May 10, 2005

Batman Begins the trilogy?

BatmanInternationalPoster.jpgI'm sure we said this before, but more and more movies are looking to the magic three mark when they are on a topic that has enough material, let's say Batman for example, and it looks like that's just where they're headed. Yes, you didn't get that wrong, Batman Begins isn't even out in the cinema's yet.

Empire are carrying the story of David Goyer talking about the plot of the next two movies:

"The next one would have Batman enlisting the aid of Gordon and Dent in bringing down the Joker... but not killing him, which is a mistake they made in the first one," Batwriter David Goyer tells the latest issue of US movie magazine Premiere. "In the third, the Joker would go on trial, scarring Dent in the process."

I will make the assumption you are by now familiar with who these characters all are. I think it's fair to say that we were all realising that this new Batman was back to the original, dark, tortured and not all that good really, i.e. it's been done the right way. So it's great news to hear that any plans for sequels are being thought through with the same viewpoint and intelligence, and the previous movies totally forgotten about so that there's no desire to write them towards a pre-determined point.

Doesn't the plot sound really close to the comics? I'm excited about this, and I'm more than happy to hand over cash to this movie to help the sequels get greenlit. Is this exciting news for you?

Posted by at May 10, 2005 02:05 PM


But I seem to recall people so many people (at the time) saying that Tim Burton's original was good as well and look what that eventually wrought.

I'm kind of happy I can't get attached to comic book adapatations anymore otherwise the future Transformers film that Michael Bay is now involved with would be driving me totally batty.

Posted by: Nala at May 10, 2005 03:00 PM

I always hated that the Joker was killed off, so hearing a future for the character definitely brings excitement.

I think these steps backwards are exactly what the franchise needs. I'm pretty excited about this flick...and can only hope any sequel(s) that follow can keep it alive.

Posted by: Meli at May 10, 2005 04:01 PM

Batman with Michael Keaton was a very good movie, IMO. None of the others that came after were anywhere near as good - they were trying too hard to be clever instead of being good stories.

That's great that they're moving closer to the comic if X-Men would do the same...

Posted by: Whyskey at May 10, 2005 05:35 PM

movieblog, i linked your site on my site kekeke. :)

Posted by: B A T M A N at May 11, 2005 02:48 AM

"Doesn't the plot sound really close to the comics?"

It sounds better than some of the comics being written now. I think we've gotten to the point where the best movies, like Spider-Man 2, are the best depictions of this characters, the definitive versions.

"I'm excited about this, and I'm more than happy to hand over cash to this movie to help the sequels get greenlit."

Me too.

"Is this exciting news for you?"

Oh yeah.

One thing: I think this will be a dark, intelligent movie that will get a better reception if people have had a good taste of action before it comes out. It's been so long between decent action movies, it's like being thirsty in a desert! Looking at Batman Begins as merely a long-overdue thrill ride won't do it justice. After I slake my thirst for sheer, thrilling screen action a bit, I'll be in a better mood to take in what I expect to be the full meal of Batman Begins.

Posted by: David Blue at May 11, 2005 06:04 AM

I agree with you Whyskey, I thought Keaton was brilliant as Batman, but the rest that followed, not really. And I was so psyched on seeing the Catwoman spin-off to be played by the more feline-like Michelle Pfeiffer, that would have been the perfect casting!

I am looking forward to Christian Bale though, with good reasons! *drools*

Posted by: Simone at May 12, 2005 10:36 AM

Keaton was definately *Brilliant* as the Bat, the movies after that just pissed on the Batman legacy, WTF were the set designers on when they thought up the gotham with 400 foot statues holding up roads .
I am glad to hear of the Batman Begins "Trilogy?" starting afresh and ignoring the other Bat Films, although why not do a "Star Wars" work the prequels up to Keatons Time, then do a "Dallas" with the other Bat Films - They were just a horrible dream!!.
Maybe I'm just insane - I'm sure you will all let me know!

Posted by: Another Big Child at May 20, 2005 07:06 AM

I do agree that there are only two Batman movies in my mind, and we're about to see the second.

Keaton was the best, but I think he's just about to be equalled.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 20, 2005 08:50 AM

By Bale no less. :-)

After Episode III, it's Batman Begins that get me all giddy. Do we know when it will come out in UK Rich?

Posted by: Simone at May 20, 2005 10:29 AM

I agree, immediately after watching the first trailer I knew right away that this movie will do justice to Bob Kane's orginal creation. Certain movie elements of the the story and character identity has gotten so deep and for realistic legitimate reasons.
I'm glad they've taken the style and gave its orginal early 40s look a modern facelift. AND what I'm excited most about is that its not anything like its weak predecessors, aka: Batman and Robin, Batman Forever. Burtons take on the first two we're classic. Anyways, this is going to make everyone remember why the dark knight is such a badass.

BTW- Keaton owned the role out of everyone. Bale just might surpass him though.

Posted by: SNEARS at May 20, 2005 08:08 PM

I think Keaton was the best and will remain the best cuz the first two were classics. You can't beat the classics and they cannot be compared to the new movies. Its like comparing the awesome Donkey Kong games to Halo. Yes they are both good, but you can't say that Halo is better than Donkey Kong because its not fair. They are seperated by many years of technological progress and obviously are on different systems. You cant compare the original PaperBoy, Super Mario Bros. 3 with anything new because its just not fair. I think that Joel Schumacher is one the worst directors (as well as Paul W.S. Anderson, Stephen Brill, Uwe Boll, Clint Eastwood, Guy Richtie, Todd Philips,etc) and "pissed on" the Batman franchise. Although the new movie looks good (I only want to see cuz Nolan directed it and I was impressed by Memento, one the best movies ever and a classic) its too dark. Even its supposed to be dark this new Batman bothers me and Bale is not the best of actors (American Physco is a horrible movie). If the movie is good it still can't be compared to the first two. Their just in a class by themselves and it wouldn't be fair to compare them to a sequel 13 years later.

Posted by: east32side at June 13, 2005 11:25 PM

I don't think you are getting the point, east32. It is not that Batman Begins was more technologically advanced than the other movies, it is that it is actually following the comic book storyline more closely.

The older "classic" Batman movies were jokes when it came to the comic book storyline, which is the REAL Batman! The movies are supposed to tell the comic book story on screen, not come up with some entirely new, cheesy storyline... that's what the old movies did.

You say Batman Begins is too dark. I disagree. Batman is, after all, the "Dark Knight." He is supposed to be dark... the earlier movies made him too kidsy, but he is not a kiddie hero. He is dark, and not always good; he is violent, and has many psychological problems. So I am extremely excited about these new Batman movies, and loved the first one.

I'm super glad they are just ignoring the "plots" of the first Batman movies and redoing it totally. Completely awesome, all in all. :)

Posted by: Amy at August 28, 2005 12:45 PM

Actually Tim Burton's two films Batman and Batman Returns are the darkest and most atmospheric Batman films ever, as well as following the comic book storylines. The Batman Begins trilogy follows the Batman Year One storyline. Batman and Batman Returns mixes the originals 1939/1940 (Batman Chronicles volume one), Strange Apparitions, the Dark Night Returns and the Killing Joke together. Micheal Keaton is the most mysterious and deadly Batman. He has the glare, the voice. He really brought Batman to life as a dark character on film.

Posted by: theBat-Man at October 11, 2005 01:11 AM