May 17, 2005

Dick Tracy TV series?

DickTracy_Beatty.jpgHot on the heels of the possible news of a Dick Tracy 2 movie, here comes the news that a team are trying to put together the TV series, although they have a lawsuit hanging over them from Warren Beatty for the rights. From Comic Book Movie:

Lorenzo di Bonaventura and Outlaw Prods. partners Bobby Newmyer and Scott Strauss have teamed in a deal with the Tribune Co. to resurrect Dick Tracy and make him the centerpiece of a TV series. But whether Tribune really has rights to Dick Tracy is the subject of a lawsuit filed last week by Warren Beatty, who claims he has rights to the comicbook character.

Apparently they want to do for Dick Tracy what Smallville did for Superman...That is if they get the chance.

Posted by at May 17, 2005 03:02 AM


great. another endless legal battle over beloved comic book characters that will be contested in court for years keeping anything from being made so that the one fan who's interested can lose interest.

Posted by: bigwig at May 19, 2005 02:18 AM

I would love to see another Dick Tracy FILM made...I would also like to see a worthwhile DVD of the first one with Beatty as Tracy; BUT WITH SOME SERIOUS EXTRAS, instead of just a trailer. I just wish everyone involved could just get along and work things out without dragging things through the courts. We've become such a litigious society! What a shame!

Posted by: lawrence nepodahl at June 1, 2005 10:20 PM

Well, if they ever DO get it off the ground, I hope they use "The Dick Tracy Theme" by The Ventures. The guys were commisioned to write the theme back in 1966 when a TV series was planned. They did a fantastic job, but the series never got off the ground.

Posted by: Del H at October 10, 2005 05:50 PM