May 03, 2005

Indiana Jones 4 Script Ready?

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are having a little pow-wow to go over what Spielberg thinks is a finished and ready script for Indiana Jones 4. Man, I hope they get this project off the ground soon.

The good folks over at Moviehole offer us this:

Though it's been pushed back more times than a drunk chap at a bar, "Indiana Jones 4" is still happening, says Lucas - the plan is in place. And it doesn't matter that star Harrison Ford is getting older - because the script caters for that.

"I talked to Steven while I was in Hawaii, and he said the script is done and he was going to send it to me when I got back, which was yesterday. It isn't on my desk today and he's coming up tomorrow to see Star Wars, so I assume he'll bring it with him", the "Star Wars" zillionaire says.

Woo Hoo! With Star Wars now finished and out of the way, Lucas can finally turn his attention to Indy. Just as long as they don't go the same route as Sahara of have the last adventure of Indiana Jones be of Indy on a mission to save the whales or stop the evil CEO's from committing insider trading. I want to see Indy in caves, fighting Nazis, running from giant snakes, bagging the hot woman... you know... Indiana Jones stuff!

Posted by John Campea at May 3, 2005 06:52 AM


Amen brother; I can't wait to see this crew back together again. I agree completely on the cave, Nazis and banging the hot chick comment. I also hope to see some of the favorite faces from the flicks, like Marcus Brodie and Saloum from Egypt. Forgive the spelling. I am still leery on the rumor of Indy's son being in the movie - if they do that I would fear it being to much of a rip off of Quest for the Holy Grail.

Posted by: Brad at May 3, 2005 10:39 AM

Yeah, it was cool to hear Mr. Lucas last week when I saw him @ the Star Wars Celebration 3 that he had just recieved the script but hadn't read it yet.

Hopefully everyone loves it and they can finally get going with the film!

Posted by: trysop at May 3, 2005 01:36 PM

If it is to take place further in the future as muck time as has passed in real time the Nazis might be...gone. If they want Nazis as the villans they will have to made some time pass, but just enough to make it believable that that much time has passed. Harrison Ford looks older.

Posted by: Bob at May 3, 2005 09:18 PM

Harrison is 60 so Indy "bangin" a hot woman is just going to look like your dad kissin your sisters hot friend......

Posted by: FROOPS at May 4, 2005 06:08 AM

Personally, im a little skeptical about this, dealing with the fact that Harrison is a few years shy of his golden years. But i wouldnt miss it for the world. I agree with you man about bringing back him killing more nazis, running through caves, and all the good ol' indie stuff.:)Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are the finest directors out there in my opinion. And with their past successes and how much i liked their movies, im sure they will do a great job.

Posted by: Mike at May 4, 2005 09:12 AM

You should put Haley Joel Osment as "young Indy." He has worked with Bruce Willis, Steven Speilberg, and Jude Law. He really is a great actor. Probably he will be twenty or nineteen, but he won't change that much. Harrison Ford also should play Indiano Jones. I woudn't miss this movie, if Harrison Ford was in it. Try to talk to Haley to play young Indy

Posted by: Gabe at August 26, 2005 01:03 AM

You should put Haley Joel Osment as "young Indy." He has worked with Bruce Willis, Steven Speilberg, and Jude Law. He really is a great actor. Probably he will be twenty or nineteen, but he won't change that much. Harrison Ford also should play Indiano Jones. I woudn't miss this movie, if Harrison Ford was in it. Try to talk to Haley to play young Indy

Posted by: Lydia at August 26, 2005 01:04 AM