May 03, 2005

Samuel L. Jackson is not The Man

samjackson.jpgUsually I'd bypass this kind of trailer as soon as I saw the premise, but something in me made me download it and watch it, and I'm glad. I might actually go see this now. The Man carries the following blurb on IMDB:

Eugene Levy plays a clueless traveling salesman who finds himself in the middle of an ATF sting, headed up by Samuel L. Jackson's character.

Sounds pretty bad, but watch the trailer. There are some genuinely funny moments, and especially the multiple questions. I actually do think this could be funny. Pitching Jackson against the straight up Levy could turn out to be really funny...unless we've just seen all the funny bits.

There's one other thing I'm interested in though, and that's the casting of Luke Goss as the baddie. His turn in Blade 2 was really good, although it was hard to see him through all that make-up, and I'm really keen to see his talents onscreen without him hiding away. You know he's even acted beside Michelle Yeoh!

Posted by at May 3, 2005 04:47 AM


Um, yeah, it sorta has a few moments to it. And I kinda think we saw them all in that trailer.

Posted by: Lilly at May 3, 2005 09:08 AM

After watching the trailer, I have to agree with you...this one will really suck or be quite funny, no in-between. The trailer is funny.

Posted by: jimf at May 3, 2005 03:35 PM

Actually, I saw a preview of this a couple of weeks ago and laughed my a-- off. It is really good!

Posted by: Filmyes at May 15, 2005 11:07 PM

i hate this film

Posted by: paul at September 10, 2005 12:19 PM