May 06, 2005

Jennifer Connelly and Philip Seymour Hoffman in Macbeth

For me the seminal Shakespearean movie was the Kenneth Branagh version of Hamlet. Without a doubt that was the best and most complete I have ever seen - the quicker it's on DVD the better - to be honest all of Branagh's adaptions have been excellent.

It's amazing to look at the material produced by the name Shakespeare and the many different styles and times of movie adaptions. This in itself is an industry. Still, there's always room for another good one, and this one is starting to hint at much. With the news from Coming Soon two excellent actors on board:

Jennifer Connelly and Philip Seymour Hoffman have joined the long-gestating Todd Louiso adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth, reports Variety. The film is scheduled to shoot at the end of the year.

There's so much depth to any one of Shakespeare's plays, so it's good to see modern talent tackling them. I'm particularly keen to see Hoffman in such a role. What do you think? Are Hoffman and Connelly good choices for such dramatic roles?

Posted by at May 6, 2005 02:00 PM


I think both Connelly and Hoffman have the capacity to play Shakespearean roles. Each have been handed (and conquered) their own share of complicated roles (like Connelly in A Beautiful Mind, and Hoffman in Magnolia). So I think it's possible.

But in my opinion, NO ONE in movie land will ever be able to top Branagh's interpretations of the numerous Shakespeare roles he's played throughout his lifetime.

Posted by: SuperGrover at May 6, 2005 07:17 PM

I share your sentiment there SuperGrover. It's like Shakespeare is synonymous now to Kenneth Branagh. That if you mention Shakespeare, its not surprising to see Branagh's name attached to it. :-)

Posted by: Simone at May 7, 2005 11:19 AM

SuperGrover, you've hit the nail on the head for me. Branagh has an amazing flair for Shakespeare, be it acting, directing or adapting.

I mean a man who can successfully combine Shakespeare and Cole Porter in a musical and it be one of the most entertaining movies to watch just deserves respect.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 8, 2005 07:51 AM

I almost wonder when I see him in Shakespeare plays if he isn't the Bard himself, reincarnated, just speaking the roles as if Shakespeare himself were talking.

Posted by: SuperGrover at May 8, 2005 01:09 PM

I am of the same sentiment in regard to Branagh. I adore Shakespeare's work and he's brought each project to life - I think he must channel William himself at times! ;)

Macbeth is my favorite tragedy and I think Connelly and Hoffman will do well.

Man - I would love to play Lady Macbeth, she's such an excellent character.

Posted by: Meli at May 10, 2005 04:39 PM