May 26, 2005

Madagascar Reviews

Despite the fact that the trailer had a couple of pretty funny moments... you could just tell that Madagascar was going to be the first legitimate let-down for a 3D animated feature. Yes, the film has an allstar cast of names doing the voices... but unlike Pixar films, they just don't seem to be voices that bring a creative edge or personality to the characters they're portraying.

So the reviews are coming in, and predictably they aren't so hot... they aren't HORRIBLE... but they are easily the worst I've seen for a 3D animated feature so far. Here's what's being said:

"Kinda funny. Kinda annoying. Pretty. In love with its own mediocrity."
-- Phil Villarreal, ARIZONA DAILY STAR

"Modestly improving upon the wretched DreamWorks animation template, Madagascar still fails to approximate Pixar's trademark mix of hilarity and poignancy."
-- Nicholas Schager, SLANT MAGAZINE

"After you see Madagascar, you start to think that the movies are being dumbed down even for small children."
-- David Denby, NEW YORKER

I'll still be going to see this on Friday, because it's in my nature to give all 3D films a chance, but my expectations remain low. If you want to read more reviews of Madagascar you can go here.

Posted by John Campea at May 26, 2005 07:06 AM


Now that is a shame. I'd imagine that the reason 3D movies are not as good as they used to be is perhaps of the following:

1. 3D is not a brand new genre anymore
2. A lot of material is now being re-hashed(as per other mainstream genres)
3. They are lucrative and therefore rushed(get the movie out quickly so we can make a lot of money, money, moneeeeeeeeeeeey!)
4. Having a "famous" actor doing a 3D voice is expected
5. Scripts are near on pathetic(see point 3)

I think its a great shame really; as 3D movies give the creators a real opportunity to create their own ideas to the Nth degree. Swooping shots, fantastic locations, outrageous costumes all exactly as they want, but then again maybe thats the problem? Not enough imagination and thought provoking is left to the cinema-goer anymore.

We seem to be fed this "you lot are too stupid so we will show you everything and explain the ending/beginning/" and while i realise its not a book, leaving something to the imagination(including how the film ENDS), seems to either never exist in the script or is quickly dismissed.

Posted by: Pablo at May 26, 2005 08:22 AM

Ummm and Sharktale wasn't a legitimate let down? The kids loved it (I guess) but I'm fairly sure most critics panned it or they were mixed at best.

Posted by: Arethusa at May 26, 2005 02:31 PM

yeah, madagascar wasn't that great of a movie.
it does fall into that kind of 3-D animated movie letdown catagory as shark tale. people expect so much out of it because of the hype. i mean, i saw previews and trailers for this for nearly a year before it came out. much like the spongebob squarepants movie.
i didn't expect much from spongebob, but shark tale and madagascar didn't live up to what the trailers made them out to be. let downs indeed.

Posted by: +zmaui at May 29, 2005 07:52 PM

Well if what is said is true here it's no suprise that Dreamworks has come out with another piece of crap. They seem more concerned with churning out the movies than in the quality. the best thing dreamworks has made so far is the first Shrek. This doesn't look good for Pixar who stated they plan to increase their movie output each year, i think it was two a year. They'll probably end up the same as Dreamworks quatity not quality, but they are Pixar so there's still hope.

Posted by: Art at May 31, 2005 07:55 PM


I'll risk being tarred and feathers and lynched in the centre of town and say this...

I really enjoyed, Shrek, Shrek 2, Shark Tales and Madagascar....

*walks to the centre of town and awaits the mob*

Posted by: issathehutt at June 8, 2005 03:57 PM