May 24, 2005

Ghost Rider director talks

GhostRider.jpgComic Book Movie have pointed us to an interview with Mark Steven Johnson currently shooting Ghost Rider over at Latino Review.

Apart from the usual sprawl by a director\producer\writer or anyone else involved in a comic book adaptation claiming that they've read every comic in existance since the age of caveman paintings and harbouring the desire to really make this one character to the big screen, there's some interesting stuff in here.

...The themes are inherently dark, selling your soul to the devil, fight demons all this kind of stuff is inherently dark but that’s also balanced. There is some humor to the movie, there is a love story in the movie and hopefully we’ll have both...

...How brutal is it? Pretty brutal, if you see a guys face burn off into a skull it’s pretty brutal, that’s pretty intense stuff. The fights are pretty intense. I mean it’s hard core fighting stuff but it’s also somewhere in the realm of fantasy so you’re not going to see blood and guts of people but you are going to see a lot of intense action in the film.

Sounds interesting, but you know there's a couple of things that really sell this to me and make me believe in this guy and the project. Number one, he respects Nicolas Cage and let's him do his thing:

What’s good about Nic is that he’ll always say, “I can’t relate to a guy like that what if he did this, what if he did that.” Its always more interesting...there’s this scene in the locker room and he’s about to go out and Nic’s like “You know I’ve always wanted to drink a whole hot pot of coffee when I’m really nervous in a scene” and I’m like “Cool lets try it.” And he’ll grab a pot of coffee and drink it and its just things like that...One thing you have to say about Nic he does everything 100% he never goes half way, he goes for it. So these scenes where he’s changing and screaming, it’s difficult to watch cause he commits himself so holy to the role.

Number two, he likes the idea of a Silver Surfer movie. I like this guy! What are your hopes for this movie now?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 24, 2005 03:46 PM


Sorry, it doesn't sound cool, it sounds like MSJ being a PG-13 apologist, even though he was burned by it before with Daredevil.

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at May 25, 2005 05:00 AM