May 27, 2005

Revenge of the Sith Easter Eggs

StarWarsIII-Duel.jpgWell they're not really hidden bits, and the most interesting for me has already been told - the appearance of the Millenium Falcon - however there are some references and cameos that are nice to know if you are a complete Star Wars fan (and I know there are a few out there). I'm also sure that this is not the complete list and we're sure to see this expand.

For now, through Coming Soon, check out a list of bits that you might have missed in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith over at The impressive list includes the appearance of the Falcon, some interesting cameos, boxing Clone Troopers and that Jar Jar character everyone hates. (Although saying that someone on opening night in my local cinema was wearing a Jar Jar backpack!)

Have you seen anymore? No, I mean really seen, not made up!

Posted by at May 27, 2005 03:21 AM


I notise the girl from the movie Whale Rider makes an appearance during Padme's funeral. I don't know her name but I just remeber her face.

Also, I think I saw the AT-ST walker during the battle scenes.

Posted by: Al Young at May 27, 2005 04:06 AM

"However there are some references and cameos that are nice to know if you are a complete Star Wars fan (and I know there are a few out there)"

Not a few Rich, but loads of us still out there.

"The impressive list includes the appearance of the Falcon, some interesting cameos, boxing Clone Troopers and that Jar Jar character everyone hates".

Hey, I dont hate JarJar so count me out.

So this is how you nitpick eh? My, it feels good! LOL

Seriously now, and without wanting to annoy my friend Rich over here, I have seen most of this cameos, on my 3rd and 4th viewing. I couldnt see them on first viewing as I was just in awe of every thing I was seeing! I saw George Lucas during the opera on 2nd viewing though.

Posted by: Simone at May 27, 2005 05:30 AM

Simone yer such a sweetie! Still looking for some of these. I've got the movie burned onto a DVD and could conceivably pause and slo-mo if I wanted but I keep getting caught up in the movie and forgetting to look!

Posted by: adam at May 27, 2005 05:44 PM

Did you get your hug from me eh Adam? ;-) Oh, I am only like that to real SW fans, its all about that right now. *winks*

Go and see it in the cinema, pick a digital one that is, it will so blow you away I am assuring you.

Kisses to your baby and regards to the wife. ;-)

Posted by: Simone at May 27, 2005 07:25 PM

Hey, Adam could you tell me where you got the bootleg copy?

Posted by: alex at June 2, 2005 12:51 AM

did anyone notice that chancelor palpatines chair in his bureau (in episodes II and III) and the one he sits on as a "hostage" in episode III look vers similar to that one he (the emperor) sits on on the death star in episode VI?

sorry for the bad english


Posted by: lan at June 5, 2005 05:55 AM


Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 12, 2005 07:28 PM