May 24, 2005

Revenge of the Sith download

StarWarsIII-Duel.jpgAmazingly you could have downloaded a copy of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith the day it was released, and not a bad handheld, darkened cinema copy either. From Boing Boing:

There's a workprint of Star Wars Episode III on the Internet already. It's got some timecode and watermarks, but judging from the 19 second XVID sample that Waxy has posted, it seems like it's eminently watchable.

The link to the sample 19 seconds can be found here, it certainly looks good quality, but that's amazingly fast and is obviously an inside source. So much for piracy, eh Hollywood?

In other news, Reuters say that with the movie opening on Thursday in China, by Sunday they were selling pirate copies:

But pirated disks were available everywhere by Sunday.

"These just came in this morning. The quality is very good, they're not like those pirated copies that are filmed in the cinema," a Beijing vendor said as he fished a pirated DVD from behind a bush and offered to sell it for 7 yuan.

Not only that, seems that those pirates in Malaysia were even faster:

Malaysian authorities seized illegal copies of the film on Friday, the day after the film's release.

That's quite amazing to be honest, and from all accounts the copies were good copies too, not the handheld ones. Perhaps there is a need to release the DVD's before the movie in these countries, but that still won't stop pirates.

Posted by at May 24, 2005 03:10 AM


WoW! This is huge problem for the film industry. You could however argue that some of the profits they make are disgusting(and while I will do my best not to rant about hunger and poverty) you can only think that if the industry didn't appear to by so overly-rich then "possibly" pirated dvds would not be bought so frequently.

I personally really enjoy watching movies in the cinema(even rubbish ones), but to buy a DVD for me means repeatable viewings, and there are not many of those.

Posted by: Pablo at May 24, 2005 04:44 AM

I would never buy anything pirated, no matter how much I loved the movie. I know of people who obtain bootleg copies (making it sound more undergroundish) of so many films after just a couple of days release and was offered to watch it with them but I just cant. I'd buy the DVD thank you very much. As for owning DVDs, which means repeated viewings of what you have on your collection, I also dont mind repeated viewings of films I love.

I go to the cinema to watch films I might not otherwise get on DVD.

Posted by: Simone at May 24, 2005 05:25 AM

My friend downloaded it and has his tv hooked up to his comp so we sat around on the couch Saturday watching Revenge of the Sith. When he told me he had it, I said I couldn't watch it because I'd seen every Star Wars movie in the theater and I wasn't about to break tradition. But since Clones, I've gotten married to a woman who could care less about Star Wars and we have a 18 month old girl at home. So after realizing that it would take a miracle for me to get to a movie theater in the next month, I reconsidered. I loved it and still plan on seeing it in the theater if possible so George will still get his $8 out of me. Not to mention that I'll buy the DVD when it comes out. So I don't feel the least bit bad about watching the pirated copy.

Posted by: adam at May 24, 2005 10:17 AM

So what did you think of Sith Adam? :-)

Posted by: Simone at May 24, 2005 11:05 AM

where can you download it at?

Posted by: James at May 24, 2005 02:58 PM

james, just grab a copy of kazaa and you will find it on there.

i really don't think this is going to effect Georges bottom line much.
why can't the movie companies put out cheap dvd copies themselves at movies release?
just a basic dvd of the movie only and then later the packed filled ones with all the extras.

most people in these asain countries can't afford $8 to see a movie anyways, not when they are getting paid 30cents an hour to make cheap goods for the money hungry western companies.

shit some movies don't even come out in these counties for months after the US release. We still an't gotten SinCity release here. (Hence, i down loading it and really enjoyed it) I would have soon seen it months again on the big screen but. (still waiting to do that some day)

anyways, SW3 is a real turky of a moivie. give it a miss.

Posted by: louis at May 24, 2005 06:28 PM

I can't get the sample to play. Has anyone else had trouble trying to view it?

Posted by: yodaf at May 24, 2005 06:30 PM

Simone-I loved it! It's the best of the prequels (and I liked Menace and loved Clones)and I think I like it better than Jedi. It really was heartbreaking to see Skywalker turning to the dark side even though you know it's going to happen. The action was outstanding. The stuff with Padme was pretty cheesy at times but that was like 10 mins out of the whole movie, the rest of it rocked. I was suprised at how dark Lucas went with it. I'd heard that it was going to be "dark" but wow, he earned that PG-13.

Posted by: adam at May 25, 2005 06:33 PM

{{{{{{{ADAM}}}}}}} I just had to hug you, it's a Jedi thing. LOL

Glad you loved it! Do watch it again in the cinema, preferably the one with digital sound, a second viewing will make it look even so much better even if you loved it already. The first time I saw it, I really couldnt make anything of it as it left me stunned, but on second viewing, when I have settled blew me away.

May the FORCE be with ya! ;-)

Posted by: Simone at May 25, 2005 07:11 PM

I got it sunday morning and since then i have wached it 4 times

Posted by: Leo at May 26, 2005 07:28 PM

It looks Leo liked it having watched it 4 times! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at May 26, 2005 07:51 PM

hey yea i tried 2 download it yesteraday on but it didnt work.
can 1 of u send me the file or sumthing thx

Posted by: Walshy at May 28, 2005 08:58 PM

Hey ya, I downloaded it off limewire to like Walshy, but mine dosnt seem to work either, it just slows down my comp really bad when it tries to open it, then gives me some rubbish about saying i dont have the proper codec somethin or other to open the thing. =( I'd like a copy

Posted by: Ricemic at May 29, 2005 10:33 PM

hi all i just downloaded a movies off limewire can sum1 tell me how to burn it and what do i use to burn it thankz

Posted by: luke at June 2, 2005 03:50 PM

If its in a compressed file format like an .avi or a .mov you can just burn like a data cd. If you're looking to covert it and burn it on a dvd that's a bit more complicated. I believe Quicktime Pro can do it for a MAC system, I'm not sure what the program for Windows is.

I've tried Kazaa and I keep getting a "more sources needed". Anyone have some other ideas of where I can acquire SW3?


Posted by: azlan at June 9, 2005 09:00 PM

okay guys listen if you want to get the download of the SW3 workprint go
on or and search in like movies "star wars" you will need bittorrent to download and it will take a while to download but it's worth the wait.
Hope this helps

Posted by: gus at June 10, 2005 09:36 PM

I got my copy off limewire but when i burn it to dvd the lip syncing gets off and the video quality isnt like it is on the computer how can i fix this please help.

Posted by: PreventThis at June 14, 2005 10:21 PM

how do i down load the star wars movie for free

Posted by: gavin at June 23, 2005 12:02 PM

when ever i try to get it of limwire it allways gets somthing rong
how do i do it

Posted by: gavin at June 23, 2005 12:05 PM

yeah. when i try to download it off of limewire, it says there is something wrong with the audio.

Posted by: stephanie at July 5, 2005 11:25 PM

I got the movie off limeiwre, the 1st ten minutes that is, it was the full movie, but once i saw the 1st tne minutes i saw that the quality wasnt very good, so i stop downloading it. If i tried to burn that to a dvd would the quality get better, or stay the same?

Posted by: dman at July 14, 2005 07:15 PM

hmmm...if u add 1 more program to the movie...well i heard of not sure what its called it takes like 2h to fix the quality but it will download the information fromt he web and ur movie will get bigger

Posted by: DigitalYoda at July 23, 2005 02:22 PM

where can u download it?

Posted by: vertaalbureau at August 21, 2005 04:42 PM

look everyone i can tell u 1 thing that limewire sucks. the best place to download movies is

Posted by: jason at September 2, 2005 12:19 PM



fuck ass nnnnnnnnnnuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr

Posted by: jason waters at September 2, 2005 12:21 PM

some sw3 downloads are major viruses. I know from 1st hand experience... Kazza has one...dunno where else...

Posted by: ticojon at September 15, 2005 07:08 PM

Of you enjoy Star Wars you should play Runescape

Posted by: Julian hung at November 16, 2005 05:31 PM

Man, how come in the whole site there's no full down load of the movie(full). I mean that would allow more people to like the movie and go watch it right? There really should have one.

Posted by: Julian hung at November 16, 2005 05:33 PM

Fairwind rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and so those the simpons.

Try runescape people!

Posted by: Julian hung at November 16, 2005 05:35 PM