May 04, 2005

Alien vs Predator 2

avp.jpgI'll come out and say that I haven't seen Alien vs Predator, but from the comments I've seen I wouldn't have paid cinema ticket money to go and see it. For those of you who were one of the ones who voiced their negativity at the movie, please feel free to speak up now, because they're doing it again.

A story in Rope of Silicon from SciFi Wire has the awful warning:

Word from [20th Century Fox Film Co-Chairman Tom] Rothman is that Alien vs. Predator II is a go as Rothman tells SCI FI Wire, "We will do another one of those for sure. It was a big success... In the new Alien vs. Predator they will finally actually really come to our world."

Rothman went on to say that this new film could bridge the gap between all the movies and the two horror film franchises... "It's likely that we will bridge the gap, and the beginning of that will be setting it in our contemporary universe... They were always terrorists, yes, but only metaphorically."

Is it a good idea? Is it a bad idea? What could Rothman mean about bridging the gap, how could they do that?

Posted by at May 4, 2005 04:57 PM


Oh God No! The horror! make it go away. Whats next? Hulk 2?

Posted by: Daysleeper at May 4, 2005 05:52 PM

Hey now, maybe it was low expectations or not having seen it in the theaters (I only paid Netflix money to see this one) but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be - is that good or bad thing? (Besides these movies are always home theater candy - do you really expect "Sideways" from these scripts!?).

At least it was better than Ice Cube's xXx... Of course Ice should learn his lesson, if you're going to do any kind of movie with more than 2 XXs in it, you gotta go Snoop's route and make sure its the rating and not the title.

Posted by: Jeff at May 4, 2005 06:59 PM

I rented AvP with rock bottom expectations and didn't think it was THAT bad. It wasn't great by any means, but for an action picture it was entertaining. I'm not some Alien/Predator purist or anything though. I thought how the girl gained alliance with the predator was kind of cool even.

Posted by: DM at May 4, 2005 07:19 PM

I liked it. I'm sure Cameron could have done it better but it was entertaining and stayed pretty true to both franchises. I'll see a second one for sure.

Posted by: adam at May 4, 2005 08:09 PM

it was a good movie but what they need to do is make it an R rateing so you can actually see someone get killed i hated just seeing like shadows and stuff get killed

Posted by: venommm at May 4, 2005 08:37 PM

I'm easily amused, so I actually bought the DVD for AvP. It wasn't a classic like Alien, Aliens, or Predator, but it was worth seeing IMHO. (If I'm not mistaken, the plot of the woman gaining the respect of the predator came from the AvP book, Prey.)

As to a AvP II...let's see how they can squeeze Lance Henrikson into this one...another android perhaps?

Posted by: Whyskey at May 5, 2005 12:10 AM

Wow! There are voices of acceptance for the movie, I never really expected so many. It's on my rental list, perhaps I'd better move it up the queue then.

Jeff, well in a way I think we do expect a lot from Alien movies, considering the past series.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 5, 2005 02:32 AM

Don't go and watch it expecting to see the originals, none of the suspense or scares from them are there.

But if you want a movie with nice special effects, good fights then it is pretty good.

I still want to see a sequel to aliens that has the same level of scares as the original.

Posted by: Warren at May 5, 2005 02:57 AM

AvP II..
If they really making this, they should leave all the stupid human caracters out. They cant allways save the day, so boring. Just leave it as the title say it, Alien versus Predator. And no "human/predator" vs Alien. OMG i was suprised by the AvP movie. Never thought it was a human based movie, at least not what i got from the trailer.
Just a clean AvP would please me. Anyhow the movie ended in predators space jet, just take it from there or it will roth in hell.

Posted by: sup3rbuck at May 5, 2005 06:23 AM

True that, Richard. But in all honesty can we really expect anything to compare to the original "Alien"? Its a classic and the mother of all "alien, killing off the crew, one by one" genres. Even "Aliens" might come close but anything after that was garbage...

Besides, we see this trend everywhere... If you get lucky and make one good film everyone will copy the idea. And if you make part 2, you're more than likely to mess it up and it won't live up to the hype of the first.

Posted by: Jeff at May 5, 2005 10:44 AM

Mmmm...I'm not sure Jeff...can we? I would like to think we can, but it'll take a lot of pushing the Studio to move away from a standard action flick formula.

Yeah, the ritualistic abuse of the franchise is really strong in the Wood, but they do get it right now and again. Spidey? Batman is coming back on track too.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 5, 2005 05:48 PM

Ah yes, the few exceptions. I'll give you Spidey - two was definitely as good if not better than the first. Of course, with Batman, I'm still waiting for "Dark Knight" and a good old fashioned R-Rating - but that's just me. We'll see if Christian can manage to deliver the goods this time around. It can't be worse than George Clooney right?

Posted by: Jeff at May 5, 2005 05:57 PM

It might not be bad if they would stop trying to make political statements. Drop the big bad black female lead and get some macho guys in there to kick some alien ass. She was annoying and over compensating. There are lots of guys that can do this role better and make it more entertaining.

Posted by: Nick at May 6, 2005 01:35 PM

Anyone who says this movie was even a little good should have their eyes burned out.

Posted by: spawningcarnage at May 6, 2005 06:50 PM

I think one of the aspects that really drew away from the film was the modern day setting. It just doesn't make any sense. The lure of the Alien in Alien was that no one had ever seen it in over 300 worlds. I say AvP II should do what AvP didn't, bring in the space marines, a longer run time, more honest and not so many cardboard characters. Throw in some cool action story line, and you have a winner of a film.

The problems that directors don't seem to get is that the time line that Aliens and Alien 3 were in was a great place to set many many movies, but not so comicy as Alien Ressurection. AvP wasn't good as an Alien or Predator film, but maybe AvP II can be?

Posted by: Dan at May 7, 2005 02:12 AM

I thought AVP was ok.. But killing 2 predators
in the first meeting between the Aliens and Predators wasn't good. They should have several
predators against several aliens at the same time.. and those kill the predators so quickly...

Posted by: Alex at May 7, 2005 05:39 AM

IMO, what they should have done with AvP is just adapt Steve Parry's book, 'Prey' to a movie script as faithfully as possible. couldn't have gone wrong. it's got spookiness of the alien movies, and the all out mayhem/action of a predator movie. and the female character wasn't so overdone in the book. think, 'japanese Ellen Ripley'.

an AVP movie should be much more hard-edged than this one was. and it should be set in the alien 'universe'/timeline, with the conspiracies and chigusa corporation, etc.

Sounds like AVP2 will be more of the same mindless action fluff.

Posted by: Jay at May 11, 2005 11:25 AM

Bring back Dutch or Space Marines.

Posted by: El_Alacran at May 11, 2005 11:32 PM

if you see at the end of the movie the alien how come out of the body of the predator is an mutants or a new kind of alien so the story can start on the space shipe and whit the time all the predator are kill by the new femal mutant and replace by the new race of alien and the story continue on the planet of the predatorand at the end the predator whene the realise it's over they blow the planet

Posted by: Corix at May 12, 2005 01:25 AM

a few things.......
1st of all i dont think the film was bad,but far from perfect,you bet.
1st of all,the director of this film Paul Anderson,claims to b a huge fan of the alien and predator movies,if that were so he should of known gestation of an alien in its host is just a wee bit longer than 5 mins.
the predators heat vision was not done right,as many of u would agree,and also the face of the preds have also changed,bring back the old i say......
they should know that the predators r honour hunters (not killing anything that isnt a threat)
and watchers,drawn by heat and conflict,i hope they dont stray from this and make the preds just mindless-kill-anything-that-moves-alien.
what Paul Anderson has gave us is another Resident Evil film with different characters.....think about it

Posted by: jason at May 17, 2005 01:17 AM

kuud film

Posted by: elari at May 17, 2005 09:36 AM

In the time between aliens and alien3 there were battles between the aliens and marines (Hicks, Ripley , and Newt). i believe that they should make a movie about all the stuff in between aliens and alien3 it's not like the aliens just went away. if they do this they should base it off of the comics that came out, it continued the storyline where aliens left off and would make a great movie. I am a huge fan of the alien and predator stories and believe that if they make another aliens movie it should not end up with the queen getting sucked into space or falling to the bottom of the ocean (aliens,AVP) it gets kind of repatative don't ya think. Either let her win or just kill her off. As for AVP2 have more predators ,marines, and aliens all fighting at once. True it will have to get a higher rating but it will make the movie more intersting and hopefully make it a little longer.

Posted by: Tim at May 17, 2005 02:33 PM

I think that it is great that there is going to be a Alien vs. Predator2 now if they would make a Hulk 2, now that would be COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Brandi at May 20, 2005 12:14 AM

The problem is this, people don't understand Aliens vs. Predator is and has been a comic book. The first series was only 4 issues long and it was good. If only these weak ass film directors and writers would of read the comic. The comic didn't take place on earth, it took place another planet. The people on the planet were miners, think Pitch Black. The humans had a whole little community there and then people started getting killed, ripped up, and ate up.

The whole planet had been a test ground for Predator training. The Predators drop off six warriors to take the queen Alien. There is a huge fight scene with each Predator kicking Alien ass. But as the issues progress all of the Predators are killed off but one and all the humans are killed off but one. The girl in comic, just like in the movie helps the last Predator killed the queen. The girl is given the warrior mark, the Predator dies because of the battle with the queen.

If the movie would of followed the comic book scene for scene and line for line, the movie would of been a success. This comic was made in 1991. Hell, all director has to do is go to Darkhorse Comics and read an issue, there are hundreds of them by now.

Posted by: Sugommatron at May 20, 2005 11:54 AM


Posted by: hugo l. montalvo coffie at May 21, 2005 04:16 PM

The game was awesome, AvP was dissapointing, but I geuss I had pretty high expectacnys of it. I'm a pretty hardcore fan, I knew about the movie a couple years before it came out. The only thing that made me mad though was that for someone who was in Aliens couldn't make it a little more like Aliens? Alien 1 and 2 (Aliens) and Predator 1 owned me so badly, why can't they make it more like that?

Posted by: Cotter at May 26, 2005 05:34 PM

If they want to really tap into the deadly horror of the original films, they should have H.R. Giger design like half-a-dozen new creatures or alien forms to pervert the Earthen landscape. Show some Aliens born of Predators, too. Maybe it has pseudo-intelligence beyond that of the queen in Aliens. One thing is for sure, though. FOX has left the artistic for the guaranteed money-formula of late, and as we've all seen recently in Hollywood, that's a big gamble.

Posted by: CircuitFreak at July 15, 2005 07:45 PM

Hey Alex,

I doubt your still there but the aliens are soposed to kill the preditors. I did root for the aliens but just look at the preditors, without there blades that come out of there arms and sholder lasors there practicly defensless.

And dose anyone know what runner aliens are?

Oh and those pred-aliens were totaly stupid, just leave them how they are!!!!!!

I supose AVP was ok but thats only because of the effects. Can we finaly have a guy live through this? And it should have been baised in the future.

Oh and finaly did anyone notice thay the alien queen was bigger in AVP than in Aliens? But the queens probably keep growing throughout there lifespan like with some insects, so I guess thay would make that queen older?

Posted by: Agent george at July 19, 2005 03:54 PM

hey George,

The predators are supposed to hunt the aliens and the predators are supposed to win.the only reason why the lose is b/c the aliens cant win unless they have large groups or if the preds are rookies. Im rooting for this movie and they need to bring a small army of Predators this time and not die the first couple of minutes and the movie will be tight.

Posted by: deshaun newton at July 24, 2005 07:20 PM


Posted by: Agent george at July 25, 2005 11:03 PM

I for one am so pleased and excited for another Alien vs Predator. Yeah, so the first movie didn't do well by critics of the movie but Paul Anderson had an extremely tough hill to climb to please everyone, it perhaps was more that it easn't executed as well as we wanted it to ( to even try and live up too the strengths of both Ridley Scott and James Cameron is too high profile). The next movie I have no doubt will air out alot of mistakes and will be even better.

Things I RECKON should be in the next movie:

. If it is to be on earth than it needs to be far, FAR more grittier and dark ( almost apolocolytic e.g dingy locations )

. this ones important, IT NEEDS TO BE SET IN THE FUTURE.

. MORE Predator and Alien action.

. A director that can execute horror as well as action.

. try introducing the style of fight from the Predator ( being a skilled fighter to see what their art of fighting is like)

Am just glad that its being made and am sure the sequel will surprise everyone that constantly keeps doubting it to being ' a bad idea '

Posted by: J at August 2, 2005 01:30 PM

Ok...the movies premise was not all that bad and, with a lot more work it could have been an absolute hit...however this is Hollywood we are talking about and all they want it a quick buck so they are not concentrating on plot and character. The movies will never be good unless they have an R rating...and the movie shouldnt even be allowed to be made unless it is. The whole point of the Alien and the Predator was to scare the snot out of you...the first 3 alien movies were awesome...Alien set the stage, Aliens was just the best movie made, and Alien 3 had an outstanding plot and very good character adaptation. The first Predator was outstanding. Together this franchise was set...with the comic books...however, we forget that the two directors who did the absolute best have not been on a single project since their own...Ridley Scott and James Cameron...they are the masters. The movie franchise of either alien will never be revived without those two directors. We can basically forget that the movies will ever again be a success.

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 2, 2005 02:31 PM

I hear you Mecho, and your right, its all about setting the tone of the movie and terror is that way. Maybe the majority of fans have known what to expect from alien movies so that element of surprise will be wasted ( MAYBE ). Everyone keeps dogging on Paul Anderson on what he made of the movie and I do believe the critics do go too much over board on some films. I do believe he did go into this with the belief that he was going to create something for the fans

You are definitaely right about the R rating, most def.




Posted by: J at August 2, 2005 02:45 PM

I just watched AVP and I thought it was brilliant and thought the idea of AVP 2 is awesome too! Why wouldn't people like it as AVP left on a cliffhanger with the half Alien, half Predator thing coming out of Predator's stomach! That was sweet, but anyway, what would they use it as? I think that having this new species fighting all human race would be an awesome idea and I really believe they need a lot more violence in AVP 2 than in AVP.

Posted by: God4areason at August 8, 2005 10:57 AM

i think it is cool you must be sad

Posted by: darthmitch1 at August 29, 2005 10:01 AM

Like J said it needs to be set in the future, like in the avp games.....I would prefer to see the future marines battling both aliens and predator on some far off space colony or planet (something far away anyway)...hopefully not Earth cause if it is set in earth, it would just be another movie about saving the fate of the world....absolute bollox.

And none of this human and predator joining teams like batman and robin runnin through steam.....(that image is still stuck in my head from the avp movie *shudders*)

Still would be looking forward to seeing avp2 though :D

Posted by: Hybrid at September 5, 2005 11:55 AM

to those who did not like the first and will probly be bias against the second movie.To all those who have doubts, have faith. If they make it with plenty of gore and a more complex plot with plenty more emphasis on predator culture eg. clans, trails individual and clan alike, anicents. make the movie at least 2 hours long.

Also have it so the audience gains a respect towards predators and maybe have a predator anceint die to leave the race in a guidless situation. plenty of horror from the aliens is essential.

Posted by: chicken hawk at September 28, 2005 12:21 PM

AVP rocked, i was sick and tired waiting for Fox to revive either the Alien or Predator franchise. AVP has been a very old idea which has been put on hold and then revived after Alien Resurection ( which in my opinion was the worst piece of sheit of a movie)

I happy thet AVP2 is going ahead, at least we wont have to wait another 20 years before Weaver gets of her ass and approved a good script for another movie.

Stop the Bitching and enjoy

Posted by: some guy at October 4, 2005 02:19 AM

The reason the movie sucked is because they used a plot line that had already been used in the franchise...the single heroine saving the day and being the only survivor...come on people...we already saw that in the Alien franchise. And you are telline me that 2 Predators getting theirs asses whooped right off the bat was good??? P. A. took the story and changed it to what he thought should be portrayed...and it ruined the movie. The plot was there somewhat but here were the main spoilers for me...The movie wasnt set in the future like it should have been, but the pyramid story was good. The lead female actress was totally unconvincing. The gestation period for the Aliens was entirely too fast and yes that does matter if you are a fan. And last but not least...the Predators looked like happy halloween costumes. Nothing in this movie was frightning or horrific which is the whole basis of both franchises. It was not gory like the other movies with the exception of the fatal bomb that was Alien Res. The fight sequence at the end with the Queen and the Predator was totally awesome...I will admit that...but that was the only cool part of the movie. If they go back to the roots of what the Alien and Predator franchises were meant to be then it will be revived.

Posted by: MechoPower at October 4, 2005 08:05 AM

I hope there are no humans involved in this movie though

Its a AVP not Aliens vs Predator vs Humans ...

It should be a 2.5 hour movie with no spoken english whatsoever

Posted by: that dude at October 18, 2005 02:54 AM