May 30, 2005

Indiana Jones 4 script approved - almost.

Indy_Harrison.jpgThere's a big furore just now that Eddie from The Indy Experience has highlighted. George Lucas has approved the script for the new Indiana Jones movie. Considering his amazing script writing for Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, I wouldn't be exceedingly happy about this, I'd be wanting it double checked a few times.

That just might be happening as there is one more person who has to approve it - is it any wonder it's taken this long to make it this far - Harrison Ford. Let's hope he's seen Revenge and won't settle for a poor script. Mind you Spielberg has already approved it, so here's hoping.

If he does okay it, the next hurdle is getting the film made. Spielberg has quite a busy schedule and it might be a while before anything starts to happen. That is unless Lucas films it and drops in a ton of CGI.

Posted by at May 30, 2005 11:10 AM


Spielberg had a lot on his plate right now but nothing he can't drop or delay; his Olympics thing and Lincoln movie can wait, and who really cares about transformers? I mean, 'really' cares?

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 30, 2005 11:36 AM

Don't forget, Spielberg isn't directing The Transformers. He's producing it. That takes a bunch of time before production starts... but after that all he really needs to do is check in on it once in a while. It shouldn't present a problem for his schedule.

Posted by: John Campea at May 30, 2005 01:06 PM

The world really doesn't need an Indiana Jones 4.
And please, for the love of all that is Holy, don't let George Lucas direct...He's definately no Spielberg...The pacing issues with StarWars6 were atrocious...

Anyway, the only reason to do an Indy4 is for CASH...The trilogy is fine. Leave it alone.

Posted by: Triflic at May 30, 2005 02:26 PM

Cinema is always made for cash. I am amazed anyone doesn´t know that yet.

This post is a little sad: bending to the majority is not really an argument. Episode III script wouldn´t maybe please Harrison Ford (that Jack Ryan masterpieces! LOL), but it is, certainly, amazing.

Posted by: Peter at May 30, 2005 03:14 PM

Sure there are three Indiana Jones movies, but they aren't really a trilogy, per se. There is pretty much no carry over from one movie to the next, and it's not like the Indy hung up his whip after his Last Crusade. (And it wasn't called the Last Crusade because it was Indy's last adventure, either)

I don't have a problem with them making another Indiana Jones as long as it doesn't suck (read: George Lucas doesn't direct or write the script).

And if Stephen Spielberg directed, I don't think he would just be looking for CASH. He cares about entertaining people. Sure, the fact that the film is almost guranteed to make money will help it get made easier, but that doesn't mean Spielberg isn't going to try.

Posted by: Dominic at May 30, 2005 05:57 PM

Cindema is always made for cash. I'm amazed anyone doesn't know that yet.

Wow I think of myself as a cynic, but this takes the cake. I don't believe that Cinema is made for cash. Films like "Goodbye Dragon Inn", "Full Frontal", "Nobody Knows", "Vital", and anything by Canadian Auteur Guy Maddin are hardly 'commercial cash grabs'...But sequalization is getting way out of hand...Spielberg and Lucas are talented folks that should focus their creative energy on something new, instead of these tired retreads...There are times when a franchise has passed the point of no-return for a sequel...And that point was about 1998 or so for the INDY series. I would much rather Spielberg focus more on films like CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, than remakes or sequels...And George Lucas has resigned himself to not doing anything new since the the mid to late 1980s.

Posted by: Triflic at May 30, 2005 10:20 PM

Spielberg has been experimental as of late, he gave us "The Terminal" and as it seemed didnt hit the mark for a lot of cinema audience, I heard it wasnt too well received by the US audience, I actually enjoyed it, not the usual Spielberg stuff but wow I think it was alright. I am still hoping that George Lucas, now that the Star Wars films are all behind him, can also venture in new projects. But I can already see what the rest of us will say, that Spielberg/Lucas should stick to bigger films and not try this or that, they cant win can they?

Saying that, I am still looking forward to this Indiana Jones project, whether its Spielberg or Lucas who makes it.

Posted by: Simone at May 31, 2005 05:01 AM

Hold offense but most of those "Experimental" films were done because the director had Big Budget Hits under there belt. I'm looking to be entertained 1st....educated 2nd.....blown away(rarely ever)......You need to make Indy asap because they arent getting any younger......IE: Indiana Jones and the Walker Adventure"....know what I mean?

Posted by: jason at June 1, 2005 09:04 PM