May 07, 2005

Revenge of the Sith Reviews

I put up my review of Rvenge of the Sith earlier which you can read here, but now other reviews (from much better critics than me) are making their way onto the net.

Just to bring you up to speed, I personally gave Revenge of the Sith a very respectable 7 out of 10... it seems MANY critics are rating it much higher

Here is what some of them are saying:

"Whatever one thought of the previous two installments, this dynamic picture irons out most of the problems, and emerges as the best in the overall series since The Empire Strikes Back."
-- Todd McCarthy, VARIETY

"The final episode of George Lucas' cinematic epic Star Wars ends the six-movie series on such a high note that one feels like yelling out, 'Rewind!'"

"Star Wars fans have finally been rewarded for their patience. George has made another masterpiece."
-- Joshua Tyler, CINEMABLEND.COM

"'If, as director Lucas has said, this is the final film in the saga, he has done himself justice by going out with a winner. '"

Wow... most of these reviews are a bit more positive than mine, but I do concur that Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is a very good movie and one that you'll have a lot of fun watching.

Posted by John Campea at May 7, 2005 02:27 PM


John, I hate to break this to you, but our man Ben has sullied Jen's womb forever and a day. Yup, they are with child. Sorry. I'm sure your dream of stealing her away from him was nice while it lasted.

Posted by: Lilly at May 7, 2005 06:37 PM

I expected these reviews, and I am real glad. At last we SW fans will reveal to the bashers.

At last we shall have... REVENGE!!!!


Posted by: Peter at May 8, 2005 05:50 AM

I share Peter's sentiments in this one. *winks*

I am very pleased with this reviews, the best so far coming from Aint It Cool News SW junkie, Harry Knowles.

I wont be surprised if there will still be bashing once the film is on general release, and let them, I will not let any negative reviews enjoy what I am so expecting from this movie to deliver.

Posted by: Simone at May 8, 2005 01:40 PM

Of COURSE there will be Simone... and it'll all be George Lucas's fault. Shame on you Mr. Lucas who has a million dollar estate and could really care less what the critics will think (you know I love you man...) At least we'll all having something to look for on the newest VH1's "I Love the 2000's" when it will be criticized even more by people who think their funny.

I, for one, love every single one of them Star Wars episodes and look forward -- with GREAT enthusiasm -- to see the 3rd episode. (I'm still upset that John got to preview it and we all didn't, but ya know...)

Posted by: SuperGrover at May 8, 2005 05:23 PM

I saw it at the London preview screening this morning. I'm not exactly the world's biggest SW fan - Empire is great, but I think the dialogue in A New Hope and the tweeness of Return of the Jedi are real problems. And I hated, absolutely hated, the two prequels. Let's just say, I wouldn't exactly have been surprised if Revenge of the Sith had sucked.

It doesn't suck. It's great.

Lucas still can't write dialogue for shit, and the love story's still not convincing, but he's remembered how to direct exciting action sequences, he's remembered how to let good actors have fun with their roles, and he's remembered how to create the sort of purely iconic visual and mythic moments that made the original trilogy what it was. I actually got a bit choked up at several points near the end. Wow.

Posted by: tom at May 8, 2005 06:07 PM

Reading this review has renewed the faith I had that this film would be the best of the prequels. I am actually excited about it.

What you said about Padmé is interesting though. I have yet to see it and had no idea of her bad lines until reading this, but I cringe everytime I see her cry on the trailer. By seeing that bit of acting, I had a feeling that Padmé would be annoying -- I didn't think as annoying as Jar Jar.

Posted by: Jen at May 8, 2005 08:25 PM

SuperGrover, this gets better, finding out youre also a SW nut! :-)

Ey Tom, I liked your post there, especially this part, "I actually got a bit choked up at several points near the end. Wow." What I cant stand at the moment is that there seems to be more and more people saying how they loved it and I am so jealous that I still have to wait till midnight of May 18!!! SO NOT FAIR!

Posted by: Simone at May 9, 2005 05:16 AM

My review is now up on Darkmatters... and it's very much in the 'positive' camp, I loved it!!!

Posted by: Dark Matt at May 9, 2005 09:56 AM

Hey Matt, I loved your review! I skipped the bits were spoilers abound, I am trying to be good you know, but overall, I thought I have read enough of what I was expecting anyway.

Okay, so how old is Luke, and I mean your son now okay? :-)

Posted by: Simone at May 9, 2005 10:54 AM

My full review's just gone online too - here it be.

Posted by: tom at May 9, 2005 01:55 PM

Just read your review Tom, "Thank you, George. Thank you. Now... could you go back and re-do the first two, please?"

You made me laugh there man, mighty big of you to come out with that honest review. Darn it, 10 more days to go!!!

Posted by: Simone at May 9, 2005 04:40 PM

Hey Simone - my son Luke is now 8 and so he'll get to see SITH at the cinema (this will be his first big screen Star Wars - a lot like mine - I was 6 when I saw A New Hope, or just Star Wars as it was at first!!).
He and his younger brother James (as in Bond) both want to be Jedi when they grow up which I think is a good career path to strive for...
Have a great photo of the boys lightsaber duelling which I'll post later today!

Just checked my blog (Darkmatters)this morning and TheForce.Net has posted link to my review alongside the BBC, The Times and Empire ones - feel very privileged... just hope that Blogger can keep up with the demand!!

Posted by: Dark Matt at May 10, 2005 05:47 AM

Glad to hear the positive reviews, still can't understand why people hated on episodes 1 & 2, cause Lucas had to tell the story of Anakin as a child, and then again as a love struck teenager; hence the two movies couldn't deliver all the death and destruction and overall bad ass sith action that so many were craving to see ever since the release of Phantom Menace. For me, the first two movies did a good job of showing us how Palps set his plan in motion, and how Anakin was indeed a good soul, but had issues w/ letting go of people, as well as taking the jedi code seriously (he ignores it as he marries Padme). Sure the acting wasn't the best, but no Star Wars film ever did well in that department. Watching these movies is like watching a comic book unfold on the big screen, so it's dumb to expect an oscar-worthy performance from any of Lucas's actors. I think the first two prequels did their job effectively, it's just we live in an impatient world where everyone wanted to see bad ass Anakin from the get-go. Even if Lucas had hired someone else to direct these prequel films, I doubt the result would be any different, people will still diss the first two cause it's not dark enough for their tastes.

Posted by: Dave at May 10, 2005 10:50 PM

Gee Dave, i want to hug you right there. Can I just??? {{{Dave}}} :-)

What you just said are all my sentiments exactly about the prequels, but you know what, I am so tired of defending it to them now especially to the disillusioned ones and I wont try anymore, I wont be surprised if after Episode III is released, there will still be a lot of whining going around, oh well.

Now Matt! I am so proud of your sons, Luke and James are their names? You must have a blast naming them when they were born! LOL And I can imagine what his first film experience will be like, I'd like to see them with their lightsabers, shall I just check it later in your blog?


Posted by: Simone at May 12, 2005 07:03 AM

i just saw the movie in my country costa rica, it was ok but no great

Posted by: MONGO at May 18, 2005 02:03 AM

i just saw the movie on my country Costa Rica, great MOVIE!!!!

Posted by: MONGO at May 18, 2005 02:04 AM

just seen it, amazing film thankyou and well done to all involved in it and the entire starwars story

Posted by: Blackball at May 18, 2005 10:46 PM

Why try to defend Star Wars to anybody? Everybody has their own opinions and are entitled to them. After all, some people even like Bush.


Posted by: David at May 19, 2005 11:31 AM

Just got back from seeing the film in London. Boy, it sucked!!! What a massive let down. i guess that's what you get for having high expectations. Plot was a mess like the other 2. Sidious was a comical villain as he always was. Annakins decent into the dark side was totally unconvincing, Vaders 'birth scene', the one scene i was REALLY looking forward to and though would be dramatic as hell was the worst thing it could be - humorous. what a let down. that stupid frankenstein walk, the "Noooo!" yell. and palpatine going. 'lord vader, can you hear me' was like 'knock knock, who's there?' That whole scene should have been played without exposition and just music. A hell of a lost opportunity. I really thought this one might be OK, but it sucked like all the rest of the prequels. As far as I am concerned, and many other fans too who appreciate realistic characters and well executed stories, Star Wars is just episodes 4, 5 and 6 and 1, 2 and 3 belong to some other movie franchise entirely. I mean, if you were 6 years old i could see why you MIGHT like the prequels, but if your older than 12, why.. WHY would you dig these lame films? have you ever seen a well made film? Anything made before the emrgence of CGI and loud explosions in place of heart and character? These prequels are among some of the worst films ever made. Especially from a man who had no barriers to the process. Maybe he needed some. These prequels had no likable characters, lots of unlikable characters, storylines that were a total mess and visual effects that were WAAAY too busy and masked the obvious lack of heart and soul that the original films had in spades. With the prequels you didn’t care for the goodies OR the baddies. So all those battles were just BOOORING. With 4, 5 and 6 there was a genuine loyalty between all the characters and you cared what happened. Its kinda a fundamental of storytelling that you care about the characters. Doh!

It would have been WAY more dramatic and surprising to have, as the final straw to turn annakin to the dark side that, after giving birth to the twins, padme then goes to find annakin as she does, then have annakin fly into the rage with her (as he does) buy using the force on her throat (as he does) but have Annakin kill padme in that scene. That would be the final thing that turns him. For him to kill the one thing he loved would have been very powerful, then you wouldn't have needed that tedious scene where annakin and obi wan have a big discussion to 'tell the audience' why they are about to fight. This whole film could have had half the exposition and just SHOWN things in a dramatic fashion with musical underscore. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I feel real flat about all this. It's ended with a wimper, not a bang.

I know a bunch of die-hard lord of the rings fans are gonna slag this letter off (and don't bother writing to me... slag me publicly please on this forum), but I know there are millions of people who share my profound disappointment.

It was all there in the opening dialogue of phantom menace... "I have a very bad feeling about this."

stay sharp and love to you all.

The force will be with you. Always.

Posted by: 60eight at May 19, 2005 06:15 PM

Just got back from seeing the film in London. Boy, it sucked!!! What a massive let down. i guess that's what you get for having high expectations. Plot was a mess like the other 2. Sidious was a comical villain as he always was. Annakins decent into the dark side was totally unconvincing, Vaders 'birth scene', the one scene i was REALLY looking forward to and though would be dramatic as hell was the worst thing it could be - humorous. what a let down. that stupid frankenstein walk, the "Noooo!" yell. and palpatine going. 'lord vader, can you hear me' was like 'knock knock, who's there?' That whole scene should have been played without exposition and just music. A hell of a lost opportunity. I really thought this one might be OK, but it sucked like all the rest of the prequels. As far as I am concerned, and many other fans too who appreciate realistic characters and well executed stories, Star Wars is just episodes 4, 5 and 6 and 1, 2 and 3 belong to some other movie franchise entirely. I mean, if you were 6 years old i could see why you MIGHT like the prequels, but if your older than 12, why.. WHY would you dig these lame films? have you ever seen a well made film? Anything made before the emrgence of CGI and loud explosions in place of heart and character? These prequels are among some of the worst films ever made. Especially from a man who had no barriers to the process. Maybe he needed some. These prequels had no likable characters, lots of unlikable characters, storylines that were a total mess and visual effects that were WAAAY too busy and masked the obvious lack of heart and soul that the original films had in spades. With the prequels you didn’t care for the goodies OR the baddies. So all those battles were just BOOORING. With 4, 5 and 6 there was a genuine loyalty between all the characters and you cared what happened. Its kinda a fundamental of storytelling that you care about the characters. Doh!

It would have been WAY more dramatic and surprising to have, as the final straw to turn annakin to the dark side that, after giving birth to the twins, padme then goes to find annakin as she does, then have annakin fly into the rage with her (as he does) buy using the force on her throat (as he does) but have Annakin kill padme in that scene. That would be the final thing that turns him. For him to kill the one thing he loved would have been very powerful, then you wouldn't have needed that tedious scene where annakin and obi wan have a big discussion to 'tell the audience' why they are about to fight. This whole film could have had half the exposition and just SHOWN things in a dramatic fashion with musical underscore. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I feel real flat about all this. It's ended with a wimper, not a bang.

I know a bunch of die-hard lord of the rings fans are gonna slag this letter off (and don't bother writing to me... slag me publicly please on this forum), but I know there are millions of people who share my profound disappointment.

It was all there in the opening dialogue of phantom menace... "I have a very bad feeling about this."

stay sharp and love to you all.

The force will be with you. Always.

Posted by: sixtyeight at May 19, 2005 06:16 PM

Just got back from seeing the film in London. Boy, it sucked!!! What a massive let down. i guess that's what you get for having high expectations. Plot was a mess like the other 2. Sidious was a comical villain as he always was. Annakins decent into the dark side was totally unconvincing, Vaders 'birth scene', the one scene i was REALLY looking forward to and though would be dramatic as hell was the worst thing it could be - humorous. what a let down. that stupid frankenstein walk, the "Noooo!" yell. and palpatine going. 'lord vader, can you hear me' was like 'knock knock, who's there?' That whole scene should have been played without exposition and just music. A hell of a lost opportunity. I really thought this one might be OK, but it sucked like all the rest of the prequels. As far as I am concerned, and many other fans too who appreciate realistic characters and well executed stories, Star Wars is just episodes 4, 5 and 6 and 1, 2 and 3 belong to some other movie franchise entirely. I mean, if you were 6 years old i could see why you MIGHT like the prequels, but if your older than 12, why.. WHY would you dig these lame films? have you ever seen a well made film? Anything made before the emrgence of CGI and loud explosions in place of heart and character? These prequels are among some of the worst films ever made. Especially from a man who had no barriers to the process. Maybe he needed some. These prequels had no likable characters, lots of unlikable characters, storylines that were a total mess and visual effects that were WAAAY too busy and masked the obvious lack of heart and soul that the original films had in spades. With the prequels you didn’t care for the goodies OR the baddies. So all those battles were just BOOORING. With 4, 5 and 6 there was a genuine loyalty between all the characters and you cared what happened. Its kinda a fundamental of storytelling that you care about the characters. Doh!

It would have been WAY more dramatic and surprising to have, as the final straw to turn annakin to the dark side that, after giving birth to the twins, padme then goes to find annakin as she does, then have annakin fly into the rage with her (as he does) buy using the force on her throat (as he does) but have Annakin kill padme in that scene. That would be the final thing that turns him. For him to kill the one thing he loved would have been very powerful, then you wouldn't have needed that tedious scene where annakin and obi wan have a big discussion to 'tell the audience' why they are about to fight. This whole film could have had half the exposition and just SHOWN things in a dramatic fashion with musical underscore. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I feel real flat about all this. It's ended with a wimper, not a bang.

I know a bunch of die-hard lord of the rings fans are gonna slag this letter off (and don't bother writing to me... slag me publicly please on this forum), but I know there are millions of people who share my profound disappointment.

It was all there in the opening dialogue of phantom menace... "I have a very bad feeling about this."

stay sharp and love to you all.

The force will be with you. Always.

Posted by: sixty eight at May 19, 2005 06:19 PM

Was just reading a review about the new Star Wars movie. About a whiny and petulant lead actor. About stilted dialogue in the love scenes. About overacting in some scenes and underacting in others. About too many special effects and not enough plot.

It was written in the early 80’s about The Empire Strikes Back.

The review went on to rip into the puppet Yoda, and his ‘Fozzy Bear’ voice. I hadn’t read anything so critical of a non-existent ‘actor’ since… well since the last posting about Jar-Jar.

Most 21st century reviewers now see Empire as the best of the original trilogy, and are willing to overlook some minor flaws . (I disagree. I will never forget the very first time I saw “Star Wars”. There had never been anything remotely like it. Until then Sci Fi had been deep, mysterious, and slightly boring (say 2001) or cheesy schlock. With the abundance of modern CGI extravaganzas it my be impossible for any movie to recapture that magic)

I saw the midnight screening of Sith in Sydney with my two sons (9 and 13). Thought that it was a great stable-mate for the other films in the saga. It did exactly what I had hoped –it advanced the storyline. Filled in holes and tied up loose ends. And provided fantastic action sequences. It was not high art, but I wasn't looking for that.

It wasn’t without its flaws –I thought Natalie Portman’s acting was fairly awful for most of the movie. But her “So this is how liberty dies…” scene redeemed her.
Just occasionally a scene needed better writing, acting, or direction (or all three), but show me a movie that doesn’t.

Seen in context with the rest of the saga, a good episode. Maybe even a great one. Not the best of the saga. Certainly not the best movie ever made. But certainly not the worst.

Anybody who thinks that the prequils are the worst films ever made, should get out more.

Posted by: Greg at May 19, 2005 10:47 PM

Hi I just put up some pictures of Opening night in Hollywood at

Posted by: Crackpotpress at May 19, 2005 11:38 PM

I have seen Sith twice now and there's something that bothers me (actually three things to be exact):

1. What happened to the critically important scene where Mon Mothma, Padme, Bail Organa etc sat in his office and decided there and then to form the Rebellion against the Empire? It's not in the movie I saw (twice). BUT IT IS IN THE SCRIPT as well as the novel and comic adaptation.
2. In the version I saw, Yoda is NOT shown arriving on Dagobah and starting his exile. Why is this missing? SAME HERE: IT'S IN THE SCRIPT as well as the novel and comic adaptation.
3. And last but by no means the least: I was always under the impression that Skywalker will fall INTO molten lava, not get fried on a lava river bank…he had crushed lungs…I don’t know if fire alone could have done this kind of damage…

Can anyone PLEASE shed some light on these mysteries (especially points 1 and 2). It feels like I’ve somehow been cheated and the correct version of the movie exists everywhere else but here in Melbourne, Australia! Unless of course, Lucas cut these scenes (1+2) for the DVD-release…I’m not too concerned about point 3 (after all, Lucas can make the movie as he pleases since it is his money) but I’m really disappointed by the absence of the other scenes (1 and 2 above). Apart from these flaws (and the feeling that the scenes are “rushed” in some places) it was an excellent attempt (but still not as good as Empire Strikes Back, sorry).

Posted by: Graeme at May 20, 2005 05:26 AM

The film was without its flaws I agree, but flaws you can ignore as they are not huge flaws.

That having been said I came out of the film satisfied, (having viewed it 3 times on opening day) and I had this nagging ache to ask whatever happens next? Not even realising that Episodes 4, 5 and 6 are already made and that I can watch it as soon as I get home. LOL

IMO, RotS was a great ending to the saga we all loved.

Now there's that sinking feeling again that I had when I was 13 after realising "Return of the Jedi" was the last Star Wars film.

Posted by: Simone at May 20, 2005 05:56 AM

There is always going to be a lot of bitching about something which for so many of us around in the '70s was a cultural watershed. No movie (or book or anything else for that matter) has burned as brightly into the collective conscious of society before or since. The prequels are fun, but they really don't let any of us feel the force (admit it, did any of us really think that they would? At least there is some of that old goose-bump 'Imperial March' stuff in this last one). There are no "for over a thousand years the Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the old republic" moments in them.
The prequels are victims of their own superb technology, like everything today: slick and glossy, just don't look too close - it's all cardboard (or in this case pixels). It is total over-reliance on CGI and an utter lack of identifiable characters (characters in which we see something of all the people we know in our own lives). The characters are all blue-screen clothes-hangers for the CGI which ILM has endeavoured to push to the max. I think if George Lucas could have done away with actors completely he would have, the films are merely extremely expensive multimedia catalogues for what Industrial light and Magic can produce. The effects were so primitive in 1977 and 1980 that the characters had to be able to carry the story. A Darth Maul who delivers one arb line can't possibly have the menace of Darth Vader delivering his "what have you done with those plans" or "there'll be no-one to stop us this time" lines. Why do we all love that stuff so?

Posted by: Mike at May 20, 2005 09:37 AM

Overall, ROTS was a great movie in and of itself. However, being this was the last movie EVER, here are a few things I thought needed to covered better:
1) Sifo-Dyas, who ordered the clone army, who erased the Jedi records?
2) Qui-gon, what happened to the explanation of disappearing Jedi. The 20 sec Obi/Yoda explanation let a lot to be desired.
3) The birth of the rebel alliance, there was nothing. What about Mon Mothma?
4) If Luke is born first, how come he has no recollection of Padme yet Leia who is born second does have some image if her real mother? Why does Obi-Wan say "That boy is our last hope" in Ep V if he is there for the twins birth. And, if you are trying to hide the children of Anakin from him why would you name the kid Luke SKYWALKER and send him to his dad's old home world?

Don't get me wrong, Sith is the best of all prequels, possibly the entire saga. But, there were a few things that I, and please feel free to disagree, needed wrapped up that just weren't. Oh well, now we wait for the DVD.

Posted by: Mike at May 20, 2005 02:14 PM

Okay, okay, okay...elephants don't fly...crows can't talk and either can a scarecrow, a lion and a tinman...but...let's be real, the latest intallment of Star Wars was a damn sight better than most had hoped for. Lucas tells a story amidst a spectacular backdrop...period. What should he have done? Consult David Mammet to clean up the script? It's George Lucas' vision, his tale alone! It's fantasy, damnit! So...enjoy it!

Posted by: johnnyb at May 20, 2005 02:46 PM

I am a big star wars fan and I thought the movie was pretty lame, sure there was some good lightsaber duels but anakin turned to easy, what's up with darth at the end, reminded me of frankenstein. So much for Chewbaca too, a two and a half hour movie and we got to see his planet for what a minute. Overall I was dissapointed, no Boba fett but they showed him as a trooper. I give it 2 stars, can't wait for the tv series.

Posted by: ryan at May 20, 2005 03:30 PM

I am a big star wars fan and I thought the movie was pretty lame, sure there was some good lightsaber duels but anakin turned to easy, what's up with darth at the end, reminded me of frankenstein. So much for Chewbaca too, a two and a half hour movie and we got to see his planet for what a minute. Overall I was dissapointed, no Boba fett but they showed him as a trooper. I give it 2 stars, can't wait for the tv series.

Posted by: ryan at May 20, 2005 03:31 PM

I am a big star wars fan and I thought the movie was pretty lame, sure there was some good lightsaber duels but anakin turned to easy, what's up with darth at the end, reminded me of frankenstein. So much for Chewbaca too, a two and a half hour movie and we got to see his planet for what a minute. Overall I was dissapointed, no Boba fett but they showed him as a trooper. I give it 2 stars, can't wait for the tv series.

Posted by: ryan at May 20, 2005 03:32 PM

I am a big star wars fan and I thought the movie was pretty lame, sure there was some good lightsaber duels but anakin turned to easy, what's up with darth at the end, reminded me of frankenstein. So much for Chewbaca too, a two and a half hour movie and we got to see his planet for what a minute. Overall I was dissapointed, no Boba fett but they showed him as a trooper. I give it 2 stars, can't wait for the tv series.

Posted by: ryan at May 20, 2005 03:33 PM

It was good see some familar sets that had nothing to do with computer generated imagery - particularly the Alderaan ship. This is not the best film of the series. "Empire" still takes the cake, when it comes to Star Wars films. Part III is a beautifully rendered, yet convoluted story and the last 30 mins of the film should have been made into a coherent movie of its own. The droid armies, the clones, and the Jedi were so lackluster that I found that I didn't care who won - I just wanted it to end. The Star Wars saga started with a great big bang and went out in a vapid blaze of special effects. I am convinced George Lucas has truly gone over to the Dark Side. I wanted to love this movie - I am sorry to see such great potential left to spoil in the ego driven hands of Mr. Lucas. What a shame.

Posted by: rjcparis at May 20, 2005 04:12 PM

I have to say that when I left the theatre, I wasn't sure what to think. I did feel that this was way better than the first two. But there was something about the emotion that I was looking for. A great story teller gets you emotionally involved... when a movie can make you feel ANGRY, or SAD, or EXCITED... that's the best thing a movie can create to the viewer. It should say, "sit back, and enjoy the ride." I have to say that there were so many parts in the movie, key moments, that could have gave you a little more, and it would hit you... you know, make you feel something towards a character. I almost got there with this movie, and all it would have taken was a little nudge, and I would have been there. However, compared to the first to movies with "cardboard" acting, this movie kick their asses.
If you refer to the charactors of the original Star Wars, you see the bond that the Charactors had with each other (Luke, Leah, Han Solo, etc) and hence we bonded to them as they moved through the story of Star Wars.
We have nothing to hold on too in the first two movies, except the story of Star Wars. The Revenge of the Sith actually had a more or a spark of the original series. Obi is actually the ONE who carries us through the movie, while you watch Anikin walk the balance beam of the force between good and evil. Much appreciated!
I'm actually going to see this movie again to see if I missed anything I didn't see before. Overall, it was very good and a must see in the theatre.

Posted by: Mark at May 21, 2005 02:49 AM

I must say, Lucas takes more crap from the arm chair critics. I keep hearing stuff about how Anakin's downfall was too quick; but this movie was way over the two hour mark (I think around two and a half hours), so should Lucas make it a 3 hour movie to make Anakin's turn seem more "real"? Also, the acting isn't nearly as bad as some are saying; again, it's like watching a comic book unfold (on screen), this is what Star Wars is about.
BTW, the people who are ripping on Vader's wobbly legs, need to stop and think for a moment, the guy got his legs cut off, so of course he's not going to be steady the moment he first stands.
ROTS was a great Star Wars film IMO, it was a very emotional film, it drew the audience "in", it made you feel for the characters; and that's rare for a film to do these days. When it's all said and done, I'd bet you that ROTS will be ranked either ahead, beside, or right below the Emoire Strikes Back -as best SW movie. Not that anything was wrong w/ New Hope and Jedi, but for many, episode 4 was a "feel good" great intro film, and Jedi's greatness came mainly from the Luke/Vader/Palpy scenes (the rest was not as exciting as Revenge of Sith).

Posted by: Dave at May 22, 2005 02:06 AM

The end to an epic classic was perfect at connecting the new trilogy to the old one. It seems with the fall of the Jedi and rise of the Empire, Lucas went with an incredibly depressing film. Although a PG-13 rating was connected so some younger fans may need to sit this one out, and read the book. My personal rating for the film was a 7 out of 10, which seems to fit just fine. On a side note it would have been better to extend the film 10-15 minutes to explain the new villan General Grievous. Overal this was the best ending to such an amazing saga Lucas could make (since recently he was only concerned with CG and special effects). Star Wars forever!

Posted by: Wow_Fine at May 22, 2005 10:52 AM

sucked a sour teat, just like the other two prequels ...plot was stupid , and gimme a break this was supposed to be BEFORE the first 3 star wars movies it looks to me the fighting styles are too fancy like martial arts instead of the traditional fencing you seen in the first 3, also the technology seems far more advanced in these movies compared tgo the first, why didnt they just add a "beam me up scotty" type transporter while they were thinkin of everything..if i had 4 hands there would be 4 thumbs down

Posted by: carl at May 22, 2005 11:50 AM

sucked a sour teat, just like the other two prequels ...plot was stupid , and gimme a break this was supposed to be BEFORE the first 3 star wars movies it looks to me the fighting styles are too fancy like martial arts instead of the traditional fencing you seen in the first 3, also the technology seems far more advanced in these movies compared the the first, why didnt they just add a "beam me up scotty" type transporter while they were thinkin of everything..if i had 4 hands there would be 4 thumbs down

Posted by: carl at May 22, 2005 11:50 AM

SUCKED! I was so dissappointed

Posted by: Shaeb at May 23, 2005 11:07 AM

I've seen this one twice already. Having been left flat by the first two prequels (they weren't bad movies but had no long lasting appeal) I've gotta say that Sith is in my opinion far and away the best of the entire six SW episodes.

As one of the old school (my first ever movie was SW - New Hope) I can't remember watching anything to do with this saga that has been so utterly relentless from the opening credits to the final scenes.

Well done George Lucas - you've made an middle aged boy feel like a kid once more !

Posted by: Darth Mavis at May 23, 2005 11:28 AM

I love starwars , i went to see it in 1977 when i was six , incredible and certainly a defining momment in my life. But i have to say that episide 1 ,2 and now 3 are probably some of the worst movies ever made. The films have all the starwars ingrediants but because of the chef being so bad ( George Lucas ) it has been cooked far far to long and basically burnt to a crisp. The films have no depth , i don't care about any of the characters due to the story , script and acting. The fall of Anakin should have been like a dark cloud over the whole of the 3 films , a bit like the atmoshpere created by moldor in the 3 ring films. I feel they have been made for treky nerds who like all the computer graphics and all the minute detail of every ship and comms link , the original starwars was a swash buckling adventure were you cared about the characters and the concept of the used universe was far far much better than the well over the top computer generated rubbish he has produced for the sith movie. but that's only my opinion and i'm sure it wasn't easy to make sith and i'm sure they had great fun playing with the computer graphics , but a film should be based on story , character and atmoshpere , unfortunatly i dont think sith had any of this , what a terrible waste of time and effort , he should have got a yuonger director and ran a compitition for the story line and script and picked the best bits out of all them.

Posted by: coops at May 26, 2005 12:38 PM

I loved it nonetheless. It bridged all the films together, IMO the best of the 6. :-)

Posted by: Simone at May 26, 2005 12:46 PM

I don't know why people are bagging out ROTS; personally I thought it was a great movie. The performances in this instalment were way better than the first two episodes, although in Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones the only characters that really annoyed me were Jar Jar (who appeared only at the end of ROTS and didn't have any lines, thank God) and Anakin, who I felt was a little plastic. However, with the blink-and-you'll-miss-it appearance of Jar Jar and the improved acting of Hayden Christensen, ROTS was an excellent movie that was really exciting and moving. And yes, I will admit to actually crying a couple of times. The last dialogue between Obi-wan and Anakin was especially poignant, and also the scene where Anakin (Darth Vader, really) found out about Padme's death.
All in all, Revenge of the Sith answered many questions (what was with that whole Obi-Wan and Qui Gon thing at the end?), was a great final instalment, and I recommend anyone who hasn't seen it yet to get out there and see it!

Posted by: Ezza at May 30, 2005 07:28 AM