May 05, 2005

Mission Impossible 3 cast dropped

Also check out Rotten Tomatoes Mission Impossible 3 or FilmForce Mission Impossible 3

Both Carrie-Anne Moss and Scarlett Johansson have been dropped from the cast of Mission: Impossible III according to an interview with J. J. Abrams on

“The script was rewritten," said J.J. Abrams. "I'm a huge fan of each actor that they cast originally, but to have kept the actors when we are reinventing the story would have been an odd process, to say, ‘Write a script with these people in mind for characters that haven’t been written.’ It just felt like we had to start over with a clean slate.”

There seems to be no replacements chosen as yet, or rather we can't be told until the contracts are agreed. Strange since there were reports some time ago of the actresses entering training for the roles. Abrams does go on to say that the franchise is being taken in a different direction, perhaps that was why they moved on?

Beware of the interview British Terrestrial viewers of Alias as he gives away yet another major hint to the end of the series currently being aired. I'm getting a bit fed up of finding out what happens on that show before I see it...bit like what will happen after John has seen Star Wars tonight.

It's odd, I can't really say if I'm looking forward to this movie or not, again, the cheesy, smarmy, grin filled performances of Cruise may be back, but how will the story fall, and can Abrams really take the third movie in a new direction? Is it even worth it?

Posted by at May 5, 2005 05:35 PM


Ha, this is odd, but I'm happy for Johansson. She already has the icky "Island" to manage, no need to have icky Cruise with the icky MI: 3.

Posted by: Arethusa at May 5, 2005 08:25 PM

So this means that Cruise has been dropped as well, right? YAY!!

Posted by: Franklin at May 6, 2005 01:16 AM

Oy what a shame. I just read from a movie magazine that Scarlett was looking forward to work with Tom Cruise and she is doing a lot of training. As long as they dont bring back Thandie Newton in this sequel, I dont care!

Posted by: Simone at May 6, 2005 05:02 AM