May 03, 2005

Matt Damon as Marco Polo

MattDamon.jpgLooks like Matt Damon is such a star nowadays the studios are creating movies just for him. Well, not quite, but Coming Soon are putting it that way with news from Variety that he's set to star in a movie of Marco Polo:

Warner Bros. Pictures has set Kingdom of Heaven screenwriter William Monahan to write Marco Polo, a historical epic based on Polo's autobiography "Travels" that will be a star vehicle for Matt Damon.

Variety says a deal is being negotiated for Damon to play Polo...

There's certainly a lot of material there to write about. Polo spent 24 years as the first recorded Westerner to venture deep into Asia. You can bet your boots it will feature Kublai Kahn, Ken Watanabe anyone?

Posted by at May 3, 2005 08:44 AM


Oh, good lord... another Westerner in "exotic" Asia story? They're probably not going to cast any Chinese people to play Chinese people, either.

Let's switch it up and have an Asian in "exotic" Europe, instead. Oh, wait... that's "Shanghai Knights." Ew...

Posted by: ChrisP at May 3, 2005 10:06 AM

Probably won't be historically accurate too.

Hopefully they can at least settle Polo bringing back noodles for Italy! ;)

Posted by: boothbrave at May 3, 2005 11:04 AM

Marco! Polo!

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Posted by: Lilly at May 3, 2005 12:37 PM

Kublai Khan is a Mongolian. Try finding a real Mongolian for the job.

Posted by: nosuke at May 3, 2005 11:05 PM

Now that might be a bit hard, I don't know how the Mongolian film industry is, nor the calibre of their actors. I think they'd be hard pressed to find someone, especially of the calibre of Watanabe.

I think he'd be an excellent choice, he controls the screen when he's on it and has the presence and power to portray such a huge and imposing character.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 4, 2005 02:30 AM

Want a Mongolian? Get this guy to do it:

Posted by: ChrisP at May 4, 2005 10:30 AM

Just curious why is race such a big deal in acting parts? Where has peoples imagination gone? Im an avid movie watcher and most people always bring up the fact that a person isnt this race or isnt that nationality. What does any of that have to do with acting, make believe. Pretend?

Posted by: Dyric at May 5, 2005 02:07 PM

If the story is historical, then the race of the characters have a big part in it. Sort of similar but not quite like how I can't believe that they got a Latin guy to play Jesus Christ.
You can't act like a certain race. It's genetic.

Plus, it seems like a lot of people in the U.S. think that all Asians are the same. It's like when they first did an "Iron Chef USA". They had a French chef, Italian chef... and the an Asian chef that represented everything Asian. They didn't have an "Iron chef Europe". People would think that's wrong. However, pumping up all of Asia as one, seems to be okay.

I remember watching an interview of an Italian/American actress who never gets a role as an Italian, because Hollywood producers don't think she looks "Italian" enough, despite the fact that she's pure Italian. She doesn't fit their stereotype. These are terrible misconceptions based on stereotyping.

That's why it's important that certain people of certain cultures and ethnicities in their proper element is important. For example: trying to pass a German person for Irish... it just doesn't look right. At least not in a historical drama.

Posted by: ChrisP at May 5, 2005 02:26 PM

Matt Damon as Marco Polo is a joke, I think Marco Polo would be better played by a EUROPEAN ACTOR ( ie: Olivier Martinez or the cute Victor Alfieri - who used to be on days of our lives as franco and bold and the beautiful as Giovanni.) Victor Alfieri is the perfect italian and the perfect actor to play Marco Polo and not the little boy matt damon he is so ugly.
The only reason the casting agent was dumb enough to pick Matt Damon to play Marco Polo was because he is American.
The role of Marco Polo should go to Victor Alfieri or to Olivier Martinez atleast the are men. and very goodlooking. Personally I would give the role to Victor Alfieri first he is hot and has a nice italian accent. and I love him so much as I come from Europe myself ( from Germany) and will always support European actors. Get rid of Matt Damon and put Victor Alfieri on . I

Posted by: carol at May 5, 2005 09:11 PM

Actually, why are we holding back guys. How could we possibly let someone who doesn't have the same eye colour as Marco Polo play him? Not even the same hair colour, or the same name! What's with that!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 6, 2005 02:46 AM

It has nothing to do with Race. I don't think Matt Damon could play Marco Polo. I come from Europe and I think it should go to any italian actor ( ie. Roberto Farnesi, Olivier Martinez or Victor Alfieri).
Victor Alfieri has the right good looks and he is very handsome and make a fantastic Marco Polo.
So all of you American's and Australian's who disgree and are brainwashed with matt Damon little boy looks ( I think the only movies matt damon can do is play a kid in primary school or he can play a boy who finally realises he has a giant pimple between his shoulders - his head. ) and his voice sounds like a little boy reading a kids book.
It would be the biggest mistake to cast Matt Damon as Marco Polo ( perhaps their better off with Crusty the clown of the Simpson)
Think twice before you cast little boy Damon and get a real men a hunk name Victor Alfieri. because it is such a waste to not give this talented actor a chance.
And I know for a fact that American's has always been racist against Europeans. and the europeans are the ones with the best quality products and the foods too good. Europe is more interesting and culture and history. American and Australia are new countries and havent been around for long to have a right to express their opinion ( because their just discriminate against any European Person. and their should lay off with the Nazi and Mafia stuff because I getting sick of it. Im glad Im German and Im crazy in love with Italy and no American or Australia is going to stop the way I feel through their ignorance and close minded opinion. In fact Im german and love Victor Alfieri so much. Americans and Australians should not try to interfere with Germany and Italy's relationship just like their did when they think they got Italy on their side to invade Iraq. I as a German I was a against that. Italy should have sided with france and germany and not america.
long live Italy and Germany united and in love with one another. Ich liebe Italia. Ti amo Germania.

Posted by: carol at May 8, 2005 08:41 PM

like first,Marco Polo is not a talian,he was born on croatian island Korcula,so he is a croat.

Posted by: proud to be a croat at June 5, 2005 06:16 AM

Matt Damon es un actor de verdad. Yo creo que se compenetra tanto de cada papel que hace , que uno tambien se compenetra con él. Alguno sabe que las historias de Marco Polo las escribió un compañero de celda, preso con él en Pisa, que creía que el otro deliraba? Realmente, estoy ansiosa por ver esas aventuras maravillosas, e interpretadas por el talento de Matt Damon

Posted by: trudy at June 14, 2005 11:53 AM

i think vindiesel should play marco polo kick, KICK ASS
samuel L jackson will be the emperour of china, they will fight to the death at the end and vin will strangle samuel to death with a string of pasta.

Posted by: snake eater at June 14, 2005 12:06 PM

marco polo:the worst is that all asians, the Polo family (
marco Polo was there with daddy and uncle) they are all going to speak english, and well...I still think if you want to do it right, use the original languages, even if it has to be occitan (the language he dictate the original book), I mean, did you possibly understand why the Apes, of the planet of the apes, spoke ENGLISH? Not even latin lasted that much, and here english survive thousands of years and even the extincion of humans! Do it right, maybe americans can read subtitles, you just have to give them a try!

Posted by: cesc at June 17, 2005 04:32 AM

Hey Lilly give me a hint am I near you?

Posted by: Jason at July 13, 2005 08:16 AM