May 24, 2005

Edinburgh International Film Festival in trouble

EIFF2004.jpgListen up you big sponsors, get yourselves in touch with the Edinburgh Film Festival organisers and sponsor this superb event, the coolest film festival and the longest running in the World. It premieres some great films, and showcases a host of great foreign movies to a wide audience.

News from the Scotsman shows that it's in trouble this year, after having a couple of major sponsors pull out and decide to sponsor something that doesn't bring so much culture and enjoyment. (One of them was Nokia - Boo!)

[The EIFF] is to get a £265,000 bail-out package to fill the gap left by the loss of its two major sponsors...

...The Scottish Executive has stepped in with £150,000...Edinburgh City Council is adding £60,000 to the festival's core grant of about £80,000. Scottish Screen is adding another £55,000 from its own sources.

There had been a big concern that they weren't going to secure enough funding to pay for some of the big deals for movies this years festival. This is a big deal, last year we were introduced to such movies as The Machinist, Tokyo Godfathers and Oldboy, to name but three of the massive line up.

It's a great event, and with any luck we'll be there this year and have some excellent write ups. If any of you make it and are in Edinburgh, give me a shout and I'll gladly meet you over a pint, you can pay as my taxes are funding the event! Seriously, you should visit this festival. More updates as this years site goes live.

Posted by at May 24, 2005 05:17 PM


Crap - it'd better go ahead. I was going to go to the film festival for the first time this year... (I've been to the Fringe several times, but was too busy performing in shows to check out the film festival.) It often premieres some absolutely amazing films.

Oh, and I like the redesign, by the way...

Posted by: tom at May 24, 2005 06:09 PM

Havent been to any festival either, I keep missing the one hosted in London.

Yes, the redesign is so kewl! Kudos to John and Rich!

Posted by: Simone at May 24, 2005 06:23 PM

I'd help, but I have no money...

*tapes pencil to desk, rams head into pencil*

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at May 24, 2005 07:22 PM

I've never been to the festival, but I can vouch for the fact that Scotland, and Edinburgh in particular, is one of the coolest freaking places on the planet.

Long live battered Mars bars.

Posted by: Tuffy at May 25, 2005 01:13 PM

I've never tried a battered Mars Bar, that's something from Stonehaven, much futher north of Edinburgh. I think we're more famous for deep fried pizza! Mmmm...

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 25, 2005 01:40 PM

Battered Mars bar or any battered sweets for that matter can also be found in South West Wales. And I miss them too! Never been to Edinburgh though, so the festivalis in August eh, same time as the much expected heatwave?

Ehr Rich, I thought you will pay for my half pint? ;-)

Posted by: Simone at May 25, 2005 07:19 PM