May 17, 2005

Ghost Rider's flaming skull pictures

GhostRiderSkull.jpgNot sure if this is the the official face yet, but it sure looks good. The shots are from Comic Book Movie and you should head over there quick smart to take a look, then head back here and tell us what you think. Does it live up to what you had hoped Ghost Rider to be?

Posted by at May 17, 2005 02:57 AM


I mean, it looks ok. But I fear this movie is going to follow in the same dreaded footsteps as Spawn. It looks cool, but I don't see a storyline here other than "oooh, he looks really cool as Ghost Rider"

Posted by: SpideyFan at May 17, 2005 03:05 AM


I've always figured this would go the Man-Thing route.

Posted by: Nala at May 17, 2005 05:21 AM

OK, that picture is horrible. Ghostrider needs to have an organic skull appearance not some cheap computer mock up. I think they're gonna butcher this movie too, cut up the story to make it kiddie friendly.

Posted by: Unicrom at May 17, 2005 11:34 AM

Yeah.... that looks like crap. It looks like some 14 yr old kid made that pice crap. It's offical I'm not seeing Ghostrider.

Posted by: Alfredo at May 17, 2005 06:41 PM

ye, that looks crap. but it could be good u never know. i just hope a movie like this dont turn into a 12, it should have violence in it, just like hellboy could have.

Posted by: hail-o at May 20, 2005 04:58 PM

i think they might be trying hard to make it look like the original ghost rider of the 70s & 80s...clean white skull, flame red eyes, some ways i think some comic book movies have gone a little overboard in re-tooling character designs just because they have the power and technology.

i personally like it,...i'm sure it's not the final version, though.

Posted by: mike at June 5, 2005 10:50 PM

I am afraid of what many are afraid of...and that is this movie getting screwed up. Come on now, look at movies like LOTR trilogy, War of the Worlds...the things you can do with a computer. Look at Golem from LOTR. They can do the same with Nick. He can still do the acting..but when it is time for him to be GR...use the Golem technology just for his head and maybe other parts of him that will reveal the hellfire.

Yes..redo the skull...please! not go easy on the plot and make it is a dark storyline...keep it that powder-puffing it up.

Posted by: Ultimate Warrior at July 21, 2005 10:17 PM