May 12, 2005

Paul Schrader talks Dominion

There's an interesting interview over at Reuters with Paul Schrader the director of the original Exorcist prequel, now called Dominion and on IMDB.

"My feeling now -- more than vindication, more than revenge -- is relief. I don't have to spend the rest of my life explaining what my film was like," Schrader told Reuters...

...Schrader said he found "The Beginning" so bad that he left the theater smiling because he thought "Dominion" might have a chance at being released...

..."From the time I left that screening, I began a long campaign to come to this day," Schrader said...

...Schrader said the production company decided the movie might be able to recapture some of its original investment, principally due to DVD sales.

"Thankfully, greed has won," Schrader said with a laugh.

Some very interesting comments, and an interesting read for a few of the other titbits. Now will the seeing live up to it's hype, or will it be as bad but for reasons on the opposite end of the spectrum?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 12, 2005 02:53 PM


This movie will be caviar for the few as HarlinĀ“s one was cheapburguer for the lot.

Posted by: Peter at May 12, 2005 03:52 PM

I'm still not sure on this, is Dominion getting a theatrical release? If so, when?

Posted by: El_Alacran at May 12, 2005 09:21 PM

Good for him....I love it when a "Real" Director can show the Money guys that we(the public) can understand a quality movie with meaning and weight.....Runny Harlin made a BAD movie and everyone that greenlites that type of movie thought he was a good pick.I'm happy for the guy.....quality rewarded(I hope)

Posted by: jason at May 12, 2005 11:57 PM

Excellent work Mr.Schrader.Words could not possibly explain my views on the Harlin version which ruined the whole franchise.I have been a major fan of the series and was following progress with your pre-production leading up to what I thought would have been a major box office hit.When the directing helm was viciously taken away from you by those who in their positions,should have understood the consequences of replacing a classy movie such as yours with a crap version,I was immediately disappointed.I am glad you have been given a fair chance to have your movie released.

Posted by: Keith Williams at August 26, 2005 05:06 AM