May 11, 2005

Gillian Anderson in Last King of Scotland

GillianAnderson.jpgMore casting news on the movie from Kevin MacDonald, who brought us the highly taught documentary Touching the Void, entitled The Last King of Scotland. Gillian Andersonis set to join the cast (yes, that really is her!), Coming Soon carry the news:

Gillian Anderson (The X-Files) has joined the cast of The Last King of Scotland. She will play Sarah Zach, an Israeli doctor...who has a brief affair with Nicholas Garrigan (James McAvoy).

It's also worth, if I didn't before, having a quick look at the movie's blurb. Much like Tears of the Sun it's a movie that can tell a lot more people of some of the terrible acts that have been (and are being) carried out in some areas of Africa, and yet still bring a good movie experience to the big screen.

a Scottish doctor (McAvoy) on a Ugandan medical mission becomes irreversibly entangled with one of the world's most barbaric figures: Idi Amin (Forest Whitaker). Impressed by Dr. Garrigan's brazen attitude in a moment of crisis, the newly self-appointed Ugandan President Amin hand picks him as his personal physician and closest confidante. Though Garrigan is at first flattered and fascinated by his new position, he soon awakens to Amin's savagery - and his own complicity in it. Horror and betrayal ensue as Garrigan tries to right his wrongs and get out of Uganda alive.

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 11, 2005 03:07 AM


I was not aware she had changed her name ... to GillianAnderson.jpg" border="0" hspace="5"> no less. :P

On a serious note, Forest Whittacker as Idi Amin sounds intriguing. I've always thought he was underrated and under-used.

Posted by: Smart (_|_) at May 11, 2005 03:55 AM

Hey there Smart. Sorry about the posting, that's what happens when you've done a huge leg work out the night before, gone to bed late, had to get up at 6:30am, prattled through all your email and news stories, then written something on an offline editor and headed off to work! Sorted now though, thanks for pointing it out.

Totally with you on the Whitaker comment. He is a stunning actor, and Director, just so underused. Or perhaps it's that he's really choosy?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 11, 2005 06:30 AM

Interesting. I've seen a number of MacDonald's documentaries so I'll be interested to see how he handles fiction.

Posted by: James Russell at May 11, 2005 07:50 AM

LOL @ Rich. What a whiner. Kidding!

Scully rocks!

I wonder where they will shoot the movie?

Posted by: Simone at May 11, 2005 09:13 AM

Nice to see Anderson again, its been too long.

Posted by: adam at May 11, 2005 04:34 PM

The movie will be shot in Uganda and UK. Looks very interesting, especially since Gillian's in it and she chooses her projects very carefully.

Posted by: Kiko at May 12, 2005 06:38 PM

Gillian Anderson rocks. She is a brilliant actress. I hope that we will see a lot more of her. I'm glad she choses her projects that carefully - she is smart and she should act in smart movies.

I absolutely adore her

Posted by: Lara at June 4, 2005 12:02 PM

Gillian Anderson rocks. She is a brilliant actress. I hope that we will see a lot more of her. I'm glad she choses her projects that carefully - she is smart and she should act in smart movies.

I absolutely adore her

Posted by: LaraJoy at June 4, 2005 12:05 PM