May 25, 2005

Clive Barker signs deal for Books of Blood

According to Movieweb, Clive Barker is set to bring us two horror films a year from his six volumes of The Books of Blood.

...Clive Barker has partnered with producer Jorge Saralegui in the Midnight Picture Show, a venture meant to scare up two horror films per year. Most will be based on the prolific author's short stories published in the six volumes of "The Books of Blood," or on his original ideas.

Lakeshore Entertainment has been set to finance "The Midnight Meat Train," an adaptation of the Barker story about a Gotham-based photographer's effort to track down "the subway butcher," a search that leads to an unholy secret. The pic was adapted by Jeff Buhler and will be directed by Patrick Tatopoulous, a horror vet who has done extensive creature and production design work...

..."The Plague," a Hal Masonberg/Teal Minton-scripted fright film that will be directed by Masonberg this summer. Pic concerns an apocalypse that causes kids to lapse into vegetative states, only to awaken years later bent on murdering their parents...

...Anthony DiBlasi, an exec at Barker's Seraphim Films label, to adapt the Barker short "Pig Blood Blues," and John Heffernan to draft "New York Resurrection," from an original idea by Barker. They hope these pics will be made in 2006.

Next up will be the Barker short "Age of Desire," scripted by Charles Canzoneri, along with "Revelation," a pic that Lori Lakin is writing, based on her own idea.

That's a whole host of movies there, and that's just this year! Barker says they are committed to making brand new movies, no rehashes, and he also gives some excellent news on the content, no comprimises here:

"Jorge and I want to wind up with a library of pictures that will reflect my sensibilities, which are decidedly R rated," Barker said. "In fact, the moment I make a PG-13 horror movie, you can take me out and shoot me. Our desire is to leave you feeling that we're a little crazy."

Posted by at May 25, 2005 02:44 PM


I think this is fantastic.I hope somebody does Thief of Always someday and makes it great.
Are these movies going straight to dvd release?

Posted by: thesecretsafe at May 25, 2005 03:54 PM

This sounds like a potentially good deal. I hope it breaths life back into the horror genre and yay for no PG-13 ratings!

Posted by: Meli at May 25, 2005 04:54 PM