May 12, 2005

Sharon Stone to direct?

SharonStone.jpgI was reading a story from Variety through Coming Soon, and something just lept out at me.

Ryan Eslinger has snagged Sharon Stone to star in his $2 million independent project When a Man Falls in a Forest, and he's also penning a script for her to direct, reports Variety.

Tell you what Sharon, you star in this little independant and you can have your own movie to direct. Now I don't want to blast someone before they've proved themselves, and at times I do think that Stone has shown some talent, but she does repeat the same performance over and over again and you have to wonder what kind of Director she would make considering all the projects she's learned on.

Stone is attached to play an unhappily married woman who shoplifts to relieve her suffering. The woman is one of four sad, middle-class characters living in a small town in the Midwest.

In a separate project initiated by Stone, Eslinger is penning a script for the actress to direct. Eslinger said the screenplay's scientific theme has echoes of his Madness and Genius.

Okay, so this sounds like it isn't one of those repeat performances. Yet the screenplay she's going to direct has a scientific theme. It sounds like a gamble for Stone for sure.

Posted by at May 12, 2005 02:10 PM


I heard somewhere that she has an outrageously high IQ. I don't believe it though, she doesn't seem all that bright to me. Unless she's just a social retard.

Posted by: adam at May 12, 2005 05:56 PM

OK....remember her "acting" skills in King Solomon's Mines? Really they sent her to acting school....some what better in Total Recall. She better go to directing skool 1st before she embarasssssesssss herself.....shit.....when you have to revive a movie from 10 years ago that dosent need a sequal to sell yourself as bankable to the money have problems(ie SEE the Italian Stallion...SLY)

Posted by: jason at May 13, 2005 12:01 AM

OK....remember her "acting" skills in King Solomon's Mines? Really they sent her to acting school....some what better in Total Recall. She better go to directing skool 1st before she embarasssssesssss herself.....shit.....when you have to revive a movie from 10 years ago that dosent need a sequal to sell yourself as bankable to the money have problems(ie SEE the Italian Stallion...SLY) did she not have the quickest....yet longest 15 minutes?

Posted by: jason at May 13, 2005 12:02 AM