May 20, 2005

CSI Movie

CSI.jpgI've only seen CSI a few times (maybe like 12 episodes) but I must admit I always enjoy it when I do. Considering the popularity of the show it's not totally surprising that the shows creator, Anthony E. Zuiker, is talking about a movie.

When X-Files came out I thought it would start a landslide of CURRENT TV shows jumping to the big screen (we've already got our fill of old shows making the jump). But that hasn't really happened at all. Oh sure, there are whispers of a Simpsons movie... or Alias (which would kick ass), but nothing else really.

The good folks over at CSI Files offer up this little bit of news:

"I hope that comes true because I have some ideas about that," Zuiker was quoted in the TV supplement of the Australian Sun Herald. "I can't really verbalize them, but I think there's a way to make it work."

Zuiker was only able to wax briefly about his CSI movie dreams, as most of the interview consisted of reporter Scott Ellis grilling him about the rumored displeasure of William Petersen (Gil Grissom) with the show. "Billy is the glue in a nucleus to the whole franchise," said Zuiker, who apparently seemed uncomfortable even to consider the possibility of Petersen leaving. But when pressed, Zuiker said that "the show will go on, [and] whether we lose actors or not, the concept will move forward."

Now that throws a wrench in it. Would a CSI movie even go over well if William Petersen isn't in it?!?! I have severe doubts that it would.

Posted by John Campea at May 20, 2005 07:24 AM


CSI is great, as a TV show, can it make the leap to movie? It would be great if they gave it a go, but they will struggle like previous tv-to-movies before them. They will need to extend the viewers attention by almost double, lots of pitfalls and challenges.

On a side issue, apparently juries in the US are throwing cases out based on too little evidence. This is supposedly from being exposed to shows like CSI where more often than not there's oodles of information and undenieable DNA evidence. Most real life case hinges on one or two bits of information

Posted by: Pablo at May 20, 2005 07:31 AM

Hey Pab's! Good to see you here.

This movie will not work without Petersen. I think the concept will work for a movie, but he and his original team are the key, without question. Being a lover of the original CSI and having watched both Miami and NY series, they just don't compare.

Miami is all about posing with your shades on. Hit snappy line, turn to look off camera, hands on hips and smile. That's your show.

NY, just look depressed and sullen.

Actually, the whole three series are starting to fall by the wayside. After all the investigation and hard work as soon as they get the person in for questioning they just crumble. "I did it!". They have to change that formula.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 20, 2005 08:29 AM