May 26, 2005

Eddie Murphy and Quentin Tarantino

Eddie_Murphy.jpgNot sure what happened here, I posted this just after it popped up on the Empire site and it's disappeared! None of us know why, so I'm going to try again!

Michael Madsen has possible let slip some of the casting for Quentin Tarantino's movie Inglorious Bastards. Considering there have been so many wild suggestions out there, this one sounds a bit more down to earth.

"It’s myself and Tim Roth, Adam Sandler, and Eddie Murphy."

Woa! Eddie Murphy? Well he's really had a run of poor films for some time now, okay maybe he is popular with the kids, but this is Murphy who came to fame as a cop with the foulest but funniest mouth we'd heard from in ages. He has some excellent timing, he can act and he has screen presence, he just needs some good roles. If it is Murphy in this movie then perhaps Tarantino can give him a kick start in the career department as he has done for so many others, Travolta included.

I think this nothing but good, Murphy has moments of excellence on screen and he just needs a decent script and director to push him a bit, stop him resting on his disney churn. What do you think?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 26, 2005 02:56 AM


Tarantino has an eagle eye. Eddie Murphy is one of those great comedians (like Jim Carrey or Ben Stiller) who has enormous skills for non-comedy roles. Cheers for the big-jaw director!

Posted by: Peter at May 26, 2005 09:27 AM

A recurring topic of conversation between me and my friends - recurring to the point of tedium - is, "wouldn't it be great if someone could get Eddie Murphy swearing again?"

I mean, I know there's a lot more to it than just profanity/non-profanity. But as far as I can tell, Eddie Murphy film involving much swearing = great, Eddie Murphy film with minimal swearing = shite on a stick.

Ergo, Murphy + Tarantino = much goodness

Posted by: tom at May 26, 2005 07:06 PM

it would be great if his role turned out to be more beverly hills cop than pluto nash.

Posted by: bigwig at May 26, 2005 11:06 PM