May 18, 2005

Bond to be saved by UK Culture Minister?

bond_generic.jpgI hate politicians, corrupt liars, well definitely the ones who get into senior positions, local MP's I think can be much more humanised and public facing, they remember why they are there. So it's with huge sceptisim I read this story from the BBC:

Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell has told the BBC "everything possible is being done" to make sure the new James Bond film is made in the UK.

Well quite frankly, it's not. Your Government is charging far too much tax and giving no incentives to Film Productions whereas other Countries are. I can work that one out and I'm no accountant.

Ms Jowell told the BBC News website steps were being taken to keep production of Casino Royale in Britain. Trade website Screen Daily reported on Tuesday the production could go to a studio in the Czech Republic.

Just to prove she knows nothing about the movie making business:

Ms Jowell said: "Bond films have always used exotic locations anyway, and at the moment nothing has been decided.

"The film industry is one of our great success stories, but we are conscious of the need to provide stability," she said.

Yes dear, but they aren't always on location. They film a lot on stages which can be located anywhere from the actual set location. Oh, and the British Film Industry is a great success story? It's certainly a story, but I'm not sure if it's of success rather than a dying beast. A small beast too. Never mind though, they are doing something.

"We are reviewing the tax for larger films, and the need for stability is why the current tax relief system will stay in place for lower-budget films until 2006."

My mistake. They aren't. The taxes have been set and they'll review them until the fuss dies down along with the industry. Well done.

Posted by at May 18, 2005 03:08 AM