, 2005 11:39 PM

Making both movie would help. It woulld be similiar to the Matrix 2 & 3. The Spidey Movies should only be months apart.

These Are what I think should happen in the next Spidey movies

Spidey 3
-should introduce Eddie Brock and Felicia. (BlackCat)
-Villians:Sandman, Kingpin

Spidey 4 (Return of the Green Goblin)
-Madame Web is introduced. She tell Peter that there something big coming. And tells him he will need to prepare. Peter is prepared and ready.Harry becomes goblin. BlackCat is introduced. She help Spiderman take down the Goblin. While hunting Harry, the Symboite comes to earth targeting Peter first. Giving him new powers for a short time. Peter take down Harry. After defeating Harry, Spidy let Harry escape. Madame Web tells Peter that the Goblin wasn't what she was talking about. She tells Peter when the time come she'll return. At the end of the movie, the symbiote leave Spidy and finds it's way to Eddie Brock. Making him Venom for the fifth movie.
-Villians:Green Goblin

Spidey 5 (A New Threat)
-The new threat, Venom, torments Spidey. Venom Kidnaps Mary Jane and take her Underground. Spidy chases them. Spidy finally fight The Lizard, who found his way down there too. Beats Lizard. Spidey finds Mary Jane. Defeats Venom. Venom escapes. Spidey rescue Lizard and Mary Jane. Returns them both to their homes. Mary Jane ask Peter to marry her. They get married.

Spidey 6 (Carnage)
-HobbGoblin comes. Fight Spiderman. Spidy defeats him. Then Venom returns, comfirming he know's Peter secret. Venom then reveals himself to Peter. Brock tells Peter that the world is in danger. He states that another Symboite creature has come from space. Then the sky darkens. And symboite spreads through the city. It is revealed, that a new villian is here, Carnage. Venom and Spidy must Team Up. Blackcat helps as well. They all take beatings. Carnage starts to play annoying games. Annoying even Venom. Venom sacrifice his power to stop carnage. They defeat Carnage and restore peace. Eddie Brock looses power. Now the world is peaceful. Aunt Mae dies and but tell Peter she knew his secret the whole time. But just after month of crime fighting Spiderman is revealed of another danger. Madame Web return and inform Peter of shocking news. Spidermans from different dimension are coming!!!!!
And if they make Spidy 7, let my story continue!!!!!!!!!
The End

Posted by: D.S. at June 26, 2005 02:15 AM

I agree with you D.S, mostly that is. I feel that we WILL see Eddie Brock in the 3rd and not Venom yet, as you had said above. But I feel the villians will be The Lizard and Mysterio. And then in the 4th movie and all the way till the end in the 6th film, we will see the curse of the Goblin take it's toll on Peter and his loved ones. John Jameson will be The Return of the Green Goblin. 5th movie Harry will take controll and die. 6th movie some other crazy nut bag will find Osbournes diary and Green Goblin history and take controll of things himself and become the Spider-Mans most feared and unstoppable enemy, The Hobgoblin. And in those movies will will see other villians as well. 4th movie: Venom and Green Goblin 5th movie: Lizard and New Green Goblin 6th movie: Hobgoblin and Carnage. Now I feel you are a "bad taste fan" when it comes to telling your views and being arrogant. Go do some studying on Spider-Man and come back when your older.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at June 26, 2005 12:48 PM

Kingpin, D.S.?!?!...Go home!

Posted by: reese at August 2, 2005 03:00 AM

Kingpin would be okay 20 yrs from now in a Marvel crossover movie. But a crossover would just be pointless and stupid this early in the game, for comicbook movies to do that, they would have to first finish up with their current franchises. And that is many many years away.

*Thomas Haden Church can play either Eddie Brock/Venom,Maxwell Dillon/Electro, or Herman Shultz/Shocker

*Topher Grace can play either Quentin Beck/Mysterio,Maxwell Dillon/Electro, or Herman Shultz/Shocker

*James Franco: Harry Osbourne/Green Goblin II/Hobgoblin

*Daniel Gilles: John Jameson/Green Goblin II/Hobgoblin

*Dlyan Baker: Dr.Curtis Connors/Lizard

*Chloe Sevigny: Felica Hardy/Black Cat

? * ? * ? * ? : Alex O'Hirn/Rhino

*Tobey Maguire: Peter Parker/ Spider-Man

*Kirsten Dunst: Mary Jane Watson/ Mary Jane Parker

*J.K. Simmons: J. Johan Jameson (J.J.J)

*Rosemary Harris: Aunt May (probably will die in this movie)

*Ted Raimi: Ted Hoffman

*Bill Nunn: Joseph Robertson (Robbie)

And as I have said many many times before, these villains along with others don't all have to fit into one movie. But after the 4th movie we can probably say that if Sam Raimi and cast don not return for the last movies, then we can say goodbye to this work of gold and watch the last 2 films ruin the franchise. Thats assuming the worst of course.

Imagine though, if Sam Raimi and the original cast are all part of these movies and finish off the 6th film. That would be the first fully successfull sextology that would also set numerous records.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 2, 2005 03:28 AM

spiderman 3 villain is going to be chameleon it has been announced and xmen 3 villain is going to be juggernaut (vinnie jones) they should have at least 2 villains for every film they should fit all the important villains in the films example venom,hobgoblin,lizard,shocker so on so forth and hew ever said put king pin in it is a complete idiot coz they wudnt take king pin out of daredevil can youif all of you lot are intrested villains for upcoming marvel movies daredevil 2 - mr fear. hulk 2 -abomination. punisher 2 -jigsaw.fantastic4 2 -puppet master. they are making 3 iron man films they will include such villains as ultimo,mandarin,crimson dynamo they are making an captain america movie n an avenger but not a few years yet cyias l8

Posted by: jordan at August 19, 2005 12:11 PM

jordan, just go sit in the corner for a while and come back when your all better. During that time brush up on your Spider-Man and Marvel knowledge. Chameleon is a rumor, it has not been offically announced.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 21, 2005 02:02 PM

They if both Thomas Haden Church and Topher Grace are in fact both playing the Chameleon, the whole movie is already ruined and this film has already bombed. Why? Because Raimi and the producers would not let something that big slip like that, I mean, that would be the whole movie right there. Lets just say for example someone is the Chameleon and Spidey needs to find out who and its someone he has just met, he thinks its Church but then he finds out its not then the movie would turn into a mystery movie, which would be great! And everyone becomes shocked when they find out Church and Grace are the same villan, but do you see my point? If this rumor is true then we will all be sitting through the movie with the knowledge of Church and Grace playing the same villan, and it sucks.

Unless of course the Chameleon is just a minor part of a much a bigger picture, then it could work and could be an awsome flick. But I have strong doubts about this whole rumor and dont believe it is anything more than just that...and Raimi wouldn't let any information out so soon like that, he's just throwing us off so we're really wowed with his real decision.

Don't all of the test shooting get started next month, along with the villan shoots? Hopefully when September gets here some information will finally be released.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 27, 2005 06:36 PM

Lizard, Mysterio, Shocker, Eddie Brock, Rhino, and the Black Cat are who I think have a chance of appearing in this film.

The Lizard and Mysterio are my best bets right now along with the arrival of Eddie Brock. And Hobgoblin is probably a yes as far as what we have seen from the first two movies. And minor and reoccuring villains like the Shocker and Rhino along with the Black Cat. And Eddie Brock, they could all be in the third movie. Raimi has said he is going to really beat up Spider-Man in the next film.

And with high crime and villians like Rhino and Shocker, with his third idol/mentor Dr. Connors turning into his deadlist enemy The Lizard, with the Black Cat causing a love conflict and pulls Spideys heart into two places, worrying about MJ's saftey, Eddie Brock outdoing Peter at just about everything at the Daily Bugle, Bruce Campbell playing an annoying Spider-Man who annoys Spider-Man, an annoying villain known as Mysterio the master of illusion getting in the way of Spideys work, dealing with Harry who is now not only an alcoholic but is addicted to drugs and becomes the Hobgoblin himself, Spidey has his work cut out for him and this will beat the crap out of him and really do a number on him.

Plus, by the end of this movie, he be dealing with 2 deaths, Aunt May and Harry. This could be a classic Sam Raimi dark and twisted film as we see Parkers life just get worse and worse. And with the Lizard in the mix, why wouldn't it? And all of this might have to spill over to a 4th film in which hopefully Raimi and the cast will return for, they might have no choice!

I'm not worried about the 5th movie, thats either going to suck or suck harder, i'm worried about the 6th film, I want to see the Scorpion in it and MJ dieing.It would be awsome as well if Raimi stays on for all 6 films, and it would be cool to see Venom and Carnage played out in his vision. He has probably just said that he hates the alien symbiote characters in interviews just to thow us all off and give us a big surprise.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 27, 2005 07:05 PM

Madame Web is a VERY bad plot device character on the level of Dungeon Master of the old D&D; cartoon series. You will never see any good film maker use such a piece of garbage hack material as "Madame Web" in a major motion picture. Yeesh.

Posted by: Madame Web, Are you kidding me? at September 6, 2005 12:54 AM

The two villian for Spiderman 3 has already been confirmed. It is Thomas Haden Chruch as Sandman. And Topher Grace as Vemon.

Posted by: Buddy Kirtz at October 9, 2005 06:06 PM

I want to hear news about the Lizard and any other villains that shouldappear.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at October 10, 2005 09:34 PM