May 08, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Trailer

Well... here it is. The first trailer for the next installment of the Harry Potter franchise: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. You can go over and take a peak at it here. Come back and let us know what you think about it.

Posted by John Campea at May 8, 2005 04:15 PM



My mom's pretty excited about it. Does that count?

Posted by: SuperGrover at May 8, 2005 06:26 PM

I'm a bit mixed on this; it looks good, but nothing like I imagined it.

I'm thinking of pre-ordering tickets and just going in during the last half hour, labyrinth + Voldemort + good direction (hopefully) = Sweetness.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 8, 2005 06:48 PM

I don't really bank on the movies being how I imagined them while reading the novels. However, I think that the first few glimpses the trailer provides is pretty good. Not a fan of the giant woman (Madame Maxime) but oh well.

Still looks pretty good. I just wish they would give the kids haircuts.

Posted by: Jen Marsh at May 8, 2005 08:15 PM

It looks ok but not enough stuff. I don't think any trailer would be enough though. I just want the movie

Posted by: kat at May 8, 2005 08:58 PM

Teaser trailers are almost always fun. I think this one is good. As a huge fan of the books and movies this leaves me wanting more. It also gives me something to look forward to as this year comes to an's already May!

Posted by: Meli at May 9, 2005 12:10 PM

I think this trailer is awesome! I love Harry Potter and i've been looking forward to see the trailer for ages! I think the movie looks great, the dragon seen looks amazing and the Yule Ball is not how i expected it to be. But i really love Hermione's pink dress, it's ace!! Ron's hair looks wicked and Harry looks amazingly HOT!! I cant belive i have to wait till November to see the film, but time seems to be going so fast these days it might not seem so long. I sooooooooooo cant wait to see the film! xXxXxXx

Posted by: Jessica Pidgeon at May 10, 2005 12:09 PM

I think its excellent and I really want to see it now. Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint really need a hair cut and I swear Radcliffe is gets paler and paler as he grows up. Madame Maxime dwarfs all the girls so they remind me of the Year 6s in my school. Viktor Krum looks scary and Fleur isn't that pretty. Cedric Diggory's hair looks way better in Goblet of Fire. Harry and Rupert look ridiculous with their dress robes on. Overall I thought it was amazing.

Posted by: Meera at May 10, 2005 01:55 PM

i think harry potter is awsome an and i love the new trailer its perfect but im wondering if dont
mess up the story form the book because iread them all and seen all the movies and hope they
stick with the same plot as the movie i hope we see voldemort retrurn to power it would be awsome!!!

Posted by: john at May 10, 2005 10:48 PM

It looks good, though im sure it will be drastically different from the book.. But, hopefully it will be so good that i wont sit through the movie saying stuff like "WHAT? No, that didnt happen, or wait, she didnt say that Ron did"..

Posted by: Angela at May 17, 2005 04:16 PM

The trailer sorta reflects a good image on the movie. it look positivly smashing! Though Rupert should get a haircut, but if he doesn't want to I'm cool with it. Fleur isn't exactly what I expected..... I thought she'd be a bit taller with open hair and look more...well.... look more 17-ish! Daniel, Emma and Rupert are all grown up now.... for some reason i thot they'd be 11 throughout! but I think the movie, as i mentioned before is going to be a hit! I've been so eager about the other 3 , this one has me bouncing around!


Posted by: Kylie at May 30, 2005 03:18 PM

Loved the trailer but november is miles away and seems like it will never come.. i cant wait that long >=(

i want to see this film more badly then i want to read the new harry potter book (the half-blood prince) ;D

Posted by: GuY at June 1, 2005 12:41 PM

all you haters need to shut up!harry potter is the best book-movie series ever! so, there! and they look fine with long hair!!! goblet of fire is said to be the most expensive movie ever! $308 million baby.

Posted by: Adriana at June 3, 2005 12:56 PM

well it'll b gorgeous and smashin and the most magical movie ever i m waitin 4 it

Posted by: anna at June 6, 2005 10:54 AM

Hey! I love harry potter more than everything in the whole world and I am so excited to see the fourth movie. I loved the book, I have only read it three times though.

Posted by: Allison at June 7, 2005 12:17 PM

I am so excited it makes me want to cry. I love harry potter. I don't know if I want the book more or the movie, but I really want the book because its new, but then the movie is a whole different look on the book.

Posted by: Allison at June 7, 2005 12:20 PM

Ok, the 2nd/new trailor was so awesome. I GOTTA get tickets! OMG!! Oh, and my friend, Baleace saw the screening downtown Chicago, and told me about, it's awesome!!!!! AND she was so lucky to get to see it, UUHHH!! Man what I'd give to see it right now!!!!!! LOL!!!

Posted by: Amanda at September 26, 2005 07:31 PM

Ok, the 2nd/new trailor was so awesome. I GOTTA get tickets! OMG!! Oh, and my friend, Baleace saw the screening downtown Chicago, and told me about, it's awesome!!!!! Oh, and here's for: Baleace, Amy, Heather, Shannon, Abby, Lizzy, Molly, Meghan, Jenny, Sarah, Sarah M., Rachel M., Rachel R., Jessica, Anisha, Enjouli, Geria, Lucy, Danielle, Ashley, and Evie.

Posted by: Amanda at September 26, 2005 07:43 PM

OMG! This movie looks soooooo good. I'm planning to see it on the opening night and then on the 20th, the whole of my form is gonna go 2getha and we r all gonna dress up!
The only thing that i think is gonna disappoint me is mad eye movie and fleur delacour. Mad eye is nothing like i expected and fleur is really pretty but i think she should have died her hair so it looked more silvery and they should have air brushed some of the pictures so that she looked almost unrealistically beautiful - but not to much.
Anyone know where i can buy tickets now for the Manchester area?
luv 2 yall

Posted by: Pixi at October 17, 2005 03:04 PM