May 06, 2005

All of Me remake disaster

WandaSykes.jpgI have to post this one and ask you all about it. Remember the movie All of Me which starred Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin? Oh, who could forget that bathroom scene, it's the funniest ever. Well, for those of you who don't, courtesy of IMDB:

A dying millionnaire has her soul transferred into a younger, willing woman. But something goes wrong, and she finds herself in her lawyer's body - together with the lawyer.

Well they're going to remake it. Yes, according to Variety through Coming Soon the wheels are in motion. This is how they describe the new treatment:

The writers are planning to keep the conceit and spirit of the original but update the technology involved and comedy, as well as give it a more hip sensibility.

The Tomlin character is going to be replaced by Wanda Sykes. Who's going to replace Martin then?

Now if that doesn't spell disaster more than a night in with sex mad teenagers and a knocking sound in a dark attic that you'll investigate one at a time, I don't know what does!

Posted by Richard Brunton at May 6, 2005 02:12 PM


I find it hard picturing wanda sykes as a millionaire business woman. She is too crude. Not to mention there really isn't any _Old Black Money_ in the states. Lily was old WASP money. I think the funnier role would be to switch it up.

Rich white millionaire MAN ends up in the body of Crude Wanda Sykes character.

Posted by: Jennifer at May 6, 2005 02:17 PM

I think it'll be ethier Ice Cube , Martin Lawrence , or Will Smith.

Posted by: Pudie at May 6, 2005 02:34 PM

i've got an idea, how about if they remake it with lily tomlin and steve martin! that would be awesome. i think they'd be great in the lead roles!

Posted by: jason at May 6, 2005 03:41 PM

sorry, i drtfa. i hate wanda sykes and i hate remakes.

Posted by: jason at May 6, 2005 03:44 PM

another thing...can you imagine anyone BUT steve martin doing that insane split personality sidewalk scene. that scene MADE the movie for me.

go ahead hollywood, take the easy way out. remake everything cause you're too stupid to do anything original anymore.

Posted by: jason at May 6, 2005 04:15 PM

Cast 50 Cent in this and I might be interested.

Posted by: Mark at May 6, 2005 06:00 PM

I see Chris Tucker in this.

Posted by: Mark at May 6, 2005 06:33 PM

Other choices: Martin Lawrence and David Chappelle.

Posted by: Mark at May 6, 2005 06:34 PM

And as for the "black old money" thing: Just adjust the setting and business. Say, for example, that Sykes' character is the founder/owner of a successful Cajun/soul food restaurant chain in Louisiana.

Actually, setting this in New Orleans would be interesting -- the contrived soul transfer plot device could be tied to voodoo.

What I find most interesting, and a little unsettling, is this recent trend where lame comedy movies, which aren't THAT old, are being remade with African American casts. I can't decide whethe that's patronizing/insulting to the demographic which Hollywood is marketing these movies to, or just lazy ass recycling.

Posted by: Mark at May 6, 2005 06:42 PM

I this is going to suck sooooo bad.

But the again Steve Martin is remaking "The Pink Panther" and I imagine that's going to suck sooooo bad as well.

Posted by: Herby at May 7, 2005 06:08 PM

Wanda Sykes isn't funny at all, she has made me laugh a few times, but most of the time when she speaks its a wwaste of air. I would listen to her for ten minutes, laugh on the 11th minute, and have to wait another 10 minutes before she made me laugh again.

Posted by: madfan12 at May 8, 2005 12:29 PM