May 26, 2005

Lindsay Lohan in Barbarella?

LindsayLohan.jpgI'm not so knowledgeable on the Lindsay Lohan front, but it seems she's not exactly well liked out there, and I'm not sure why. That aside, JoBlo have a story from Cinescape about her blurting out that she's next up in a remake of the Jane Fonda classic Barbarella.

a Cinescape reader was out in LA and bumped into LL (who was out at Tower Records buying Ludacris) and asked her what she was up to. Still holding out hope she said MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 3 and then BARBARELLA after that. Did this guy actually meet Linds? Did she actually say that? Is she so hungry she's hallucinating?

Ah, is that why she's so disliked? Well I certainly think that in some shots she could well live up to the look of Barbarella, if not the height. However how can you make something that is so firmly locked in the time it was made? When you look at that wild film it's so steeped in the culture of the time you watch it with that in mind, I find it hard to believe that it will translate to anything but a comedy nowadays. Your thoughts? Do you think she could do a good Fonda, or could this film actually work?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 26, 2005 03:22 AM

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she's probably disliked because she's been in too many teen movies, got a boob job at 17, recorded a bad pop album, and seems to have an eating disorder, which kind of sets a bad example.
that said, barbarella? ugh

Posted by: bigwig at May 26, 2005 03:59 AM

Awesome! It was only a matter of time until they would remake Barbarella. I think this is a great move for LL, as long as she gains some weight for the role, and fills out those sci-fi sexy costumes. Think about it guys, Barbarella was a sci-fi spankO` rama flick. LL - Totally!

Posted by: Brad at May 26, 2005 09:18 AM

i kind of agree with bigwig. she's just done too much in her short amount of career and it's tarnished her image. also, i don't much care for many new young actors nowadays. call me old fashioned or just plain old. PLUS, who holds the record for starring the most remakes? if no one then lohan deserves to take that award and that award should be the red flag to put an end to anyones career.

in other opinions, what's up with the movie blog posting boring movie news about bubblegum hollywood shit? and what's with those damned interclick popups? annoying aint it? almost enough to make me stop visiting this site.

Posted by: jason at May 26, 2005 10:04 AM

Barbarella is hardly a thought-provoking film so getting a "daytime soap actress" to play the lead is spot on for the casting.

As Brad says "...Barbarella was a sci-fi spank" , kind of says it all about the quality of the acting required. Does anybody know at what stage in her career Fonda was when the original was made? Would be interesting to compare age/achievements/popularity and see how it improved or ruined the two careers.

Jason, the site is about movies, if hollywood(and other world cinema producers) made better films as a percentage then the quality of film being discussed would also improve. Websites cost money to run, especially if you are getting hundreds of thousands of hits. Pop-ups provide revenue required to maintain them.

We could all just donate money(or pay a membership) and i'd imagine that would reduce the advertising? Anybody else want to pay for a good service?

Posted by: pablo at May 26, 2005 10:23 AM

I'd, like, totally donate because the first time they had the new look they hadn't installed the pop-ups yet and I was HAPPY. Then the next day they were all back, and that made me SAD.

However it is likely that they would not get enough support, so I grit my teeth and bare it.

Anyway I'm rather indifferent to Lindsay Lohan the celebrity, but I really hope she gets some help with her apparent eating disorder. I think it's rather callous for someone to see a young girl, trying to do her own thing (whether we like it or not), who is now dealing with a lot of serious issues, ignore all of that to opine that she's not "setting a good example". It's all about us, isn't it, who cares how it's affecting her too? She probably had it coming! Just goes to show.

Posted by: Arethusa at May 26, 2005 02:41 PM

what the hell is that in her mouth?!

Posted by: Marla Singer at May 26, 2005 03:18 PM

The last rumour I heard about this film (admittedly some time ago) was that Drew Barrymore was planning to both produce and star in the Barbarella remake. So is Barrymore off the project now?

Personally, if this film does get remade, I'd far rather see Drew in the lead role than some interchangable teenager.

Posted by: Paul at May 29, 2005 07:21 AM

Reasons to hate Lindsay Lohan
-She got breast implants at 17 but vehemently denied it
-She claimed the reason for her recent hospitalization was "exhaustion," (oh, come on) though her breasts were considerably smaller after she left... (breast reduction?)
-She thinks she is overweight compared to other actresses, even after a, what, 40-lb weight loss? (5'7", 112 lb)
-She's an anorexic crackhead in major denial and originally claimed her rapid weight loss was due to the "fact" that people shed baby fat with age... yes... 40 lb of baby fat.
-NO, in general, at that age, people GAIN weight when they get older. She now attributes the weight loss to her "strict exercise regime," which is apparently "healthy." 1.) No, excessive exercise is still defined as a form of purging = BULIMIA. 2.) Was it growing up or the exercise? She can't keep her stories straight, and she's a horrible liar.
-On that note, SHE CAN'T ACT.
-She just inspired approximately 2 million teenage girls to become anorexic.
-She thinks that getting her implants removed, bleaching her hair, injecting her lips with collagen, and removing her freckles by laser surgery will make people treat her as the "mature adult" that she is, but she still wants people to stop expecting so much from her because she's "just a young kid." She needs to stop contradicting herself.
-She's paranoid and marks her money, though this is more understandable than some of the stupid things she has done and said.
-She expects to be treated on same level as Keira Knightley and Scarlet Johansson, despite the fact that SHE CAN'T ACT. That, and she doesn't seem to realize that her target audience is a bunch of pre-teens and teeny boppers, while the aforementioned actresses' audience is generally more mature.
-She thinks she can pull off MI 3, despite the fact that SHE CAN'T ACT.
-She talks trash about actresses who CAN act (see:
-Listen to her talk. Dear God, she expects us to take her seriously when she sounds like a ditz?
-She can't sing.
-She can't even lip sync right!

I think that's enough for now. It's reason enough for me to dislike her, anyway. I'm sorry to offend any loyal LL fans, but I'm sorry, this is Hollywood we're talking about, and no one loses that much weight the "healthy" way in such a short amount of time, and even the most beautiful actresses feel that they need to get cosmetic surgery and breast implants.

P.S. I think that's a Hot Tamale candy in her mouth, or otherwise a red Mike & Ike. She did an ad for one of those...

Posted by: Becky at June 4, 2005 02:53 AM

whats wrong with you people. i think lindsay lohan is a good actress and throughly enjoyed her films.
it seems like you all think that you are proffensial movie critics or somethink. its actually quite sad that ur so bored with ur pathetic lives that u have to sit here and bitch about a rising star who will probably do something more productive in a week than u will do in a year.

Posted by: Carl at June 7, 2005 11:46 AM