May 18, 2005

Role Playing movie in development

MazesandMonsters.jpgA little known movie, now you may prove me wrong here, called Mazes and Monsters starred a very young Tom Hanks and investigated the pastime of live action fantasy role players. People who play things like Dungeons and Dragons but act it out in real life. Actually, I used to play an online game called a Multi User Dungeon (MUD) called Realms of Discordia where you do a similar thing, excellent fun...I was the King...anyway!

Well they look set to visit this territory again, although the news story suggests this might be a documentary, I'm hoping it's fiction and taken to some more interesting plot developments. The story from Movie Web:

According to Variety, Gotham-based banner Ovie Entertainment has unveiled a slate that includes the docu Darkon about a cult of "live action role-playing fantasy gamers" who battle each other in a modern day city.

In post-production, Darkon's title refers to the fictitious medieval world that exists in Baltimore in the minds of a group of avid role players who wage intricate fantasy battles there.

No surprise they are looking to develop a game at the same time. Are there any role players (of any description, live, online, etc) that think are dreading this kind of movie for fear it labels them as too extreme? Or, and this is for anyone, are you interested in the material and think it could actually make a good movie?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 18, 2005 01:59 PM


I think this would be a bad thing for those casual role-players(non-live action). We are already labeled as freaks by most of mainstream america. This would only serve to alienate and ostracize us more.
The movie Mazes and Monsters was used to singlehandedly destroy the image of Dungeons and Dragons for decades. The movie was based off of a book written about a young man who committed suicide and who happened to be an avid player of a live-action role-playing game that had nothing to do with D&D.; Just like with the lawsuits against Judas Priest and Ozzy Osbourne in the 80's, the parents of this young man refused to admit that their son had problems or that they might have contributed to his death and blamed Role-playing instead.
Christian right/action groups at the time were doing everything they could to get rid of Dungeons and Dragons(the only pen and paper role-playing game at the time) and took up the parents cause as a way to do it. Later, when the movie Mazes and Monsters came along, these supposed "family" action groups once again used this movie to christen D&D; a satanic game even though the game involves playing as a good hero fighting evil creatures(including a PRIEST hero character).
Because of this, role-players have had to deal for years with christians who know nothing about D&D;, never saw it played, but because of the "christian" grapevine, just assumed it was evil.
Before anyone gets mad at me, I AM a christian myself and love the lord and Jesus!!! I am just not a blind christian who believes everything that the people in my church tell me!!! I make my own informed opinions about things and YES I am a christian AND play D&D; regularly!!!
I understand if you are a christian and against D&D.; that is your right and priviledge. Just don't make up lies about it and condemn other people from playing it!!!

Posted by: jason presti at May 18, 2005 02:43 PM

I couldn't agree with you more Jason on the whole Christains against D&D; topic. I grew up with the same teachings as a child, and when I got older I realized how short sided the opinions were.

My daughter and I have similiar obstacles with Harry Potter because so many Christains believe it's bad. Her former Christain Private school was strictly against Harry Potter where as her new (and better) private school shows open tolerance. Good grief people it's make believe!!

Now, regarding this movie. I also agree with Jason that it could be a diservice those who participate in role-playing at all. In high school I had a group of guy friends I would table top RP with one Saturday a month. As an adult I discovered on-line RP on AOL, which is more descriptive word play. I participated for years then gave it up because life was too busy and the quality fell to the waste side, but now as things have slowed down I'm playing with the idea of picking it back up.

If this movie is made whether ficition or documentary style I can't see it promoting RP for the good. There are too many people who mock what they don't understand. There is nothing wrong with Role-playing. It's no different than someone plays a sport, an instrument, acts or sings. Sure there are some odd people out there, who don't separate reality very well (I've come across a hand-ful), but there are plenty well adjusted participants.

Posted by: Meli at May 18, 2005 04:26 PM

Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!

Posted by: Methylparoben at May 18, 2005 07:36 PM


Posted by: adam at May 18, 2005 09:50 PM

wow, blast from the past. i had seen mazes so long ago and forgotten completely about it.

Posted by: bigwig at May 19, 2005 01:52 AM

I don't really know what to think about that. I play D&D;, but never done any LARP.

I do tend to like LARP movies though, few that there are. My favorite movie that utilizes role playing has to be Shakma. That monkey did not like D&D.; I think Shakma would be against this movie

Posted by: tracy at May 19, 2005 01:32 PM

ok id like state first . I am in the movie i am a darkonian i fight the battles play the game
second you dont there for you have a one sided veiw of what we do
thrid your thinking of a much diffrent world its 2005 people heck the world has changed i mean back then for example some things were taboo ie. gay in the open, women in power. i think the world has grown up a bit not much but enough to take something for what it is this is not a action flick or over done hollywood flick its a documentry of a game. i belive people should take it for what it is a game and if they cant it just proves they have some growing up to do

Posted by: sin at May 30, 2005 05:58 PM

check out the new website.

Posted by: one at July 1, 2005 07:26 PM