May 14, 2005

Perfect Creature from New Zealand

Another creature movie is set to come from New Zealand courtesy of one of the largest deals ever made of a New Zealand movie. Perfect Creature is starring Dougray Scott and Saffron Burrows and is being hotly tipped. From The Hollywood Reporter through Coming Soon:

Starring Dougray Scott, Saffron Burrows, Stuart Wilson and Scott Wills, the horror film depicts a retro-futuristic world in which humans and vampires coexist. The studio is reportedly planning a very wide release for the film this year.

Sounds slightly interesting, but not really that far off the Blade idea. Still, it would be foolish to judge too soon, there's a lot more to this than a few lines in a blurb, and the casting indicates it's a cut above the average. Tracking a down a little more, and this does suggest a more interesting relationship between the Vampires and Humans, that the Humans believe the Vampires as the next step in their evolution. Now, doesn't that change things a little?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 14, 2005 01:56 PM


Well, Mr Scott seems to be getting so busy nowadays eh?

Posted by: Simone at May 15, 2005 03:01 PM