May 15, 2005

Kung Fu Hustle 2

KungFuHustle.jpgI have to admit that I didn't enjoy Kung Fu Hustle as much as many others did. Don't get me wrong... I did like it... but I wasn't thrilled with it. It was a little too loony toons for me (if you know what I mean). But hey, it was still good fun.

Now it looks like the sequel monster has struck and there is a Kung Fu Hustle 2 in the works. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Stephen Chow and his team have been working on a script while doing the 30 country tour for Sony releasing the original Kung Fu Hustle.

Personally, I think this is a BAD idea. Chow is fantastic, and if you haven't yet seen Shaolin Soccer (superior in every way to Kung Fu Hustle) you really must! However, doing a sequel just for the sake of a sequel gives me an itch deep in my ass (thanks for the visuals John). Move on to something new Stephen! I'll line up to see whatever it is.

Posted by John Campea at May 15, 2005 03:43 PM


great news.
this movie rocked!
it was very funny and a lot better than Shaolin Soccer (whiched was awsome too).

Posted by: louis at May 15, 2005 05:36 PM

Unlike action and drama, comedy is something that doesn't seem to translate well across different cultures. I didn't find Kung Fu Hustle's overall humor factor to be funny. I kept thinking to myself as I watched it: "Okay, this is supposed to be like Jim Carrey-style zany humor crossed with martial arts." But overall I still couldn't get into it. It was just stupid as hell, never mind all the plot holes, coincidences and contrivances in the story.

Posted by: Franklin at May 15, 2005 05:56 PM

I didn't really like Shaolin Soccer all that much , but this is one of my favorite movies this year.

Great news!

Posted by: Pudie at May 15, 2005 08:14 PM

I loved Kung Fu Hustle (and since I'm as white as they come, I don't know about the "culture divide" excuse), but I am not at all pleased to hear about a sequel. Why not just work on something new? There's nothing in the plot or with the characters that demand it, only the box office.

Sort of like, I don't know, SHREK. ;)

Posted by: Arethusa at May 15, 2005 10:56 PM

I loved Kung Fu Hustle, but I really don't want a sequel, it's not like they left any room for one.

Kung Fu Hustle 2: Axe Gang Returns?

I don't think so.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 16, 2005 02:36 PM

While I usually agree with you Richard (They Live, Swimming with Sharks to name a recent pair of posts)...And while Shaolin Soccer is a fantastic comedy, Kung fu Hustle is superior in every single way.

Posted by: Triflic at May 16, 2005 06:56 PM

I don't know about Shaolin Soccer being better... I think Kungfu Hustle is far better.

*spoiler alert*

Actually, they left some room for a sequel. For one, they never explained why the homeless guy (played by Yuen Wo Ping) was selling all those kungfu manuals, which teach long lost martial arts. Also, it's about heroes that exist in hiding, not about the Axe Gang. New villains can show up for the sequel.

Not to mention that the landlord and landlady are still alive and well. What will be the relationship between them and Stephen Chow's character? That can play a good part in it, as well.

Posted by: ChrisP at May 17, 2005 12:48 PM

1. Exactly how compelling a character was the hobo who selled the silly manuals that he in anyway demands a sequel? Picking him would look to me as if they looked through the film, desperate for a new starting point (but really that's how it will be inevitably).

2. I suppose that's nice as a little sub-plot but it is hardly the makings of 1:30 - 2:00 hour film. And how is it going to tie in..or in fact, how will any of the present characters factor in at all if they focus on the hobo? Reincarnation? :p

At least we can agree that Hustle is better than Soccer. :)

Posted by: Arethusa at May 18, 2005 06:36 AM

KUNGFUHUSTLE , I watch some parts of it .I find it really good

Where can i Download the full movie dvd quality for free?

If anyone knows , please let me know via email : [email protected]

chandra minarto

Posted by: Chandra at June 5, 2005 12:34 PM

KUNGFU HUSTLE, i heard it is a great movie

can n e 1 tell me where to download it for free
if u can please post it to my adress

[email protected]

Posted by: john sing at August 27, 2005 01:16 AM

I cant wait for Steven Chow to make another movie! He is great! I love him. I could not stop laughing when I watched Shaolin Soccer. That movie is gonna make you pee your pants off. Hahaha! I can't wait for the Kungfu Hustle 2. The first Kungfu Hustle was a funny movie. I just loved his movies. He is not only hot...he is also very funny and have a great sense of humor. I know that there are alot of Steven Chow fans out there. I am one of them! Great Job Steven Chow. Keep up the good work!


Posted by: Cheryl at September 25, 2005 01:45 AM

A few comments

1)Franklin wrote "I kept thinking to myself as I watched it: "Okay, this is supposed to be like Jim Carrey-style zany humor crossed with martial arts." But overall I still couldn't get into it. It was just stupid as hell, never mind all the plot holes, coincidences and contrivances in the story."

Theres the problem, you can't expect stephen chow to be jim carey, you're trying to compare apples to oranges.

2)Where can i Download the full movie dvd quality for free?

Don't download it... buy it. The movie kicks ass, so throw some money at it.

3) The movie does have enough substance left over for a sequel. I can't believe no one mentioned the villian becoming a student. It doesn't have to involve the axe gang, because they were not the central part of the plot, although the second in command was left alive so they could possibly play a role.

Other than that, remember to have faith in Stephen Chow and he shall prevail.

Posted by: Josh at September 26, 2005 04:04 PM

who can help me to download the kung fu hustle movie,becuase i live in iran and i can't see the new movies cuase here in iran the movie are not as important as other contry.i have seen the shaoline soccer but as you all i love to see the other film by stephen chow.
i need one volenteere to help me and sendme an url for downloading of this movies
thank you all

Posted by: hadi at October 3, 2005 05:32 AM

If anyone recommends any other movies besides Shaolin Soccer, please email [email protected]. Those that can't get on board with KFH, nothing's wrong it just takes a particular sense of humor. Personally, I nearly pissed in my pants. The choreography/action sequences were awesome and the plot was well scripted. Not needing a sequel? Come on people! Most have touched on it already, new villians, the villians himself becoming a student -turncoat?, the snot kid at the end of the movie given 5 manuels! Regardless, Stephen's going to make it and people are going to see it.

Posted by: Topher at October 6, 2005 05:05 PM

,instead of saying the sequel will be crap just wait and see

its not fair to judge before you know how it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: honolo at October 25, 2005 01:27 PM