May 23, 2005

Millennium Falcon In Revenge Of The Sith

I was talking to my friend Rod today who mentioned that the Millennium Falcon makes an appearance in Revenge of the Sith. Then later I came across this picture of it.

Where is it you might ask? Apparently it's right when they were landing after saving the senator near the begining of the film. You can see a much larger version of the picture here.

Posted by John Campea at May 23, 2005 04:30 PM


I saw Sith last night and I'm pretty sure there was a much closer shot of the Falcon than that early on in the film.

Posted by: BenW at May 23, 2005 04:57 PM

Hmm....even though I'm sure Lucas (or a crew member) may have put that cameo in the flick to see who'd catch it, but couldn't it also just be another YT-1300 Transport ship? It would have been a newer ship during that time and not the highly modified "piece of junk" it is 20 yrs later during ANH. ;)

And if we're going to think about this a little deeper - who owns the ship? The original owner or Lando?
It's a little too soon for Han at this point he'd still be on Corellia and getting to ready to join the Academy plus Chewie hadn't yet been made a slave...

Posted by: Meli at May 23, 2005 05:05 PM

Well I guess this would have had to been when Lando owned it? I mean I always thought Han was older than luke and leia, but not twice their age. This was 20 years before the first three supposedly so that would make him around 10 or 12?

I will say this. I was very disappointed with this film. Everyone saying it was great before I saw it is laughable. The film is a terrible let down and testimony to Lucas' ego only. I was sad leaving the theater, not mad.

Imagine the fun it would have been to maybe see the ghost of Qui-gon instead of hearing about it from yoda as an after thought. How about a quick glimpse of the adolescent Han Solo. how about not turning Padme into a simpering pregnant ninny. That is some character evolution... from planet leader to senator to sniveling female all in a few years. It reminds of a what they did to Trinity in the Matrix films.

Anyway, we got to see a great deal of spiffy special effects, often totally unneeded effects instead of anything that resembled storytelling. These last three should never have been made. I would hope the object of any film is to add to the mystique of its predecessors with new story elements and character arcs, not so for Lucus. It is just about padding his already over stuffed wallet. This is a made for cable movie... at best.

Posted by: Jennifer at May 23, 2005 05:07 PM

Umm.. it looks more like a cookie crumb then the falcon.

And who cares if it is or not? I don't care.

The climax of the movie was Darth Vaders birth, and it was done horribly. He looked stupid, walked stupid, and his "noooooooooo" sounded like he was having a bad case of diahreah.

Posted by: Cookie Monsta at May 23, 2005 07:13 PM

Previously on the Movie Blog:
'The climax of the movie was Darth Vaders birth, and it was done horribly. He looked stupid, walked stupid, and his "noooooooooo" sounded like he was having a bad case of diahreah'

I'm picturing that in my head.
Why did I eat at Taco Bell, why!?


...Lando and Han would be 16 at the oldest at the time, so incuding a back-story would be very unnecessary.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 23, 2005 08:51 PM

I was lucky enough to catch it the first time I saw the movie.

As for the story: It doesn't have to be the Falcon. Could be any YT-1300.

Posted by: Al-x at May 24, 2005 02:37 AM

About the ages of characters...

Harrison Ford was 30 in ANH, so maybe we can say that's how old Han is in ANH. Luke is supposed to be 17 in ANH, I recall reading elsewhere.

Anyway, that would mean Han is 13 in Episode III.

Lando looks to be about Han's age, maybe a few years' older (less than 10 years more, I'm guessing). So it's possible Lando could have had the Falcon in his early 20s.

As for its appearance in Episode III, it could be any Correllian freighter ship of that make and model.

The Millennium Falcon probably has had a long list of owners and a colorful history (this could probably be the basis for a series of novels, or the Falcon could make an appearance in the new Star Wars series -- heck, what if the Falcon is THE starship for the main cast of that show?)

Posted by: Franklin at May 24, 2005 04:31 AM

I have seen the film twice but didnt see the MF, then my sister told me the scene to look for it saw it on my 3rd viewing.

Did you guys see George Lucas cameo?

Posted by: Simone at May 24, 2005 04:50 AM

I've seen RotS twice so far and I missed 'Baron Papanoida' (George Lucas' cameo) both times.

I'm bound to see the movie at least a few more times so I'll keep looking, but if all else fails I'll just freeze-frame the DVD.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 24, 2005 09:23 AM

I spotted "Baron Papanoida" the first time, which I was surprised - I always miss the cameos the first time. I heard someone yell out "Millennium Falcon!" during the midnight show but missed it.

I new where to look though when I saw it the second time and spotted it then. I pointed in it's general direction and my wife caught it too. I've never seen the TIE fighter that's supposed to be in Attack of the Clones on Coruscant...

Posted by: trysop at May 24, 2005 01:31 PM

After saving the "senator?" When was that? Do you mean after saving the Chancelor? He hasn't been a senator since TPM.

And Luke and Leia were 20 in ANH, since the movie takes place 20 years after they are born. That would make Han about 10 years old at the time of ROTS, if he's supposed to be 30 in ANH. Still a runt on Corellia. The "falcon" could be any Corellian YT-1300 freighter. The "modifications" Han made were internal.

Posted by: slybri at May 24, 2005 02:00 PM

After saving the "senator?" When was that? Do you mean after saving the Chancelor? He hasn't been a senator since TPM.

And Luke and Leia were 20 in ANH, since the movie takes place 20 years after they are born. That would make Han about 10 years old at the time of ROTS, if he's supposed to be 30 in ANH. Still a runt on Corellia. The "Falcon" could be any Corellian YT-1300 freighter. The "modifications" Han made were internal.

Posted by: slybri at May 24, 2005 02:01 PM

Hi Joseph, Simone here, thanks for giving Lucas character a name, as I have no idea who he played. Should I tell you the scene? :-) Or would you rather look for it?

I also heard that GL's (adopted) son was a Jedi in this movie, was he the boy who showed up when Bail Organa arrived in the Jedi Temple?

Dave, have you done some review of Episode III in your blog?

Posted by: Simone at May 24, 2005 02:56 PM

Sorry to be a bit fussy, but as far as I recall from the Han Solo trilogy books, Lando won the Millenium Falcon and brought it straight away to Han at the Smugglers Moon, so way to early for him to have the Falcon.

Posted by: Warren at May 30, 2005 11:10 AM

Hey there Warren.

You're right about the books... but keep in mind that LucasFilm has been quite adament that the books, including hte Han Solo trilogy books are NOT considered official cannon of the Star Wars Universe.


Posted by: John Campea at May 30, 2005 11:26 AM