May 02, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on IMAX

Harry_Potter_G_O_F.jpgI have not been thrilled with the Harry Potter series of films so far. I thought the first one was "ok"... the second one was "not great"... and the third one was a total waste of time. However, there have been a few promising signs that this fourth installment of the Harry Potter franchise, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, will exceed the previous efforts. Let's hope so.

Now, this little bit of new has hit the net. Apparently Variety is reporting that Warner Bros. will be the exclusive distributor of "Goblet of Fire" to IMAX theaters worldwide. I find this news a little curious since I don't really consider there to be much in the first 3 films worth putting up in an IMAX format. The visuals have been alright... but nothing to really write home about. I haven't read Harry Potter and the Goblet yet, so I don't know if there are any "breathtaking" visuals that will really lend themselves to the IMAX format or not. I guess we'll see. [via]

Posted by John Campea at May 2, 2005 06:19 AM


Then may I suggest that you read the book before you write off the IMAX idea completely. I agree with you, to a certain degree, that the first three films do not lend themselves to IMAX - but having read Goblet of Fire I believe there may be potential for good visuals if presented correctly.

Posted by: Eliza at May 2, 2005 08:53 AM

Indeed, The Goblet of Fire has many large scalle events that would be especially breathtaking in IMAX. Besides which I believe that we should look for more feature films in IMAX as it is the only format that can really beat a good home theatre system anymore!

Posted by: Lord Jim at May 2, 2005 12:48 PM

I'm surprised at your reaction to number 3. In my opinion, that one was the best of the bunch by far. It was so much better in many ways, the biggest being that the characters were far more real than in the previous movies (and I think we can point at directors for the reason). At any rate, I'm pretty excited about an IMAX-ed GOF.

Posted by: Mark Kawakami at May 2, 2005 07:42 PM

i dont think that someone who has not read the fourth of the harry potter series should blab so much. As far as I'm concerned the upcoming movie has exceptional opportunities to produce one of IMAX's greatest shows. If portrayed as well as it is in the books I believe that it will draw many critics into reading the books and having much better things to say.

Posted by: kovilen reddy at May 4, 2005 04:16 AM

Where is Harry Potter #4 coming in the IMAX because I want to see it there? Please tell me because I am hoping it will come to where I live or close to where I live.

Posted by: ME at June 7, 2005 12:13 PM

Where is Harry Potter #4 coming in the IMAX because I want to see it there? Please tell me because I am hoping it will come to where I live or close to where I live. And I expect this movie to be so great. I love the first three, but expect this to be much more exciting.

Posted by: ME at June 7, 2005 12:14 PM