May 04, 2005

Six Spiderman movies?

Spiderman.jpgAccording to SciFi Wire through Coming Soon, the Chairperson of Sony's Motion Picture Group is on for six Spiderman movies:

"I've heard Amy Pascal say she wants to make six Spider-Man pictures," Raimi said in an interview at the Saturn Awards in Los Angeles. "So I think she's a woman of her word. And if she says there'll be six, there'll be six. ... If they were to ask me, and if I felt as passionate as I feel now about the character and had this great hunger and desire to tell the story, which I really do now, you couldn't keep me away from it."

Huge speculation, and as we know from many of the movie rumours (especially Bond) it could be Raimi trying to position himself for a job, but I seriously doubt that. It does sound like there has been speculation on the back of the success of the first two movies, but the success of another three depends on retaining Raimi or finding a Director who is as much a fan as a driven Director. Would you like to see another three movies after this one?

Posted by at May 4, 2005 04:37 PM


"Would you like to see another three movies after this one?" Um... duh :]

Posted by: mediamelt at May 4, 2005 04:40 PM

Then no?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 4, 2005 05:56 PM

What they should do is another trilogy that chronicles Peter Parker's adult life (from late 20s to early 30s). Have a new good director handle all three, and have a new cast.

Tobey Maguire may want to move on, and that's fine. Cast a new guy to play a slightly older Peter. And nobody would miss Kirsten Dunst. Maybe get that redhead from That 70s Show. Recast everybody, and start fresh, but continue with the continuity established in the Raimi films.

Posted by: Franklin at May 4, 2005 07:03 PM

This is news? Raimi was talking about this like over a year ago.

Posted by: adam at May 4, 2005 08:13 PM

This is the best news I've heard all day!!! Hey why stop at six let's do 20!! God please.

Posted by: Alfredo at May 4, 2005 08:41 PM

No thanks. Spiderman is way too cheesy as it is. Unless they get new writers, a new director, and a new cast, no more for me.

Posted by: Kevin at May 4, 2005 11:13 PM

Hey Adam, when did you post it on your movie site then, I don't think I got that feed! Well we just picked it up now, as are all the other sites. It's getting near contract time so it makes sense.

Franklin (and a nod to Kevin) superb idea. Move forward in his life and recast. I think that would be an intelligent way to go with it.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 5, 2005 02:29 AM

They've definitely set themselves up for a bunch of films. Between Sandman, the Black Cat, the Hobgoblin looking likely to show up in Spidey 3, with Lizard-Man and Man Wolf also possible, they've introduced a huge rogues gallery for Spidey to deal with.

Posted by: Scott at May 5, 2005 03:28 AM

Spiderman 20 lol I agree, I love Da web slinger... Keep makin` them till they screw em` up like the batman series

Posted by: Ray` at May 5, 2005 07:19 AM

While I would love to see a never-ending string of Spiderman films, I would rather see Raimi as a director so he can be free to write/direct 'All New Material'...

...Or an Evil Dead sequel. That would be the best. Having him possibly locked into 3 more Spiderman films would probably keep him from working on anything else!

Posted by: trysop at May 5, 2005 01:32 PM

While I would love to see a never-ending string of Spiderman films, I would rather see a new director so Raimi can be free to write/direct 'All New Material'...

...Or an Evil Dead sequel. That would be the best. Having him possibly locked into 3 more Spiderman films would probably keep him from working on anything else for a number of years!

Posted by: trysop at May 5, 2005 01:34 PM

Richard sorry if I offended you. Just curious if anyone else had caught that. I can't remember where I saw it. I thought it was AICN but I've combed the archives and cant find anything. Maybe I'm just psychic.

Posted by: adam at May 5, 2005 06:34 PM

Adam, don't be daft! I'm Scottish, and I'm extremely sarcastic, comes with the country! No offense at all.

If you're psychic then you need to start emailing me with your predictions...we could make a fortune!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 6, 2005 02:10 AM

Ehr actually no, not that interested. I went in to see "Spiderman 1", and quite enjoyed it, I couldnt say the same for the sequel though, where it has indeed become a tad too cheesy, and now there's a couple more? *sigh*

Posted by: Simone at May 6, 2005 04:58 AM



Posted by: Twisty Yayo at May 6, 2005 03:52 PM

Demogoblin sucks, i mean come on. A mercanary finds out Dr. Osbournes secret, looks over the mistakes he made, revamps his technology, and becomes the Hobgoblin (thats cool), but heres where things start to become stupid and make for bad story telling and or movie. Hobgoblin is defeated but wants a second chance so he makes a deal with a demon, and boom the Demogoblin is born, thats stupid. In the 80's and early 90's and so on the comic book series kept on having crappy stories with a few good ones. Now if it sucked in the comic book, then it will more than likely suck in a movie, espacially for Sam Raimis path for these movies. DEMOGOBLIN SUCKS!!! And everyone in here needs to wake up and see the difference between crap and glory. What makes a story great? What makes a movie great? Well......NOT THE CRAP I EXPLAINED ABOVE!!! bUT I DO WISH TO SEE tHE SINISTER SIX AND SHRIEK, not so much Ben Riley, just because of the whole Peter being cloned and then leaving the city thing, AND would LOVE to see Venom and Carnage before the movie series ends!

Posted by: madfan12 at May 8, 2005 12:12 PM

guys check this out it sounds if im not mistaken alotttttttttt like venom

Thomas Haden Church (Sideways) will play a new as-yet-unidentified villain who is appropriate to that emotional journey, Raimi added. "We had to choose a villain that represented a proper obstacle in the path of that growth," Raimi said. "And so, though I'd rather not say who Thomas Haden Church is playing just yet—because Sony likes to make a proper presentation to the fans along with Avi Arad from Marvel Comic books—he was chosen because he represented that proper obstacle to ... Peter Parker's growth." Spider-Man 3 is in preproduction now.

Posted by: venommm at May 10, 2005 08:00 AM

I sure hope that the villians are Lizard and Venom. It would definitly fit the best in the series. Mysterio would be awsome to see and would also fit the storyline, will we see him in the 3rd or 4th flick? Hopefully. Venom cannot die in the 3rd, that would kill the series. Maybe the series will take comic book destiny controll, and have Venoms symbiote suit go onto the Lizard making an Ultra Villian, new and exciting to fans, and end with Carnage. WOuld that be cool? I think so. THen they could have a trilogy spin-off of Carnage. Very dark and sinister. That would be around nine great Spider-Man movies.

Posted by: madfan12 at May 15, 2005 04:14 PM

All i know is this, part two was good but fucked up for one reason. Too much was revealed. They should have choose to reveal him to the public, or to Maryjane, should have chosen only one of those, but no both were in the movie, that is what messed it up, though the movie was still good, cause i mean Sam Lee was even upset about that. Now thats gotta say something.
Now for the next few movies that they need to have, these are the must have villians
1 Venom
2 Carnage
3 the two goblins
4 Mysterio
5 The Lizard
6 The Kingpin
7 The rhino
8 The Scorpion
9 Maybe Electro
10 The Chameleon
I hate Kraven the hunter so screw him

And When Venom is brought in you gotta show spidy getting in to the black spider suit too, cause thats just part of the story, in the comix, and the cartoons, and please don't make the Hobgoblin look like a power ranger, the green goblin already got that part.

And who here knows about a comic book called ShadowHawk, it's awesome, and should be a movie.

Posted by: Jason Christopher at August 17, 2005 05:33 PM

I would love to see at least six Spidey films made

Villains I hope to see included

1 Mysterio
2 Lizard
3 Scorpion
4 Shocker
5 Chameleon
6 Vulture

Posted by: King Slithe at September 4, 2005 10:39 AM

I believe that Spiderman is one of the few comic book adaptations that is actually really good...however, I believe that this third movie will make or break the franchise. If it is too cheesy, which the second movie was pushing, then the franchise will die...sure people will continue to watch, but it will be just another Batman series and we all know how those movies are after the second one. They are going to have to introduce and really serious character soon and my vote goes to Venom but they will ruin the franchise if they kill him off too early. Venom should be introduced in this next one and then become the main villian in the fourth one so as to keep the dream alive!!! Things just get too corny after the 3rd or 4th film unless you add some flavor and I think Venom can and will do that if they portray him correctly.

Posted by: MechoPower at September 4, 2005 04:09 PM

Firstly, I disagree with most of you about most of the villains you'd like to see. I think Lizard, Chameleon, Shocker, Rhino, Kraven, and all the other little villains would be a complete waste of time. I agree that Venom should definately make an appearance, but its got to be a Symbiote Trilogy. The first film, which would have Spidey wearing the black suit, and going a little crazy (Then I suppose you could have all the little villains mentioned above, purely for Spidey to kick the c$&p; out of!) The second film would be Venom, and the third film Carnage. I think that would make the perfect 4th 5th and 6th movies. Agreed?

Posted by: Lee White at September 20, 2005 02:51 AM

*lol* You honestly think villians like the Lizard and others would be a waste of time? *lol* My sides are splitting i'm laughing so hard. What is it with everyone and Venom's saga? When I was younger my friends would mock me for liking Venom and Carnage because outer space and aliens were considered "gay". Theres nothing wrong with liking Spider-Man just because you like a villian or character, but when the hell did Venom become so f***in popular?

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 20, 2005 03:39 PM

I agree with all of yall, The lizard is the shit, he's a giant alligator guy, that's fucking fresh, Carnage and venom alien life forms that transform the appearance of a couple of people in spider-mans world into his enemies, that is fuckin sweet. Chameleon, good choice cause he can look like anyone, lot's of good scenes would come from him. Rhino is the shit he's a big guy in a rhino suit. Now yeah a lot of the small characters would be a waste of time if there was only one per movie. But in the show you have atleast a few of those villians in one series of episodes. What was it called sinister six.

Posted by: krazy J at September 29, 2005 06:33 PM