May 18, 2005

R5 has duelling snipers

Imagine, two snipers playing chess with the public far beneath them in a duel of equals. If you think about the movie Phone Booth you can get half the idea. That's the new pitch for a movie called R5. Coming Soon have the news:

The story centers on the human chess match played out on Los Angeles rooftops, triggered by a mysterious series of shootings that prompt the L.A. expert to focus his suspicions on a South African rival long presumed dead.

Definitely sounds intruiging, and an interesting subject. It does depend which way it goes and how the battle is played out between the two. Are you interested? More information as we get it.

Posted by at May 18, 2005 03:17 AM


Yeah, that sounds interesting, Rich.

Posted by: Lilly at May 18, 2005 12:48 PM

wow i can't wait to see enemy at the gates again. in los angeles. woo.

Posted by: bigwig at May 19, 2005 02:02 AM