May 16, 2005

Dick Tracy 2

DickTracy_Beatty.jpgYou know, some actors just need to accept that they're not "hot" anymore, and just be content with being solid, respected actors. Case in point: Warren Beatty.

I can just hear the monolog going on in Beatty's head: "Hey, I'm not on the cover of the magazines anymore. And all the kiddies seem to dig these comic book movies! I know!!!! I'll do another Dick Tracy film! They'll love it! It'll be more popular than Batman! I'll be the new Brad Pitt!"

Ummmm... yeah. According to the good folks over at Moviehole, the magnificent actor (no really... Beatty is quite good) is setting himself in position to make a sequel to Dick Tracy... heaven help us.

The main problem here is that the first Dick Tracy was not that good of a movie. Yeah it was pretty to look at with some great use of colours and perspective... but as a story it was pretty weak. Also, I don't really see any sort of "Dick Tracy Buzz" going around. Batman always has fans, Superman is still read by millions of people... when is the last time you heard someone bring Dick Tracy up in a conversation? Answer: 10 years ago.

So tell ya what Warren, get yourself into a really good crime drama (you're fantastic at those) or something else more serious that people like me would love to see you in. Just put down this whole Dick Tracy idea and back away slowly.

Posted by John Campea at May 16, 2005 06:29 AM


I actually really enjoyed "Dick Tracy". Well Pacino & Hoffman was there that's why. And Madonna as Breathless Mahoney.

As for Beatty, hmmmmm... I really dont mind seeing him in a movie, heck I will even watch this if it gets done!

Posted by: Simone at May 16, 2005 06:39 AM

Ooo...another Dick Tracy? I agree with you John...he needs to put that idea in a deep dark closet and forget it's there.

Posted by: Meli at May 16, 2005 10:53 AM

Wait... isn't he 70?

Posted by: Alfredo at May 16, 2005 07:40 PM