May 12, 2005

Monster-In-Law Reviews

Monster-in-law_Poster.jpgHere comes Monster-In Law with Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda. Everyone knows what I think of Jennifer Lopez as an actress. She is the poster child for the saying "famous for being famous". A woman win no discernible acting talent whatsoever... no major hit movies... and yet on the cover of every magazine and has each film she's in treated like an event... an event that never blows anyone's mind at the Box Office.

Jane Fonda however is a woman that carries some REAL weight. So I've been looking forward to seeing her return to the big screen after a 15 years absence. Too bad her agency decided that the best thing to do would be to appear with Lopez.

The early reviews for Monster-In-Law are now in... and they are NOT pretty. But should any of us really be surprised? This is whats being said:

"The experience of viewing this movie represents a one-way ticket into tedium and a forced 90-minute imprisonment with Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda, both of whom give performances that can charitably be called cringe-inducing."
-- James Berardinelli, REELVIEWS

"I know Monster-in-Law is just a slapstick comedy, but is it too much to expect the characters to exhibit routine intelligence?"
-- David Denby, NEW YORKER

"A deeply dispiriting movie, not just because it is grindingly bad but because Jane Fonda actually chose this for her comeback after a 15-year absence from the screen."

Ouch! Well, don't expect to see me in line for this one. I thought that maybe with Jane Fonda in it, perhaps it could be something worth watching... I guess not. You can read more reviews for Monster-In-Law here.

Posted by John Campea at May 12, 2005 06:44 AM


I have to disagree. Although most of her movies are not great, I like J-Lo. "Out of Sight" by Steven Soderbergh was excellent.

Plus, realize that she is so big partly because of the latino community who worship her. A poor little Spanish girl who makes good and becomes one of the most prosperous latinas in history; if not THE most prosperous.

She's not hard on the eyes either.

Now I haven't seen THIS movie, and proabbly won't; but not because of Lopez. I would boycott the movie because of traitor Jane Fonda

Posted by: Drewbacca at May 12, 2005 04:32 PM

Hey Drewbacca:

You have a rigth to disagree. That's the best thing about movies! The pure subjectivity of them!

Out of curiosity... why do you call Fonda a "traitor"?

Posted by: John Campea at May 12, 2005 04:42 PM

ALL of you wish you could have at least a tiny bit of Jennifers talent. She is beutiful, smart, and funny I love her to pieces and have made a point to watch everyone of her movies. I will say Gilli wasnt the best but that was Ben' fault he sucks. And all you must be jealous cause we latinos have someone like Jennifer who isint afraid to try something new ( music, acting, designer, and can do it in 2 languages)

Its easy to point a finger but when you do look at your thumb, you will notice its pointing straight at you.

Posted by: mary at May 14, 2005 01:08 PM

I seen the movie last night, it was cute, but there wasn't much left to the movie that you hadn't already seen in the previews. Cute love story, but nothing you *must* go out and see. Very predictable.

Posted by: Farren at May 14, 2005 02:30 PM

The critics, sadly, are right on with this one. From the first 10 minutes I knew I was in trouble. This is Gigli all over again, dejavu in spades. A totally witless script that has to rely completely on physical gags and over-the-top acting in order to compensate for lack of one genuinely clever line. I came out of the theatre with my face paralyzed from cringing for one and a half hours. Jane Fonda is a great actress, but why she chose this boner to make her comeback is one of the mysteries of the millenium.

Posted by: Joe at May 16, 2005 07:56 PM

Mary, either you point funny or your hands are built differently than mine.

Posted by: John at May 17, 2005 01:14 PM

I laughed my ass off. I mean not since "Mommie Dearest", have I seen such a neurotic mother!! Jane Fonda made the role here own. Wanda Sykes was excellent as the smart-ass that kept that crazy mamma in her place. I honestly give it four stars. It's a comedy people, lighten up!

Posted by: Jason Coyer at May 24, 2005 04:35 PM