May 06, 2005

Paul Schraders Exorcist is renamed

The desire to see this has been growing, and it's great that the decision has been to release it, and just take a look at the poster, with the larger version from Bloody News who also have some poor quality but fear setting clips, via logboy at Twitch.

I think it's a really good idea to distance itself from the other version, not just to ensure market saturation and that average joe misses the fact that this is a new movie, but also that it's got more chance of being judged for it's own merits, not just being hyped up for the movie that was almost never released. Let it stand alone and don't compare it with the poor showing of the previous movie.

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 6, 2005 03:08 PM


Can't wait to see this. Heard a lot of positive things about it. It will be cool to see a different director's take on the same material.

Posted by: adam at May 6, 2005 07:59 PM

I loved the Renny HArlin version, but i think this one is going to be better.

But that renny harlin version had an awesomely creepy church. That Church was SCAAAAAAAARY!


I love these films.

Posted by: NakedRon at May 6, 2005 09:53 PM


You know here in China, we can not see as many films as you do in the USA, but we also can share some of them, like 《Unleashed》.

I saw the film in my vacation for Labor Day after downloading it from the Web. Maybe just as you said in your previous Blogs, I had a high expectation of the film for I am one of the fans of Jet Li. We were in the hope that we would enjoy the magnificent martial art, the wild fight and the state-of-the-art boxing. But to my disappointment, none of them presented. A group fools hit the dog, but always were bitten. Even up to now, I am still wondering that is it a Jet Li's film?

PS: Although we had been longing for the film for months, we could not see it in the cinema for some of the violent screen. Or what they said that the film injured the feeling of the Chinese. Damn, it is just a movie!

What do you think of the film?

Posted by: HuntersMoon at May 7, 2005 12:05 AM

I am so looking forward to Dominion (Excorcist the Beginning). Could this be a replay of "Once upon a time in America. If I remember corectly, the studio release made every Critics Ten Worst list, then when Sergio Leone's cut was finally released, the film made every critics ten best list.

Posted by: Herby at May 7, 2005 06:02 PM