May 09, 2005

John Woo and Clive Barker adapt videogame

JohnWoo5.jpgInstead of adapting a game already in existence, the plan is to develop a movie alongside the game. To be fair there are a number of similar projects, but they are really around a game being developed at the same time as the movie, and the movie being the driving factor.

The Hollywood Reporter through Coming Soon has the news that both John Woo and Clive Barker are working on the adaptation.

The third-person action game already is under way from Tiger Hill, game developer Terminal Reality and game publisher Majesco, with the goal of shipping next year for next-generation consoles.

"In this game, you'll not only be witness to the genesis of a new villain, but you can play him," Barker told the trade. "I find that to be an extremely interesting way to create a new and compelling franchise."

In addition to the movie, there have been discussions about a graphic novel and limited-edition statue to coincide with the game launch, said Tiger Hill co-founder and producer Brad Foxhoven.

Barker's game outing Undying was highly effective and engaging. It really was a true attempt at taking the movie genre to a game, and not just on visuals. I think this gives him a good insight into either side of the process and what can and can't work, and despite some of his lackluster movie attempts, with Woo on the scene it's going to be something quite different.

Posted by at May 9, 2005 09:05 AM


It's a hell of an unlikely pairing, I'll grant them that. Unlikely enough that something interesting should result from it.

Posted by: James Russell at May 9, 2005 11:13 AM

I had respect for him until he went to Sega to make video game movies. Son of a bitch. He better do a good job.... making video games into movies are a hard thing to do. One of his attempts is to make a movie about Nintendo's Metroid.

Posted by: madfan12 at May 15, 2005 04:18 PM

Metroid Would do awesome as a movie, they say it's hard to write, yeah of course it is, but look at how the comercial for prime 2 looked with that chick walkin down a hall, and samus's suit was just attatching itself to her until she was wearing the suit, that looked awesome.

Posted by: Stitchxface at August 22, 2005 07:53 PM