May 30, 2005

Paul Bettany In Da Vinci Code

PaulBettany.jpgI became a fan of Paul Bettany's the day I saw A Knight's Tale (and the movie wasn't even that good). So learning that he's now officially in the upcoming Da Vinci Code film has upgraded my enthusiasm for the project from "Totally Indifferent" to "Mildly Interested".

Bettany is going to be a major star in the next 5 years. He has fantastic comedic timing, but has also shown that he can carry himself in a major dramatic roll (A Beautiful Mind and Master and Commander). The sign of a potential star is when they can shine in a mediocre film (Wimbledon).

So now Bettany is lined up for The Da Vinci Code. Here's what the good folks over at FilmFodder have to say:

The last piece of the "Da Vinci Code" casting puzzle has snapped into place. Variety says Paul Bettany ("Wimbledon") will play Silas, the albino religious fanatic/henchman. Bettany's casting solidifies the film's major roles. Now, all that stands between the movie and ungodly box office receipts is the actual filming, which is scheduled to begin next month.
Like I said, Bettany's presence has me a bit more interested in the project... and you can rarely go wrong with Tom Hanks... but I still have a hard time getting excited about this film and I'm not really sure why.

Posted by John Campea at May 30, 2005 05:35 AM


I love Paul Bettany! And I agree it won't be long before he will be part of the Brit Pak.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at May 30, 2005 07:34 PM

Wow, Bettany as Silas, now that is some casting I never saw coming.

It will be interesting how he'll treat this role, I am so used to seeing him as a good boy really.

Hey Richard, what do you think of this?

Posted by: Simone at May 31, 2005 06:35 AM

Sweet! This is the guy who I originally picked to play Silas. I thought they cast some English guy a little ways back, so I forgot about it. That makes me 2 for everybody else on casting that.

Posted by: Bombadil at June 1, 2005 12:32 PM