May 18, 2005

Batman Begins new footage

Batman_Poster_French.jpgFor those of you who are eager to see some more of Batman Begins, Twitch have come up with some additional footage from Warner Brothers of the training sequences.

Don't worry, it doesn't give anything away, but it is nice to watch and definitely gets you ramped up some more for this movie. The marketing are doing a great job with this one, and is it any wonder with the material they seem to have to work with?

Who's really starting to get excited about this, and who really couldn't be bothered? Is the marketing machine getting too much into this movie and should they back off to let it breathe around the net a bit?

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 18, 2005 02:10 PM


As the marketing machine churns out the Batman hype, I for one am eating it up. I've been a Batman fan since Michael Keaton, and eagerly await the return to a darker movie. Also, as a business grad, I understand the need to hype a movie as vigourously as WB is, because there are so many other movies competing for the consumers' entertainment dollar.

What I find frustrating, are those companies that give the movie away in there marketing campaign, that attending the show is a major letdown, without any surprises. If WB is clever (and they have been so far) they will give enough to whet our appetites, so that not only will we all attend, we will be entertained.

Now, I have to go and camp out in front of the theatre to await the June 15th release...

Posted by: Tigerman at May 18, 2005 03:08 PM

I'm excited, but I am still keeping a few reservations because my mental wounds of the last Batman movie are still tender. (3 hrs in line to witness the destruction of the franchise in the opening scene)

There might be a different team behind the movie, and a solid cast of actors, but I'm still keeping a semi-even attitude.

I think Christain Bale will be a great younger Batman.

However, I've not been able to get completely passed the Katie Holms casting choice. If we're lucky we won't be exposed to too much of her pouting puppy eyes, constant furrowing brow and hands slapping her thighs when her character become exsaperated. Of course, I don't think she's bad enough to ruin the whole movie. =)

Posted by: Meli at May 18, 2005 03:34 PM

Eating it up, chewing it around, and swallowing the hype gleefully.

I. Am. Very. Excited.

Posted by: JohnW at May 19, 2005 03:44 AM