May 05, 2005

Bond rumours go mad

DanielCraig.jpgFor those of you who remember, I know, I promised, but I just couldn't help it. This story from The Guardian is some degree of validation for all those rumours we posted.

Daniel Craig admits that he was approached by the studio to play 007 in the forthcoming Casino Royale, but implies that the producers may have objected. "It was a surreal time to have the studio phoning you up saying you've got the job and then the Broccolis (the franchise's producers) saying nothing," the British actor explained. "I don't know what the deal is.

You don't know what the deal is? Think about us, and the severly annoyed fans and non fans. These stories are not winning anyone over, and the more we hear them the less interested we are in the whole Bond thing. It's not just me that's saying that, I'm taking that from the comments from all the rumours and stories to date.

Message from movie fans: "Hurry up and get on with it, cast the lead and make the film", or go for the other one "Sign up Tarantino to do it like he wanted and shake the whole franchise up, give it some life again". I think those were the clear messages from the previous posts?

It's also all over the net, along with this story, that Brosnan is still hotly tipped to return in the next movie. There's also a rumour going round that John's seeing Star Wars tonight and I'm livid. Well it's wrong. I'm not livid. Now, that really is the last Bond story until someone gets cast!

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 5, 2005 05:45 PM


*Yawn* Is it over yet?

Posted by: Lilly at May 5, 2005 06:51 PM

Awwww Rich, why am I not even surprised? :-)

Posted by: Simone at May 5, 2005 07:11 PM

The John at Star Wars rumors, at least, are true. I know because I was sitting next to him. We got reviews over at Twitch. The short version is: Better than the first two prequels, but still a bad movie. John liked it better than Dave or I did, though ...

Posted by: Todd at May 5, 2005 08:18 PM