May 20, 2005

Revenge of the Sith takes $16.5M Opening Night

Any day that I can go home after work and say "I made $16.5 MILLION Dollars today" is a damn fine day! On Thursday morning at 12:01am, that's what Revenge of the Sith did! Now, to understand how really impressive this actually is, keep these few points in mind:

1) The opening night midnight showing of Return of the King took in only $8 million (which is still an impressive number)

2) This was a Wednesday night/Thursday morning showing... people had to be at work the next day

3) Some films don't make this much money in their entire run

It's a real testament to the strength of Star Wars that Phantom and Clones were so hated by so many... and yet Revenge of the Sith is STILL bringing in these kinds of numbers. Impressive (in my best Darth Vader voice) Most impressive.

Posted by John Campea at May 20, 2005 07:04 AM



Things which make it slightly less impressive.

1. Star Wars has a huuuuge fan base. 16m is pretty good but how much of that reflects the actual quality of the film as opposed to "I am going to watch the new star wars movie come hell or high water"?

2. Most movies wouldn't normally cost the annual GDP for Mars.

Things which make it REALLY impressive.

1. Lucas-fied scripting
2. Jar Jar Binks

Posted by: Pablo at May 20, 2005 07:15 AM

Hey there Pablo

Keep in mind that NO movies opening night numbers reflect the quality of the film... becauce no one has seen it yet at that point other than critics.

Posted by: John Campea at May 20, 2005 07:28 AM

Sure, that makes sense. However trailers and advertising hype do get a "feel" for how the movie might be.

Just saying that for a series that has been around for nigh on 30years and has made untold billions, 16m seems a little bit like small change.

Posted by: Pablo at May 20, 2005 07:35 AM

Perhaps we should actually wait until the working world can get out and see this movie before we talk about how it should have made more. The weekend is not even here yet. I wish big budget movies like this one and 'the others' would stop releasing during the week because it skews the opening weekend numbers.

Posted by: Trey at May 20, 2005 09:20 AM

Who cares... This figure is not about the quality, or even who is in the seats. Lucas Entertainment is not going to down-play the 16.5 opening revenue due to the cult following. That exact cult following is what makes Lucas and his executives drool, and that drool is why we are going to see new animated series and the live action series. Star Wars is a huge money generating subject and it is the cult following which drives it.

Posted by: Brad at May 20, 2005 10:11 AM

Pablo, the figures was just for the midnight screening sure its chump change, wait till the film has been shown across the globe, then we'll talk box office receipts.

I think John's point has something to do with the popularity of the films that despite Episodes I and II not figuring too high on erstwhile SW fans, to quote your own words, ""I am going to watch the new star wars movie come hell or high water"?

Speaking of midnight screenings, is it Star Wars that started it all?

Posted by: Simone at May 20, 2005 10:21 AM

I would be VERY suprised if RotS doesn't break 80 million this weekend.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 20, 2005 11:15 AM

16m is a good number for 1 single day! Though I was hoping it would be closer to 20m. Why? Cause heck, most movies make that in 3 days - not 1 - in their opening weekend. Still 16m is not something to squawk about. SW fans went out in droves to support and celebrate the movie saga, which has been a love for the better part of their lives.

I think by the end of the weekend the movie will have made close to 100m.

Hey Simone - midnight showings in the US have been around for years, but only for big movies...such as a Star Trek movie, Bond Flick, Batman. And limited to only a couple of theaters who would do it.
My most memorable midnight showing was "Interview With A Vampire". I had plans to see it with my best friend on opening day, but a bunch of theaters friends wanted to go at Midnight. I couldn't resist and decided to just pretend like I hadn't seen it the next day. When I got there I hear a familiar voice call my name....and my bf Forrest was there waiting in line! Hahahahaha - we both had the same idea and caught each other.

Posted by: Meli at May 20, 2005 01:31 PM

I wonder how much of those box office sales for this weekend will be repeat customers. I saw it last night (loved it!) and I'll end up seeing it a couple more times in the theater because that's what all my theater-attending buddies want to see.

Posted by: Whyskey at May 20, 2005 02:34 PM

Great news - I hope the public has as much fun as I did at the midnight screening! My wife and I are going to see it again tomorrow night.

Posted by: trysop at May 20, 2005 03:32 PM

This is even better news, "Revenge of the Sith" broke the single day record. It already hit $50 million on opening day alone.

Check the news here:;=.htm

Posted by: Simone at May 20, 2005 06:42 PM

Why are we calling Star Wars a cult classic? Have we forgotten how hugely mainstream it is?

This is why you see a million action figures in Wal Mart. I doubt you'll see any action figures for Donny Darko, or UHF, right? Right.

Posted by: Matt Fantastic at May 21, 2005 05:59 AM

Meli, thanks for letting me know that. Episode III was my first midnight screening ever and it looks like it will be the last. I didnt even hear about the "Return of the King" midnight screening here in the UK, unless it was only done in the US of course.

Posted by: Simone at May 21, 2005 10:42 AM

hmmm, still not convinced.

Yes its a lot of money, and yes I and II were close to being "straight-to-videos", but an almost blind fan base(blind because they have been immersed into the Star Wars reality); How many people can speak some of the Star Wars languages? How many have bought the games/action figures/pillow cases?

My point is: That if ALL the star wars fans of the last 30 years had gone along to the opening screening then $16.5 million would not be the figure we would be discussing.

Posted by: Pablo at May 24, 2005 05:21 AM

Tsk, tsk, tsk, obviously not a believer.

Pablo, there is no need to convince you or anybody. The fact that Sith broke existing midnight screening records, and eventuall a lot of other box office records regardless of whether not ALL Star Wars fans saw it midnight screening, or on the forst day or what-have-you will not change the official figures.

I am not even sure what point youre trying to make here. Let me ask you, DO YOU KNOW ALL STAR WARS fans of the last 30 years? Do you know what they were doing if they werent there at the midnight screening?

Oh, and my mood is calm. :-)

Posted by: Simone at May 24, 2005 07:09 AM

Maybe I have mis-understood what John's post was about, but(please correct me here John) i thought he was trying to say that

a) it made a lot of money
b) especially on a work night
c) even though I and II were shitty.

And i was saying.

1.) don't think its that much money(relatively speaking)
2.) even for a work night(true fans would go regardless)
3.) I and II being shitty is irrelevant if you have been a fan of something for such a long time.

Posted by: Pablo at May 24, 2005 09:11 AM