May 18, 2005

Lindsay Lohan in Mission Impossible 3

Also check out Rotten Tomatoes Mission Impossible 3 or FilmForce Mission Impossible 3

Give me strength. Word is racing around the net with the confirmation that Lindsay Lohan is replacing Scarlett Johansson in Mission Impossible 3. (Please hold while John smacks his head against a table).

This is a STUPID idea any way you cut it. Has anyone seen ANY potential or promise in her in any of the projects she's been in? I know that's a very subjective question... but personally I haven't. Not even a little bit. I've found her stiff on one extreme and WAY over the proverbial top on the other with seemingly no middle ground.

Now, before all you Lindsay Lohan lovers out there start planning my assassination, let me say this. Lindsay is still young (19 if I'm not mistaken) and still has a lot of time to learn and grow as an actress. Who knows, she could turn out to be the next great actress of our time... but right now she's near the head of the class in the Jennifer Lopez school of "Famous for being Famous".

Lindsay Lohan in MI:3?!?! Dumb Dumb Dumb. My "hope" meter for this film has just dropped about 3 notches.

Posted by John Campea at May 18, 2005 11:05 AM


I think this is a bad choice , compared to Johansson. But I don't think Lohan is as bad as you mae her out to be. Or J Lo for that matter.

Lohan was good enough in movies like Freaky Friday and Mean Grils to make them watchable. And with an extremly taltended director like Abrams , I think she could pull out her best role yet , and maybe even take a new path in carrer and make some good movies.

Posted by: Pudie at May 18, 2005 12:17 PM

Oh what is happening to the world?

Posted by: Simone at May 18, 2005 12:27 PM

By the time that movie starts shooting, bulimic Lindsay will have puked her guts out.

Well, at least we can hope so.

Posted by: Judge Jonathan at May 18, 2005 12:43 PM

That's pretty bad; she can be in those crap teen movies if she wants but Mission: Impossible 3?

I wasn't planning on seeing it anyway, I can't see how it will be good if Robert Towne isn't penning the screenplay.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 18, 2005 12:53 PM

Oh, dear Lowered. So JJ Abrams has decided that Lindsay "These are real" Lohan is going to be his new action starlet? There is just no way that she'll manage. At best, she'll be like (say) Denise Richards in that one 007 movie where she played the physicist.

She's adequate in those frothy, pointless teeny krap movies, but no way MI3... Not that MI3 is looking like it has much of a chance to be a decent flik anymore, anyways...

Posted by: Goro at May 18, 2005 01:24 PM

first of all, the should have stopped after the first one, and second of all lindsay lohan is no way up to calibur with other female celebrities that could be in this movie. third of all, she's stick thin, what kind of action can she possibly do in an action movie...wait...dont answer that. i'm a day older than she is and it just seems ridiculous to have someone so young be in that kind of probably play tom cruises love interest...wait...he's dating katie holmes...dammit...just NO!

Posted by: Marla Singer at May 19, 2005 01:44 AM

Miss Lohan ...what has this girl done? Disney Movies and that Mean Girls movie. I thought she did fine in Freak Friday, but I'll still cling to the original! Mean Girls was enjoyable for it's age group. Her latest movie coming out - the Herbie re-make looks fantastically awful!

I think she could still grow up to be a decent actress, and I don't fully dislike her. She's still a few notches above JLo.

I usually trust JJ Abrams casting choices, but with this choice I have say - what??? Honestly, I could careless about this movie, but I don't think Lohan is a good choice unless she's going to play the kidnapped daughter of someone important.

Marla - I have to comment on your remake about Holmes/'s such a PR staged relationship. Oh my goodness - has anything looked so fake to anyone??
Sorry, if I offend anyone by that comment, but that is often the way of things in Hollywood.

Posted by: Meli at May 20, 2005 02:17 PM

Well, as far as I have heard, it isn't decided that it's her... I'm hoping for Elisha Cuthbert

Posted by: Some Guy at May 24, 2005 11:13 AM